Query folder

Using Query Folders

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Cloud Suite




Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 20.06.2003
Machine translated
Updated: 22.07.2024 | Terminology corrected.

In a query folder, different folders and OCL expressions can be combined with each other. To create a query folder, right-click on the folder in which you want to create the query folder and select New > Query folder. In the Properties dialog that appears, click the button Abfragen definieren....

The following query editor appears:

Click the New button to create a new row in the Query Sources list. Select this row and select the desired folder in the Folder field. In the Operator field, select how to handle the data. The following options are available:

Add All entries in the specified folder are applied to the query.
Intersection The entries in this folder are intersected with the entries that exist from the previous rows. That is, only the entries that are contained in all the requested folders are used.
Exclude Entries that are in this folder will be removed from the result, so only entries that are not in this folder will be included in the result.

Based on the up-to-date intermediate result, an OCL expression can be specified. Select Expression as operator. By clicking on the button with the three dots, the OCL expression editor appears.

The following rules apply:

  • The input of the expression is always based on the type of the up-to-date intermediate result. Here in the example is the address entry.
  • The determination of the type (Classes) of the result is based on the contents of the folders used. It is done for the different operators as follows:
    • Add: common base class of the two folder types
    • Exclude: Type of the first folder
    • Intersection: Type of first folder
    • Expression: Type of the result of the expression

Intermediate results via expressions can have any type of result (does not have to be a list of user entries). However, in the end, the result should be a list or a single user entry.

The different queries are always considered in order. A query folder can also exist in another query folder.

Using SQL folders in query folders

Starting with Vertec, SQL folders can be used in query folders. If something changes in the SQL folder, the query folders will be updated automatically. The prerequisite for this is that the SQL folder is configured without search fields or with instant search so that the query folder will work without having to manually invoke the SQL folders to load their contents.

Example Shown

  1. Potential customers is selected as the first folder, followed by the append operator. This means that after this step all addresses from Potential customers are included in the up-to-date Query folder.
  2. Next, the Event Invites folder is added with the Exclude operator. After this step, all potential customers who have never received an event invitation are in the up-to-date Query folder.
  3. As the last folder, the Zurich branch is selected with the operator intersection. An intersection of the previous two folders and the newly created folder is now formed. The query folder now contains all potential customers from the Zurich area who have never received an event invitation.
  4. With the OCL expression, only those addresses that have set the language to German are taken from all these addresses.