it factum GmbH

Software development and IT consulting

«Release processes can be adapted exactly to our processes, list settings are made very quickly for us.»

Clemens Schäfer, Managing DirectorManaging Director it factum GmbH


Field of activity: Software development and IT consulting
Location: Munich and Leipzig


  • Lean project start, short-term go-live with service entry
  • Display of the “customer file,” tracking of sales opportunities and preparation of quotations in one system
  • Working from different locations on MS Windows and MacOS


  • Vertec can be adapted independently, very good documentation available
  • The Web App can also be used from Macs
  • Centralized customer records and service entry from two locations
  • Future-proof thanks to release capability and high flexibility of the industry solution

Vertec Services & CRM incl. all apps,
Budget & Phases

20-50 Vertec User

it factum after two days “live” with Vertec

it factum provides IT consulting and designs and implements tailor-made software solutions. The company specializes in intelligent solutions for innovative problems that enable it factum’s customers to become faster services, more cost-efficient, more qualitative, more diverse or more innovative in the provision of services.

it factum sees itself as a partner with strong analytical capabilities and thus achieves a deep understanding of the requirements. From this, the specialists design tailor-made solutions and implement them into software applications that can be operated and maintained in a stable manner over the long term.

«First of all, we wanted to stay as close to the standard as possible and focus on the essential processes in order to be “live” quickly.»

Clemens schäfer, managing director it factum gmbh

“Less software. More clever.” It factum’s claim sums up the company’s Vertec implementation in a nutshell. The specialists from Munich and Leipzig quickly realized the wide-ranging possibilities offered by Vertec’s flexible architecture. “Initially, we wanted to stay as close as possible to the standard and focus on the essential processes in order to be “live” quickly,” emphasizes Clemens Schäfer, Managing Director at it factum. Individual adjustments in the mapping of the customer file and the sales opportunities, as well as the preparation of quotations, can then be put into operation at short notice with little hour. Topic such as the mapping of software license sales or an automated maintenance billing can then be added successively and adapted exactly to your own needs.

«Vertec’s extensive knowledge base offers all the options to customize vertec independently, with guaranteed update capability.»

Oliver hennig, site manager in leipzig

In order to successfully implement a fast and efficient software implementation, it factum took a clever approach: the implementation project was limited to one day of intensive on-location training and one day of joint parameterization with a Vertec project manager. In this way, the experts on the customer side were able to quickly understand how Vertec works and how it can be customized. “Vertec’s extensive knowledge base offers all the options to adapt Vertec independently, with guaranteed update capability,” says Oliver Hennig, site manager in Leipzig.

The flexibility of the Vertec architecture was already evident during the set-up with a project leader. Standard functionalities such as address and project management, service entry and invoicing can be used shortly after installation. Customer-specific wishes and enhancements can be implemented step by step, many of them in a matter of minutes. “Approval processes can be precisely adapted to our processes, list settings are made very quickly for us,” says Clemens Schäfer. The .NET developers at it factum find it easy to adapt Vertec’s user interface to the specific needs of it factum with the help of XAML.

As a result, Vertec can support it factum on its further course of success and meet many future requirements. The Cloud App also makes it possible to work regardless of location, with the Web App also from MacOS workstations, which is also an important requirement for it factum.

With Vertec, it factum has developed a tailor-made and maintainable solution for itself – a claim that it factum also knows from its own customers.

Success Story Logo
Clemens Schäfer
Clemens Schäfer
Managing Director
it factum GmbH

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