Change Report templates no longer on the file system

As of Vertec, the report templates are no longer on the file system, but directly in the database

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Budget & Phases


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Created: 17.09.2020
Machine translated
Updated: 25.09.2020 | Added references to VertecReport.dotm.

As of Vertec there are no more report templates on the filesystem.

  • Report templates all come either from the resources (provided by Vertec by default) or from the database (uploaded by customers). This applies to all types of reports.
  • The VertecReport.dotm document, which contains the Office Report Generator, remains on the filesystem. This is located either in the Vertec installation directory or in the Reports directory. Deleting the Reports folder and the file was only available or approved there may result in a “not found” error message. In this case, the file should be moved to the Vertec installation directory beforehand.
  • Existing customer-specific report templates are automatically imported from the file system into the database during the update.
  • The Word Reports template path system setting is no longer available. Scripts that access it need to be customized.
  • The menu item Drucken > Vorlage auswählen... has been removed.

When migrating from an earlier version to Vertec, this means:

Import of existing customer-specific report templates

The first time you start Vertec with the Vertec desktop app, the custom report templates are imported into the database using the following criteria:

  • If there are several Document Templates with the same name but different file extension: The file will be imported with the file extension that has been read so far, see .
  • If there is a template on the filesystem that has the same name as a template supplied by Vertec as standard, the filesystem template will not be taken into account. Customer-specific templates must be given their own names, otherwise we assume that it is a standard Vertec template.
  • If files are not found, are blocked from access, or cannot be accessed due to lack of user rights, they cannot be imported into the database. What to do in this case is described in the section How to do if templates have not been imported below.

Entries in the log file

  • In the log file (Desktop.log) corresponding messages are written when importing customer-specific files:
    • Ignore if file not found or blocked:
      INFO -28528 -Conv6400006 : Ignore template: WordReport "Rechnung mit Tarifsummen", file not found, path "Deutsch\Rechnung mit Tarifsummen"
    • Import, custom file is imported into DB:
      INFO -3116 -Conv6400006 : Import template: WordReport "Rechnung", template name "Rechnung.dotx", full path "C:\Program Files\Vertec\Reports\Deutsch\Rechnung.dotx", short path "Deutsch\Rechnung"
    • Update: the rare case that a report registration points to a resource file without an entry ID. Then the template name in the report template will be adjusted so that the resource can be found.
      INFO -3116 -Conv6400006 : Update template: WordReport "Brief", found resource with same name "Letter.dotx", path "English\Letter"
    • And at the end remove the system property:
      INFO -28528 -Conv6400006 : Deleted system property for template path: "C:\Program Files\Vertec\Reports\"

What to do if templates have not been imported

For example, an entry in the log file looks like this:

In the report registration, you can see this by the fact that the font is black and the path looks the same as before:

By double-clicking in the row, the template can be uploaded:

After successful upload, the registration looks like this:

For Advanced Office Reports, look like this:

or after the successful upload:

Black font – Green font

At first glance, it can be a little confusing when the font is green and when it is black. So here is a brief explanation:

  • The font is black if it is a resource – these are reports supplied by Vertec by default. So here’s all right:
  • The font is black if it is a custom template that has not been found. So here you have to take action:
  • The font is green if it is a custom template that has been found. So here everything is fine:

If a template does not exist

If a template is registered but does not exist, an error message appears during execution:

Customize scripts

Scripts that access GlobalWordTemplatePath need to be adjusted. This Vertec system setting is no longer available as of version

If you do not know which path was entered there, you can find it in the log file (see above).


This doesn’t work anymore:

templatepath = vtcapp.evalocl("Property.allInstances->select(propertyName = 'GlobalWordTemplatePath')->first.asstring")

Now the path must be specified directly:

templatepath = r"C:\Program Files\Vertec\Reports"

Methods of running reports

The different methods by which reports can be run remain unchanged:

Nothing needs to be done here.

What happens to the Reports directory

The Reports directory on the filesystem is not deleted by Vertec. However, it is no longer used.

To make sure that no one uses or loads old reports, we recommend that you copy or delete this directory (after previous backup).