10-point plan for a future-proof Vertec installation

The 10-point plan described in this article identifies the most important areas to consider when maintaining a Vertec installation.

Product line




Operating mode

Cloud Suite




Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 13.04.2022
Machine translated
Updated: 29.06.2023 | Point 6 Low Code Customizing vs. Overengineering added.

Vertec is highly customizable and open to individual business processes. Customization is of great benefit if used correctly. However, a Vertec can also be “built-in”. The following 10 points list the most important areas to consider when maintaining a Vertec installation:

  Good Poorly
1 Updating Stay on old version
2 Web app / cloud app Desktop App
3 Office Reports Legacy Office reports
4 BI module Excel Reports
5 Outlook App Outlook add-in
6 Low code customization Overengineering
7 Python VB Scripts
8 Safe Vulnerable
9 Performant Too slow
10 Use additional features Many hours of effort


For an expert review of your Vertec installation, Vertec offers the Review package for future-proof vertec installations.

Point 1: Updating vs. Staying on the old version

Cloud Suite customers are not aware of the problem, they always work on the most up-to-date Vertec version. On-Premises customers, on the other hand, have to implement updates proactively. For security reasons alone, we recommend using only the last two major versions.

Updates are easier the smaller the version jumps. This fact therefore speaks for regular updates. If several major versions have to be skipped, extensive testing is mandatory and thus drives up the effort.

If a module or technology is replaced, we usually publish the new feature with a major version. The replaced feature is then expanded with the next major version.

Frequently asked questions/arguments

Please note that with the minor releases new functionality will be added again and again.

An update is not a big deal if you do it regularly. Our support will be happy to assist you with this, then it is completed quickly and associated with little risk.

In addition, you immediately benefit from the improvements, bug fixes and new features of the up-to-date Vertec version.



Point 2: Web App / Cloud App vs. Desktop App

Whenever possible, use the Web App or the Cloud App. The performance is significantly better, especially in scenarios such as the home office or other work that is performed “remotely”. Of course, there are still reasons for using the desktop app – mainly when using non-cloud-capable Interfaces, e.g. for a FiBu. In this case, ask yourself whether the use of the desktop app can not be limited to a few users.

Our Cloud Clients web app and cloud app offer additional benefits in addition to better Performance. On the one hand, they are much easier to install and on the other hand, they also offer better security.

Frequently asked questions/arguments

Depending on the FiBu:

  • Yes, there are cloud-ready extensions that also work with the cloud or web app. For an overview of which extensions are cloud-ready, see All vertec extensions at a glance.
  • No, the FiBu extension requires the desktop app.
    But: the different apps can be used in parallel, i.e. only the few workstations that use the FiBu remain on the desktop app (e.g. via terminal servers), all others use the cloud app.


Point 3: Office Reports vs. Legacy Office Reports

Office Reports are based on a report definition in the form of Python code. Office reports are generated by Vertec on the server side and the resulting documents are delivered to the apps in Word, Excel or PDF formats. Office reports are high-performance, cloud-ready and available in all full-featured apps. In addition, in contrast to the legacy Office reports, they are independent of local installations of external programs (e.g. Word, Excel).

Legacy Office Reports are no longer being developed because it is strongly recommended to work with Office reports. For more information, see The Vertec Reporting System.

Frequently asked questions/arguments

The dangers of COM reports: not fully cloud-ready, slow, vulnerable. Above all, however, there is the danger that only the data source will be exchanged with Vertec (instead of Excel, Access).

Internal evaluations use the software “better”. Rights, data and execution run centrally and can be easily managed.

Für das Austauschen von Daten kann auch die XML Schnittstelle eingesetzt werden.
Die Gefahren der COM-Reports sind jedoch: nicht voll cloudfähig, langsam, angreifbar und anfällig bei Änderungen der Excel-Mappe.

If the Legacy Office report contains Visual Basic code, it will no longer run. For security reasons, the Vertec instance is encapsulated in the cloud subscription suite and does not allow the execution of Vba code as used in Legacy Office reports.

Is the complexity still understood? And is it still understandable in two years’ time?

Is the complexity necessary or can it also be simplified and calculated using Key Measures in the BI? A high level of complexity can also be reflected in the calculation of the indicators.


Point 4: Business intelligence module vs. Excel reports

Excel Reports only run reasonably well if they are run via the desktop app in a LAN. But as described in point 2, the desktop app should only be used in very specific scenarios. In addition, Excel reports are not cloud-ready. To counter these weaknesses, we offer the Business Intelligence Module. The Bi measures are pre-calculated by Vertec and are therefore quickly usable – and cloud-ready! What’s more, the figures can also be displayed in BI tools or Excel via API. However, the figures are processed by Vertec.

Frequently asked questions/arguments

Auf die Kennzahlen im BI kann über eine API sehr einfach zugegriffen werden. Vertec stellt hier eine strukturierte Datengrundlage zur Verfügung, die zur Anzeige in ein anderes System übernommen werden kann.


Point 5: Outlook App vs. Outlook add-in

The Outlook App is fully cloud-ready. The activity history of a contact can be used directly in Outlook. Another big advantage: Even without access to a file system, emails are visible in the full-featured apps thanks to the Outlook app. Further development in the area of Outlook will focus entirely on the Outlook app.

Frequently asked questions/arguments

Yes. An event script can be used to create an ICS file, which can then be imported.


Point 6: Low Code Customizing vs. Overengineering

Principle: Simplicity over functionality

Low Code Customizing in Vertec means using the standard functionalities as much as possible and adapting them only as much as necessary by means of own folder structures, customized lists and customer-specific reports. Customized features are implemented as close to the standard as possible and with little code or one of the free Additional Features is used.

The more custom functionality is implemented with lots of Python code, the more difficult it becomes to keep that code stable over the long term. It requires regular maintenance, which is time-consuming. Every unnecessary line of code has the potential to introduce new bugs in the future. Also, new features can cause problems in old code, and more code often means less flexibility. Therefore, only implement things that are actually needed.

Less code is more understandable and leaves less room for error. Another great advantage of low code customizing is that everything is local. Even if an OCL expression in a column is invalidated by a change to the overall system, it only affects that point. Event scripts, for example, are global, which means that they can be affected by any changes.

References to: zu viel Code:

  • A lot of scripts and/or especially event scripts.
  • Frequent use of vtcapp.disableevents(), which indicates that the self-built system cannot handle everything that happens. If the events are properly programmed, disabling them is nonsensical, as it deprives the object involved of the ability to control its own conditions.
  • Long Login Event Scripts or login event scripts at all. These slow down or even prevent startup if they do not run cleanly.
  • Code in an area that could be solved just as well or even easier with other means, such as the background calculations for liquidity planning using event scripts, where instead a (completely decoupled) Bi generator or an Office Report could be used.

References to: schlechten Code:

  • No validation of whether a requested value is correct or exists at all.
  • Lack of security when accessing external resources, if they exist at all.
  • Event scripts that do not take into account that changes can come from non- not full-featured apps or without user interaction. For example, interface elements or dialogs are used without querying whether an interface is available at all.
  • Variables that are not used or initialized.
  • Forgotten subscriptions for Custom Renderers and List Controllers.
  • No comments in the code, inform future “readers” about what this code does and why.
  • Many commented-out rows in the code, with no indication of what they are used for.
Frequently asked questions/arguments

Wichtig ist, dass nur Code vorhanden ist, der auch wirklich gebraucht wird. Deshalb lohnt es sich, regelmässig die verschiedenen Verzeichnisse durchzugehen und Code, der nicht mehr in Betrieb ist, zu entfernen.

Es lohnt sich, vorgängig die Frage zu stellen, warum ein Feature wirklich gebraucht wird:

  • Brauche ich das Feature wirklich oder lässt sich das auch anders lösen?
  • Brauchen wir wirklich den gesamten Umfang oder können wir uns eine Vereinfachung vorstellen?

Dann lohnt es sich, die Zusatzfunktionen von Vertec durchzusehen: Gibt es allenfalls schon ähnliche Funktionalität, die wir verwenden können?

Auch ist das Vertec Forum eine gute Plattform, seine Idee darzulegen und mal zu sehen, wie andere Kunden oder Vertec selbst ein solches Problem gelöst haben. Gibt es vielleicht Ideen und Lösungsansätze, auf die ich noch gar nicht gekommen bin?

Der Unterschied zu "selbst gemachtem" Code besteht bei den Zusatzfunktionen darin, dass wir diese standardisieren, also möglichst mit bestehenden Vertec Funktionalitäten arbeiten, sie testen, warten und updaten. Dass da etwas mit der Zeit aus dem Ruder läuft oder Funktionalität enthalten ist, die nicht überall sauber durchläuft, ist sehr unwahrscheinlich.

Ausserdem ist die Funktionalität in den jeweiligen Artikeln beschrieben und kann auch von allen Benutzern nachgelesen und nachvollzogen werden.

Seit Version 6.6 stellt Vertec Benachrichtigungen (Notifications) zur Verfügung. Viele Erinnerungen, welche bisher über ein Login-Eventscript gelöst wurden, können nun mit den Benachrichtigungen gelöst werden.

Für andere Anwendungsfälle gibt es allenfalls auch andere Lösungsmöglichkeiten. Hier könnte sich eine Recherche oder eine Anfrage im Vertec Forum lohnen. Wie haben andere dieses Problem gelöst?

Sollten Sie zum Schluss kommen, dass es gar nicht anders geht als via Login-Script, stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie folgende Punkte beachten:

  • Die Performanz muss gewährleistet sein. Also keine grossen Datenmengen reinladen und keine komplizierten Berechnungen durchführen, das verringert die Aufstartgeschwindigkeit und führt zu einem schlechten Usererlebnis.
  • Keine UI Elemente oder Abfragen verwenden und wenn, dann unbedingt sicherstellen, ob man überhaupt in einer full-featured App ist.
  • Input-Validierung: Sicherstellen, dass angefragte Werte wirklich bestehen und in der richtigen Form.
  • Möglichst keine Schreibzugriffe und wenn, dann sicherstellen, dass der User über die entsprechenden Berechtigungen verfügt.
  • Gutes Exception-Handling: Sicherstellen, dass der User nichts merkt, keine Fehlermeldungen bekommt und keine ungültigen Einträge im System findet, sobald Vertec gestartet ist.


Point 7: Python vs. VB script

Python as a scripting language has many advantages over Vb scripts: For example, Python has a Module Concept with which business logic can be summarized. This is not possible in VB scripts and you would have duplicate code. Python is also superior to VB script when it comes to connecting third-party systems and Unicode. Furthermore, VB script cannot be sandboxed properly. For this reason, it is not available in the Vertec Cloud Suite and all on-premises customers should also consider not allowing VB scripts if they have their Vertec on the internet.

Frequently asked questions/arguments

Im Cloud Abo sind aus Sicherheitsgründen VBScripts nicht mehr erlaubt. Auch in Python sind nicht alle Funktionen erlaubt, da es als ein Angriffsvektor auf die Instanz ausgenutzt werden kann.

We usually want to bring simplification for the customer, not unnecessary extra expenses. Counter-question: What does the up-to-date process look like and is it really uncomplicated / simpler / faster or just “accustomed”?


Point 8: Secure vs. Vulnerable

The Security of a vertec installation should be a top priority. To get closer to the topic, Claudio Pietra showed a visual comparison to a medieval fortress, Dover Castle, at the 2021 user conference.

The concept is simple. Multiple lines of defense are meant to make it harder for attackers to penetrate the most important areas. The outermost line of defense is strong passwords and 2FA. If an attacker crosses a hurdle, it is important not to give up the whole system. More hurdles need to be prepared.

Frequently asked questions/arguments

In Vertec bieten wir diverse Features, um die Sicherheit zu erhöhen, wie Passwortschutz, 2-Faktor-Authentisierung, Sicherheitszertifikate etc. Wichtig ist dabei, dass die Kunden diese Mittel auch nutzen: Sinnvolle Passwortschutz-Einstellungen sowie 2FA sollten bei allen Kunden möglichst Standard sein.

Auch lassen wir unsere Software regelmässig durch eine externe Firma auf Lücken prüfen.

Und: Vertec ist ISO 27001 zertifiziert. Was das für uns bedeutet, lesen Sie in unserem Blog-Artikel ISO 27001 – wie Vertec in Sicherheit investiert.

Das stimmt zwar - aber erstens passiert das äusserst selten und zweitens überwiegt der Nutzen der Zwei-Faktor-Authentisierung diesen Nachteil bei Weitem.


Point 9: Performant vs. Too slow

Your Vertec is too slow? Then start the search for the causes with our Performance Analysis Tool. The tool can provide initial clues and provide solutions. Often even small adjustments can have noticeable, positive effects on Performance. Our support and also your Vertec advisor will be happy to help you with further analyses and improvements.

Frequently asked questions/arguments

Formula: it takes about 250MB of RAM per running session.

In addition, the utilization during operation should be monitored and the configuration of the server adjusted.

Die Desktop App ist für die Benutzung via VPN nicht geeignet. Verwenden Sie via VPN immer die Cloud App oder die Web App.

Scheint die Benutzung der Desktop App unvermeidlich (siehe Punkt 2), sollte eruiert werden, ob das Feature nicht doch durch einen Cloud Client bereitgestellt werden kann, oder andernfalls die Desktop App via Terminal Server etc. benutzt werden.


Point 10: Using additional features vs. many hours of effort

More and more industry and country features are packaged by us as Additional Feature and offered for free download. Before you put a lot of time into customizing a new Vertec feature yourself, first take a look at the List of additional features. Good to know: Of course, the features imported by additional features are just as customizable as you know from Vertec.

Frequently asked questions/arguments

Ja, für einige Standardprozesse, die Vertec im Kern nicht beinhaltet, gibt es sogenannte Zusatzfunktionen.