How to enter services efficiently in the detailed list or via the weekly table
Operating mode
Cloud Suite
Services & CRM
Budget & Phases
Resource Planning
Business Intelligence
Vertec offers three options to enable you to enter services quickly and easily:
By default, Vertec opens with the services view. Here, you can enter the services for the relevant day in the list:
To jump quickly and easily from one column to another, the tab key is used instead of the mouse. When selecting projects and activities, only the initial letters of the respective project or activity code are entered, so that both hands remain on the keyboard when recording hours.
You can also enter services with the timer and check the entries in the presence time list. See the article Overview of services.
The project selection on project entries (services, expenses and outlays) depends on the assigned user.
The following cases exist:
This applies to both the project drop-down list cmbProjekt and the controls edtProjekt and edtPhase.
Services can also be entered by specifying the time from - to and including any break time. These fields are available by default in the detail view. The relevant columns in the service list can be configured as follows:
Name | Expression | Renderer |
Von | minutenIntVon | dbmTim.TimeRenderer |
Bis | minutenIntBis | dbmTim.TimeRenderer |
Pause | minutesPause | dbmTim.MinuteRenderer |
If the constraint “No hours entered” is active, deactivate it and re-activate it.
Note: As soon as a value is set directly under hours or the timer is started, the values from, to and break are set to zero.
To select project and phase in the list, a search box can be shown instead of a drop-down list by using the control edtProjekt or edtPhase in the list settings . A button with three dots appears in the relevant column, which opens a search dialog:
When the dialog opens, the projects or phases in which the user has entered services within the last month (and for which they are allowed to enter services) are shown in the list at the bottom of the dialog. The search field can be used to search for other projects or phases.
If you do not want last month's projects or phases to be shown as a preview, you can hide them, starting with Vertec, by inputing the following in control XML
<ProjectReferenceBox ShowInitialContent=”False”/>
<PhaseReferenceBox ShowInitialContent=”False”/>
With Vertec, edtProjekt has been enhanced so that when a correct and unique project code is entered, the project is selected directly, without the search dialog appearing. This can result in a performance enhancement, especially for customers with many projects.
If a phase is selected when entering services, only service types are shown which can be entered for this phase, taking into account the service type allocations on phases. This is the default.
However, the reverse is also possible: First, a service type is selected. Only the phases in which this service type is assigned appear as phases. For this to work, the following has to be changed in the list of services:
column. Specify cmbPhaseRestricted
as the control.Service type
column. Specify cmbTaetigkeitOpen
as the control.The behavior is then such that all the possible service types in combination with any phase are always listed.
If a phase is already assigned (e.g. if the project is selected and System settings > Project > Assign default phase
is activated), selecting an “unsuitable” service type resets the phase accordingly. However, the automatic modification of an existing phase only happens if the system settings Assign default phase
is activated. Otherwise, an unsuitable phase is only removed and left blank.
The selection for phases now shows only the phases that conform to a selected service type (if a service type is selected).
You can open the detail view of the service by double-clicking on a service in the list, or by entering an individual service via the menu button New > Open service.
Using the selection fields, you can easily assign the service directly to the desired project, phase and service type. Vertec automatically enters certain information, such as today’s date, the logged-in user and the defined hourly rate. All you have to do is enter the hours actually spent.
In the middle part of the window, the chargeable values can then be defined. This is required if the customer is charged a value other than that actually spent. In the “Cost incurred” field, Vertec calculates from the saved cost rates per user and estimates the costs incurred for carrying out this service.
Always print service
is also activated). However, the value of the service is transferred to the other services according to size, i.e. the biggest service receives the biggest percentage, etc., until the amount is reached. This means that the customer still pays for the service via the other services. Rounding errors may occur during this procedure, because care has to be taken to ensure that the other services still make sense. This option can also be predefined for the service type. Services entered for this service type are then automatically defined as hidden.Hide services
. Services defined in this way are not considered in these adjustments. Note: It makes no sense, for example, to fix all services except one, and then hide this one, because it can no longer be moved.On the services page, you can entered expenses that belong to this service. The expenses entered in this way also appear as usual expenses. These are usually entered independently of services. For further information, see the article about entering expenses.
Services can also be entered in the weekly view, in addition to the previous options. This is a very efficient solution for employees who work on the same project or always on the same tasks over a longer period of time.
A weekly table folder exists for each user. In this folder, the services appear in a table, totaled by group (e.g. by project and phase) and by day.
The rows in the weekly table are calculated based on the actual services of the last 14 days. This means that all the projects and phases for which services were entered in the last 14 days are automatically shown.
In the bottom row with the asterisk, new entries can be entered as usual by entering project, phase (and, if needed, service type).
If the table shows services that already exist, it adds up the services of the relevant day. Setting values only works if there is no or exactly one open service for the cell. Setting can also be done if there are only charged services. If there is more than one open service, setting is not possible because it is not clear which service is to be changed. In this case, the cell is blocked.
You can also enter presence times in the table, using the same mechanism as the services. Presence rows are grouped according to the quantity of presence time entries per day.
After logging in, either services or weekly table are shown first, depending on which comes first in the sorting. You can define the sorting with the relevant link type.
The list has two fixed rows at the top. The top row contains the daily headings. These are generated automatically. The total column has the heading Total.
You can adjust the rest of the list as usual via the list settings. Each row has an object reference for project, phase and type (service type). These can be shown as usual with a selection field (control). The list is then grouped accordingly.
Expression | Name of possible controls |
projekt | cmbProjekt, edtProjekt |
phase | cmbPhase, edtPhase |
typ | cmbTaetigkeit |
In addition, there is a derived (calculated at run time) object reference to a service for each day of the week (leist0 – leist6). These services are the open service of the relevant day for project and/or phase and/or service type of the row, and have only one content if exactly one relevant service exists.
In this case, the relevant service can be accessed via leist0->oclAsType(service).
For the expenditure columns, the relevant expressions are, for example:
leist0->oclAsType(Leistung).minutenInt leist1->oclAsType(Leistung).minutenInt ...
For the total, the attribute leistT exists. The expression is:
To display the minutes according to the system settings, the renderer rndTabMinuten is defined for these columns. For displaying fee values, for example for totals, the renderer rndTabCurrency is defined.
You can find out how to move a service from one phase, project, or invoice to another in the article moving services and expenses.