If you use Vertec as part of your cloud subscription, the latest version will automatically be uploaded to you on a regular basis. If you would like to be notified in advance, you can register for it on our Status Page by clicking on “Subscribe to Updates” at the top.
If you operate Vertec on-premises, you can get the setup of the latest Vertec version 6.6 with the following download link:
From one major version to the next, various intermediate versions appear, which implement features and fix bugs in a timely manner.
The setup in the download above always includes the latest Vertec version available.
Bug fixes
MLTextBox takes into account limited write rights: Certain texts as multi-language strings could also be written to the object without write permission. This has been fixed in this version.
Messagebox for errors on the interface (GuiException) displays a comprehensible error message: Certain error messages (usually called GuiExceptions) are shown as a simple message box. We have now made sure that not only the message itself is shown, but also a more precise indication of where the error occurs, translated to the current interface language.
Adjustments EPC QR code: The invoice number is entered as the purpose of use, the maximum length of the IBAN number has been increased to 34 symbols and the calculation of the RF reference number has been adjusted. All information about this is described in the article Setting up Setting up qr invoice in vertec.
Adjustments to financial reports:
The old Swiss payment slips (ESR) and the corresponding declarations in the code have been removed from the accounting reports.
Reports customized by customers are not affected by this change. For all invoice reports, see Reports for invoice.
Removed selection type “Extension”: The selection type Extension was removed with this version. Existing custom fields and system settings with this type receive the selection type Kein.
Bug fixes
Button for scanning the QR code in the Android Phone app reinstated: The button has been temporarily removed and is now available again. See also: Up to Up-To-Date Support Cases.
Fixed a problem with displaying the header of dynamic columns: When scrolling horizontally, the header of dynamic columns was moved incorrectly. This issue has been fixed in this version.
SSH connection between cloud server and webaccess: Adjustment of SSH port forwarding to avoid connection problems.
New command line parameters for the Outlook Installer: From this version, the Outlook Installer can be run with the following command line parameters:
/silent For more information, see the Outlook Installer section in the Command Line Parameters article.
Save all attachments of an email activity as a ZIP file: The dialog to save or download attachments gets the additional button with this version Alle speichern(desktop and cloud app) or Alle herunterladen(Web App), which downloads and saves all attachments as a ZIP file. For more information, see the article Outlook app: how to use and use.
New cloud server endpoints GET '/authsettings’ and POST '/authcheck’: The cloud server now provides the ability to use endpoints to verify that the user’s username/password is known and correct in Vertec. Details are described in the article Cloud Server Endpoints.
Standard Notif interval shortened: Starting with this version, the Standard Notif Interval is shortened from 30,000 to 10,000 – not only for new installations, but also for existing installations where the value is set to 30,000.
Checkbox Net on advances removed: The checkbox Vorschussabzug aufgrund von Nettobetrag berechnen on the More Info page has been removed, as the special behavior of net advances can lead to incorrect VAT amounts when deducting the advance if the invoice includes different VAT rates or the VAT rate of the invoice and the advance does not match. For more information on this and how to re-display the checkbox if necessary, see here article on advances.
Bug fixes
Fixed a problem when running Office reports with MS SQL database: When running Office reports, the error message could be displayed Unable to resolve root table occur due to spaces mistakenly interpreted as code. The issue was introduced with version and only occurred with Office reports where no report-specific Python code existed.
Fixed an issue when running Office reports with MS SQL database: When running Office reports, the error message Unable to resolve root table could occur due to spaces being mistakenly interpreted as code. This issue was introduced with version and only occurred on Office reports that did not have report-specific Python code. See also: Up-to- Up-To-Date Support Cases.
Writeable fields on activities in the web app: The fields Basis-Pfad and Speicherpfad Dokumente were writable in the web app, even if the Property isfixedpath was set to False. The behavior occurred due to an issue in combination with the readonly Handling on.
Cloud Installer reinstalls add-ins: With version the [Setup] section in the Vertec.ini file was removed, which caused the Cloud Installer to stop installing selected COM add-ins via “Advanced Components (Addins).” The logic was adjusted with this version so that the add-ins are reinstalled.
Fixed a problem when disabling the Portal Page: The settings Portal Page = False in the Vertec.ini file could cause the cloud app to not work. This has been fixed with this version.
Fixed problem with accessing the photo gallery on Android 13 in the Phone app: Fixed the problem with accessing the photo gallery when uploading expense images on Android 13 or later. The new version of the Phone app is already available for download on Google Play.
Support for subject and comment in Office reports: The fields regarding subject and comment can now also be output in Office Reports. This was previously only possible in Legacy Office reports. New fields on the Context Objectsubject and comment These contain the values from the Dialogue Report. If no dialog is shown, the comment empty and subject contains the default value according to the report definition. The two values are also present in the OCL Evaluator in the report code (context.evalocl) as subject and comment OCL variables available.
Improved Subscription support for link types: After changing link type expressions, the list of the corresponding container is updated without having to reopen it.
Removed “Link to Word reports using document and notes” system setting: This system setting has been deprecated for a long time and is now removed with this version.
Bug fixes
Sorting in the phase list: After creating a new phase, it was not moved in the list if it wanted to be moved upwards via the sort button. Only after reloading the list did the sorting work correctly. The problem has been fixed with this version.
Fixed a bug in the OCL expression editor:
OCL variables are detected again: Vertec version introduced the bug that when creating expressions with OCL variables (e.g. varLogin or varContext) were not recognized by the editor. The problem has been fixed with this version.
Different display of links and members: With Vertec version the error was introduced that both links and members were shown in green in the list of available fields. This has been fixed again with this version.
OCL variables are detected again: Vertec version introduced the bug that when creating expressions with Ocl variables (e.g. varLogin or varContext) were not recognized by the editor. The problem has been fixed with this version.
Different display of links and members: With Vertec version the error was introduced that both links and members were shown in green in the List of available fields. This has been fixed again with this version.
Fixed translation errors: When uploading report templates, the incorrect designation in the selection dialog has been corrected.
Native term “Scheduled Tasks” removed: For the Entry Id of the folder Scheduled Tasks (FolderScheduledTasks), both the designation “Scheduled tasks” and “Scheduled Tasks” were stored as native terms. The native with a capital T has been removed. Note: If the Native was manually adjusted or Translationitems were created, this will be overwritten and must be reconfigured.
Translations corrected: With this version various translations were corrected or native ones were upgraded.
Container display is no longer reset: With Vertec Version it has been changed that the link container Kunde via navigation button and is no longer accessible as a subfolder. If the Display of the container was manually activated again (link type) Projekt als Kunde - Kunde), the setting was reset every time the version was changed. The behavior is fixed with the current version.
Resource planning: varContext remains consistent even in tables of single objects: For tables of single objects, the varContext Object when another object was opened in a new tab.
OCL editor OCL code completion support for arguments from OCL operators: The OCL editor in the cloud app and the desktop app now provides enhanced support for arguments. The arguments also now show the available attributes:
New contact type for activities: From this version, the new Contact Type Web Meeting is available:
Shared mailboxes in the web edition of the Outlook app: Non-personal, shared mailboxes can be used in the Web Edition edition of the Outlook app from this version onward in addition to the Windows edition.
Performance improvement Resource planning: When loading resource tables, a performance improvement could be achieved through an SQL optimization when loading resource links.
Abacus Web accounts payable extension:
Better support for non-QR IBANs: The posting of non-QR invoices now works even if there is no payment method available in Abacus. In this case, a payment method is automatically created for the IBAN account when posting.
Posting with receipt document: If the Abacus Web Accounts Payable Extension is installed, there is a new system setting > Accounting > Beleg-Dokument bei Kreditor Buchungen mitliefern. If this is set to Yes, the supporting document, if any, will be transmitted to Abacus when a creditor is posted.
Abacus Web receivables interface: From this version onward, the fields will be deleted in the event of a cancellation stornodatum, stornobelegnr and storniert set. After the cancellation, it is not possible to post the invoice again.
Abacus Web / AbaConnect XML Extensions: Streets and mailboxes detected in all address rows: Up to now, the handling (detection) of streets and mailboxes in addresses for Abacus was only applied to the first two rows of the default address field. Starting with this version, all rows of the default address field are considered.
Removed checkbox for direct printing in the Reports dialog: The option Anschliessend ausdrucken when running reports was implemented only for Office-generated Legacy Word reports and has now been expanded. The parameter doPrint in the corresponding Python methods is no longer taken into account.
New default values in the Vertec.ini file: A newly created Vertec.ini file in the Section cloudserver from this version contains by default the entries BI API=True and Portal Page=True.
Bug fixes
MLStrings work via Notif: Texts that are entered as Multi-language strings (mlstrings) (e.g. titles in lists) are now transmitted via Notif. Thus, Vertec does not have to be restarted for text changes.
Adjusted permission check of OCL operators: The permission check when used with certain OCL operators has been changed, so that for example, constraints work correctly again, even if the logged-in user does not have access to members used in the expression.
Fixed HEX code of clLightYellow: The HEX code of clLightYellow was incorrect and has been corrected with this version.
New Task Scheduling System: Scheduled tasks are no longer executed via the Vertec.Taskrunner.exe utility, which has been removed. Instead, the Task Scheduler requests a new session. Once the task is completed, the session process will be terminated. In addition, it is now possible to use all types of folders in Scheduled Tasks.
Support for dbmTim.DateAndTimeRenderer in Excel export: From this version onward, columns of a list containing date and time (renderer dbmTim.DateAndTimeRenderer) are also displayed as date and time in an exported Excel file.
Optimization of the display of large emails: The display of large emails on activities in Vertec is faster, the corresponding memory requirement has been reduced.
New order of link containers of projects and project phases: The order of link containers (subfolders) of projects and project phases has been changed with this version for new installations. Here is the example for projects:
The following adjustments have also been made:
Project phases: Project and parent phase now as navigation button, no longer as subfolder
On phases the link container was Projekt removed. There is a Navigation Button on the phase in the project field.
The link container Oberphase was also removed. Subphases obtained on the first page instead of the field Projekt - Beschreibung a field with a navigation button to the parent phase (see article Project Phases).
Projects: Customer only via navigation button, no longer as subfolder.
The link container Kunde for projects has also been removed. The customer can be reached via the navigation button in the customer field.
For existing customers, the link container is also hidden. If desired, it can be displayed again manually.
App portal can be deactivated for cloud clients (on-premises): The display of the app portal can in some cases (customer-specific) propagate the use of clients that are not active or should not be used for other reasons (e.g. the Outlook app). Therefore, from this version there is the new setting Portal Page in the Vertec.ini file in the [CloudServer] section, which can be used to disable the display of the app portal. For more information about the new setting, see the article The Vertec.ini – File.
Changing the login name of the administrator blocked: Starting with this version, the login name of the user Administrator can no longer be changed (not even by the administrator himself).
Discontinued classes removed: The CalendarContainer and InFolderLinkContainer classes and the associated link types 'Editor-Calendar’ and 'Project-Calendar’ have been deleted.
Action buttons in lists keyboard-capable: Action buttons (buttons that are inserted via Custom Renderer) in the list can now also be operated in the cloud app and in the web app as follows: If the focus is on the cell, the button click can be triggered using the space bar, whereas an Enter opens the row object in the single window as usual.
No more client components for Vertec on-premises server setup: No more addins are installed during Vertec server installation. Only the desktop app client setup brings the addins to the selection and installs them, as well as the cloud installer (as before).
Removed deprecated translations from Vertec.mld: This version removed deprecated terms and translations from the translation file Vertec.mld removed. For example, customers who have “accidentally” used such a term, e.g. in an Office report, may no longer have these terms translated. The customer has to create translation items for these terms.
Bug fixes
Assignments can no longer be separated: The assignments of expense types, users, expense types and services on a project type can only be deleted from this version and can no longer be separated. Neither the project type nor the assigned entries are deleted, only the assignment object itself, which only makes sense by the presence of both sides.
Assigning person to contact applies gender: If a person is assigned to a contact, its gender is automatically applied from this version onward. The field Geschlecht is also synchronized on both sides: If you change the gender of the person, the change is also applied to the contact and vice versa. If you want to check existing assignments for gender match, this can be done as follows:
Create a SQL folder with class Contact and select Abfrage definieren....
In the field SQL enter the following query: (aktiv = 1) and person in (SELECT bold_id FROM ADRESSEINTRAG WHERE (bold_type = 88) and (aktiv = 1)) and bold_id in (SELECT bold_id FROM ADRESSEINTRAG k WHERE k.GENDER NOT IN (SELECT p.GENDER FROM ADRESSEINTRAG p where p.bold_id = k.PERSON))
This will provide you with a list of all active contacts assigned to active persons of different gender, and you can clean them up.
With Vertec 6.4, we introduced that modified Python script modules will automatically reload when they are imported into other modules. With the current version we have extended this to the extent that they will also reload when propagated via Notif.
Legacy Office Report Dunning is no longer served: The Legacy Office Report Dunning is no longer served as standard. In addition, it will be removed from existing installations on the first start after the update if it is inactive. The corresponding functionality including the report is covered by the Dunning plug-in.
Representation of attributes before associations in the OCL editor: The display of the available members in the Ocl expression editor has been changed: Now the attributes appear first and only then the associations, because in most cases you need an attribute.
Parametrizability of Resource Planning Comboboxes has been added: The special comboboxes introduced in the new resource planning (ResourceWorkerComboBox, ResourceProjectComboBox, ResourceProjectPhaseComboBox), are now fully parameterizable:
ComboBoxes that are created via the XML control in list builders receive the OclEvaluator of the list and thus access the varContext variable.
The ResourceWorkerComboBox now also has access to varContext.
The ColumnDefinitions of the Resourceprojectphasecombobox now have a name attribute and can therefore be overwritten: Project and Code.
Bug fixes
Enlarged requestfilefromclient() dialog in the web app: The requestfilefromclient() dialog was displayed in the web app a little too much so that not all the displayed text was visible. This has been fixed in the current version.
Fixed English date format in the date picker in the web app: If the browser language is set to English, the date formats appear as mm/dd/yyyy as desired, but in the date picker a format mmm, d yyyy had to be entered in order to save it correctly. This issue has been fixed.
Incorrect heading in the Add types of services dialog on the rate table: When adding types of services to the rate table, the heading incorrectly referred to “project phases” instead of “services”. The functionality was not affected by this. We have now corrected the heading.
getmailattachments() handles attachments with commas in the name correctly: The problem that attachment names with commas were not resolved correctly has been fixed.
Cloud App can also be installed on devices with “unknown” Windows language: The CloudInstaller returned an error message if Windows had an unknown language (i.e. not German, French, Italian or English) installed. New is taken as fallback in such cases.
Writable cells in lists: In some cases it was possible that list cells were not writable. These were lists with controls (comboboxes or date pickers etc.). If there were also entries in the list that are not writable, e.g. already billed services on the same day, entries that fall into a blocking period etc., then the cells that should actually be writable were also read-only. This problem has been fixed in the current version. See also: Up-to- Up-To-Date Support Cases.
New Python method getcurrentobject() on the vtcapp module : The new method vtcapp.getcurrentobject() returns the object selected in the tree. For more information, see Vertec Python Features.
Changed write access to responsible persons for activities: Previously, general write access applied to the member zustaendig on activities in order to be able to “pass on” activities. Starting with this version, this is implemented as follows: Users who are responsible or collectors of an activity can also use the member on it zustaendig Users, on the other hand, who have nothing to do with the activity and do not otherwise have special rights (project leader of the project assigned to the activity, project administrator) no longer have write rights to Aktivitaet.zustaendig.
API Token group is customizable: The group Api token on the More Info page can be customized from this version onward: All attributes now contain names with which they can be hidden or relocated. Here is an excerpt from the corresponding implementation:
Fixed error message when upgrading DB: emails containing many attachments with long names (over 4000 symbols in total) caused an error message when upgrading string right truncation. This has been corrected by limiting the total number of symbols to 4000 or by limiting the number of symbols per annex to 255.
Fixed error message when running DefaultData: With version 6.6, the root folder Einstellungen created a new folder structure. If the Allow Allow suborder setting was disabled, it caused an error when executing Defaultdata. The problem has been fixed in this version.
Fixed an error message when running Legacy Office reports: Due to a bug in a third-party component, there could be error messages when running Legacy Office reports with graphics in the header. The bug was fixed by the third-party component manufacturer, so running the reports again works correctly from this version.
OCL expression on Key-Value returns empty string on null values: When querying key values via OCL operators, null values resulted in an access violation. Starting with this version, an empty string is returned.
Adjustments to the reportMonatsübersicht mit Sollzeiten: Compensation hours have been added to services and absences, resulting in too high a total. The report has been adjusted with this version:
Vacation absences are listed directly after the projects (without heading).
The total is now calculated only from services and holiday absences.
After the total, the absences of the types Frei and Krank listed.
The row Total incl. absences only appears if there are absences.
The row Kompensation is after the total incl. absences.
There is a new heading Overtime balance, which includes the target and overtime.
Report definition in the context of the report code: The context object in the report code has a reportdef Property that contains the report object. For more information, see Python code for office reports.
New menu in the Report Templates folder: In the settings in the Report Templates folder, both Office Reports and Legacy Office Reports have been selected. Starting with this version, only Office reports registered can be registered in the New menu.
Query folders can now also use SQL folders as a source: Query folders are refreshed when the contents of an underlying SQL folder change. For more information about the query folders, see Query Folder.
Bug fixes
Resource planning error message: When using the method getSollzeitGroupVorgabe() on a user the following error message appeared: vtcbold.OclError: 0:Projektbearbeiter does not conform to PlanningWorker. The issue has been fixed with this version. See also Up-To-Date Support Cases.
License change in the desktop app: If the license was changed in the desktop app, the session was not completed, but the login dialog was shown. This has been fixed with this version, which automatically completes the desktop app and updates the new license scope.
Timer started despite deactivated system settings: In the web app, the timer could be started with CTRL+Space even if the system settings were deactivated. This has been fixed with this version.
Incorrect title in message boxes: Certain message boxes contained the title when creating Office reports Legacy Office-Bericht. The title has been changed with this version to Bericht.
New Python method for the module vtcapp: The new method getobjectbyentryid() fetches the object with the specified class and entry ID. For more information about the new method, see Vertec Python features.
Unified error messages in resource planning: In the absence of read permission on resourcelinks Starting with this version, the message “No read rights to the resource planning data” is shown in all lists and graphs of the resource planning. For more information about the permissions in the resource planning, see the resource planning article.
Bug fixes
Custom renderer for checkbox on pages: checkboxes with value_type boolean worked on lists, but not on pages. The bug was fixed with this version.
Fixed bug in sendmail() method: When specifying multiple recipients, an error was thrown if there was a space between the recipient addresses and the comma. From this version, sendmail() also works with spaces and is processed correctly.
Fixed a bug in the Work Started report: In the Work Started report, the downpayment was incorrectly added to the total value instead of the total value minus the downpayment. This bug has been fixed with this version.
Values with quotation marks in Vertec.ini – file: As of version 6.6, entries enclosed with “ could not be processed. The error has been fixed with this version. See also Up-To-Date Support Cases.
Fixed an issue when running Legacy Office reports: When running a report with output Word an “invalid” Word file was created, which could not be opened. The problem has been fixed with the current version. See also Up-To-Date Support Cases.