How to enter expenses and travel expenses
Operating mode
Cloud Suite
Services & CRM
Budget & Phases
Resource Planning
Business Intelligence
See also: Travel expense accounting with Vertec (config set for Germany) .
Clicking on Expenses
takes you to the expense entry list. Note: In versions prior to, the folder was called open expenses and thus showed only the open expenses.
To jump quickly and easily from one column to another, the tab key is used instead of the mouse. When selecting project and expense codes, only the initial letters of the respective project or expense code are entered, so that both hands remain on the keyboard when entering services.
To enter detailed expenses, click on the expenses icon in the menu bar. The following window opens:
Via selection fields, the expenses can be assigned directly to the desired project, phase and expense type. Vertec automatically enters certain information, such as the current date, the logged in user and the unit price saved on the expense type. All you have to do is enter the desired amount.
When expenses are entered, the entry currency of the user is used as the entry currency. If the user has explicitly set a currency, it is used if it differs from the key currency. Otherwise, the project currency is automatically used for the expenses entered.
If expenses are to be entered in a different currency, the relevant currency is selected in the “Entry currency” field (rearmost selection field next to amount). Vertec then calculates the amount in the project currency from the defined exchange rate.
Usually, the internal value and the cost value are identical. The cost value differs from the internal value only if you want to calculate an overhead surcharge on the price paid for the expenses as part of cost accounting. In this case, a cost value is saved on the expense type, which is decisive for calculating the costs on the expense.
There are two kinds of price calculation: price or margin. You can switch between price and margin on the individual expense or outlay.
This calculation works according to the system: 5 units (quantity) @ 15 francs (sale price) = 75 francs. For example, the purchase price is CHF 10.00 and the sale price is CHF 15.00. The amounts are calculated on the basis of these prices.
Because the purchase value is explicitly stated, there is a problem with the calculation of the sale price if it is a gross expense and the VAT purchase is not the same as the VAT sale. In this case, the sale price is calculated on the basis of the gross purchase price, because it is a gross expense. However, it would be correct to calculate based on the net price.
The price calculation can be carried out by specifying a margin. This calculation works according to the system 50 francs (purchase price), margin 1.5 = 75 francs.
Here, you simply enter the actual purchase value. The amounts are calculated based on the margin. For example, the purchase price is CHF 50.00 and the margin is 1.5. The amounts are calculated on the basis of these prices.
The purchase value can be entered net or gross. The margin is a factor that is always applied to the net value. Therefore, a gross purchase is also possible with different VAT rates for purchase and sale.
The margin in Vertec is given as a factor. For example, if you want to apply a 5% margin on a price, use the margin 1.05.
You can predefine a margin for expense types and outlay types. If one is specified, expenses or outlays entered for these types are calculated with the margin defined in the system.
The margins can be overwritten on the assignment of expense types and outlay types to phases,. These margins then apply to expenses and outlays entered on those phases.
Expenses can be entered in Vertec with a gross amount (incl. VAT). The gross checkbox indicates whether the amount entered in the “Quantity/Amount” field is interpreted as gross or net.
The default value that a new expense assumes for the “gross” field can be set on the expense type (e.g. kilometers are always entered as net, whereas rail tickets are entered as gross).
When you enter quantity/amount, the different amounts for internal, external, cost and VAT values are calculated automatically using the rates and the gross checkbox.
Vertec also allows you to set the individual amounts for expenses and outlays directly. The amounts entered directly appear in green and are no longer impacted by “quantity/amount”. All other amounts are calculated, if possible, on the basis of the amounts entered directly, taking into account the rates.
The margin is preset in Vertec. If no amount has been entered in the unit price (external) field for the expense type, the system margin is automatically accepted.
Consequently, if you want to work according to the quantity and price system, you need to ensure that a unit price (external) has been specified for the expense type:
If you just want to enter the relevant amount (as in the example here), enter a 1.
This is how the reimbursement of expenses is handled:
: If this option is activated, the entered expenses are automatically identified as reimbursable to the employee. The price paid out to the employee is calculated from the internal value plus VAT purchase.Print > Expenses to reimburse by type
to print a list of the expenses to be reimbursed for each employee within a defined date range.The purchase VAT and the internal values (purchase values) can still be adjusted for expenses even after charging. The reason is that these can still change, e.g. when paying out to the employee.
If the expenses are on a posted creditor, they can no longer be changed.
A receipt is defined for each expense on the receipt page:
The receipt image is similarly available on outlays.
As of Vertec 6.4, PDF files can also be stored. A preview of the first page is shown in the field.
By right-clicking on the image again, the document can also be opened:
This functionality is available as follows: