As of Vertec, the report templates are no longer on the file system, but directly in the database
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As of Vertec there are no more report templates on the filesystem.
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has been removed.When migrating from an earlier version to Vertec, this means:
The first time you start Vertec with the Vertec desktop app, the custom report templates are imported into the database using the following criteria:
INFO -28528 -Conv6400006 : Ignore template: WordReport "Rechnung mit Tarifsummen", file not found, path "Deutsch\Rechnung mit Tarifsummen"
INFO -3116 -Conv6400006 : Import template: WordReport "Rechnung", template name "Rechnung.dotx", full path "C:\Program Files\Vertec\Reports\Deutsch\Rechnung.dotx", short path "Deutsch\Rechnung"
INFO -3116 -Conv6400006 : Update template: WordReport "Brief", found resource with same name "Letter.dotx", path "English\Letter"
INFO -28528 -Conv6400006 : Deleted system property for template path: "C:\Program Files\Vertec\Reports\"
For example, an entry in the log file looks like this:
In the report registration, you can see this by the fact that the font is black and the path looks the same as before:
By double-clicking in the row, the template can be uploaded:
After successful upload, the registration looks like this:
For Advanced Office Reports, look like this:
or after the successful upload:
At first glance, it can be a little confusing when the font is green and when it is black. So here is a brief explanation:
If a template is registered but does not exist, an error message appears during execution:
Scripts that access GlobalWordTemplatePath
need to be adjusted. This Vertec system setting is no longer available as of version
If you do not know which path was entered there, you can find it in the log file (see above).
This doesn’t work anymore:
templatepath = vtcapp.evalocl("Property.allInstances->select(propertyName = 'GlobalWordTemplatePath')->first.asstring")
Now the path must be specified directly:
templatepath = r"C:\Program Files\Vertec\Reports"
The different methods by which reports can be run remain unchanged:
Nothing needs to be done here.
The Reports directory on the filesystem is not deleted by Vertec. However, it is no longer used.
To make sure that no one uses or loads old reports, we recommend that you copy or delete this directory (after previous backup).