Resource planning views

Resource planning views

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Operating mode

Cloud Suite




Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 22.11.2022
Machine translated
Updated: 22.11.2022 | First publication

Resource planning views are configured in the Settings > Resource Planning > Resource Planning Views folder.

A resource planning view has the following features:

  • It is created for a specific class and then acts for tree entries of that class
  • It can represent a table view or a utilization graph
  • In the case of table views, the Resource Planning view saves the list settings

Any number of resource planning views can be defined per class. For each applicable view, a corresponding button is shown in the header of the detail view.

 A resource planning view has the following properties:

Characteristic description
designation Name of the resource planning. This designation appears as button text on the detail view and can be defined in different interface languages if required.
Active Controls whether this resource planning view is applied.
Type of view There are four types of views available:
  • Timetable
  • Pivot table
  • Capacity graph
  • Utilization graph
These views are described in detail in the Resource Planning article.
Classes Controls which classes this resource planning view applies to. Available are:
For individual objects / Show for lists Controls whether the view is available for individual objects or lists.

Here, a display condition can be specified via OCL expression, which can be used to control whether or when this resource planning view is displayed or not.

In the OCL editor, Eintrag shown. This is the up-to-date selected object in the tree.

If the object is used in the OCL, the administrator must write the code in such a way that it works for all combinations of class / single object / list. oclIsTypeOf the specific type tested and/or with: oclAsType cast.

The result of this expression must return a Yes/No (Boolean) value.

The resource view evaluates this expression. If the expression is empty or the result is true, then the view is shown.

For example, the condition is used to hide resource planning views for projects when scheduling at the phase level.

Expression OCL expression used to calculate the entries that form the basis of the view. Evaluated on the selected object in the tree.
list controller

Specifies the List Controller used to display the table (only for table views). Specifies a Python class in the form <Modul>.<Klasse>.

Clicking on the three dots next to the field opens the corresponding module code for viewing.

An overview of the available ready-made list controllers can be found in the article Vertec Python Features in the module vtcplanning.

Icon (disambiguation)

This Icon (Disambiguation) is shown on the button (or if several buttons are grouped next to the buttons) in the detail view. The default icons are:

  • Tables: 110
  • Pivot tables: 109
  • Capacity graphics: 111
  • Utilization graphs: 112

With a group index, several buttons can be combined into a group. In the detail view, they appear next to each other with a presented icon.

Which number you dial does not play a role, buttons with the same number are simply grouped together.


Here you can control the order in which the buttons are displayed on the detail view. They are sorted in ascending order.

We recommend choosing larger sort steps (e.g. steps of 10). This will allow you to insert buttons in between.

Included resource planning views

The following resource planning views are supplied by Vertec by default:

Planning level Project

If you plan on projects, the planning level in the System Settings Resource Planning settings is Projekt is set – the following resource planning views are available:

On users

(actually: on AbstractWorker, i.e. on project editors and Planning Editors):

designation View description Active Single List
Projects Timetable Schedule a single user to projects, with projects as rows and time intervals as columns. x x  
Projects Pivot table Pivot table on a list of users, with users as columns and projects as rows. With star row. x   x
user Pivot table Pivot table on a list of users, with users as rows and projects as columns. x   x
Overview Projects Timetable Sum Table on a list of users. Displays a time table with projects as rows and time intervals as columns, with the respective sums of the users in the list. Read-only. x   x
Overview Users Timetable Sum Table on a list of users. Displays a time table with users as rows and time intervals as columns, with the respective sums of the users in the list. Read-only. x   x
Capacity Capacity graph Displays a Capacity Graph for an individual user or for the users of a list. x x x
Utilization by dimension Utilization graph This resource planning view represents the view for all defined Utilization Dimensions for users. x x x

On projects

designation View description Active Single List
user Timetable Scheduling users (project users and scheduling users) on a single project. With users as rows and time intervals as columns. x x  
user Pivot table Pivot table on a list of projects, with projects as columns and users as rows. With star row. x   x
Projects Pivot table Pivot table on a list of projects, with users as columns and projects as rows. x   x
Overview Users Timetable Sum Table on a list of projects. Displays a time table with users as rows and time intervals as columns, with the respective sums of the projects in the list. Read-only. x   x
Overview Projects Timetable Sum Table on a list of projects. Displays a time table with projects as rows and time intervals as columns, with the respective sums of the projects in the list. Read-only. x   x
Utilization by dimension Utilization graph This resource planning view represents the view for all defined project Utilization Dimensions. x x x

Planning level Phases

If you plan on project phases – the planning level in the System Settings Resource Planning on Phasen is set – the following resource planning views are available:

On users

(actually: on AbstractWorker, i.e. on project editors and Planning Editors):

designation View description Active Single List
Phases Timetable Planning of an individual user on phases. x x  
Phases Pivot table Pivot table on a list of users, with users as columns and phases as rows. x   x
user Pivot table Pivot table on a list of users, with phases as rows and users as columns. x   x
Overview Projects Timetable Sum Table on a list of users. Displays a time table with projects as rows and time intervals as columns, with the respective sums of project phases per project. Read-only. x x  
Overview Phases Timetable Sum Table on a list of users. Displays a time table with phases as rows and time intervals as columns, with the respective sums of the phases of the project. Read-only. x   x
Overview Users Timetable Sum Table on a list of users. Displays a time table with users as rows and time intervals as columns, with the respective summations of all phases. Read-only. x   x
Capacity Capacity graph Displays a Capacity Graph for an individual user or for the users of a list. x x x
Utilization by dimension Utilization graph This resource planning view represents the view for all defined Utilization Dimensions for users. x x x

On projects

designation View description Active Single List
user Pivot table Pivot table on a list of projects. Shows users as rows and columns all planable phases of all projects in the list. With star row. x   x
user Pivot table Pivot table on a single project. Shows users all planable phases of the project as rows and columns. With star row. x x  
Phases Pivot table Pivot table on a list of projects. Shows all project phases of the projects in the list as rows and the users as columns. x   x
Phases Pivot table Pivot table on a single project. Shows all project phases of the project as rows and the users as columns. x x  
Overview Users Timetable Sum Table on a single project. Shows a time table with users as rows and time intervals as columns, with their respective sums. Read-only. x x  
Overview Phases Timetable Sum Table on a single project. Displays a time table with the project phases as rows and the time intervals as columns, with the respective sums. Read-only. x x  
Overview Users Timetable Sum Table on a list of projects. Displays a time table with users as rows and time intervals as columns, with their respective sums. Read-only. x   x
Overview Projects Timetable Sum Table on a list of projects. Displays a time table with projects as rows and time intervals as columns, with their respective sums. Read-only. x   x
Overview Phases Timetable Sum Table on a list of projects. Displays a time table with the phases of the projects as rows and the time intervals as columns, with the respective sums. Read-only. x   x
Overview Users Pivot table Sum Table on a list of projects. Displays a pivot table with users as rows and projects as columns, with the respective sums of the phases. Read-only.     x
Overview Projects Pivot table Sum Table on a list of projects. Displays a pivot table with the projects as rows and the users as columns, with the respective sums of the phases. Read-only.     x
Utilization by dimension Utilization graph This resource planning view represents the view for all defined project Utilization Dimensions. x x x

On phases

designation View description Active Single List
user Timetable Scheduling of users to a single phase. x x  
user Pivot table Pivot table on a list of phases, with users as rows and phases as columns. With star row. x   x
Phases Pivot table Pivot table on a list of phases, with phases as rows and users as columns. x   x
Overview Users Timetable Sum Table on a list of phases. Displays a time table with operators as rows and time intervals as columns, with the corresponding summations of the phases in the list. Read-only. x   x
Overview Phases Timetable Sum Table on a list of phases. Displays a time table with the phases as rows and the time intervals as columns, with the corresponding summations of the phases in the list. Read-only. x   x
Utilization by dimension Utilization graph This resource planning view represents the view for all defined project Utilization Dimensions. x x x

 The included resource planning views can be turned off or activated, depending on your needs.