Convert a Vertec version before 6.5 with Microsoft SQL Server
Convert a Vertec database up to and including version 6.4 with Microsoft SQL Server
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Created: 28.12.2007
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Updated: 18.08.2020
Reference to DB Konvert from Vertec version 6.5
This article covers DB Konvert for Vertec versions prior to 6.5. For information on DB Konvert from Vertec version 6.5, see Database Convert.
In the case of a Vertec update, the database must be converted to the new version. This guide assumes that you have basic knowledge of Microsoft SQL Server administration.
To convert a Vertec database with MS SQL Server, a temporary database must be created on the SQL server.
This can be done via the Copy Database task described below or alternatively by creating a new empty database and importing a backup.
Copy database
Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and right-click on the up-to-date Vertec database. In the dialog that appears, select Window Tasks > Copy Database...
A wizard will appear to assist you in backing up the database:
Under Source Database, specify the appropriate database. The backup type is Full, the backup is not selected.
Select Target hard disk and specify the file name with the Add button. Remove all other entries.
Right-click and select Restore files and file groups...
Destination to restore, in Database: Directly specify the name of the temporary database to be created.
Specify the source for the recovery, from medium: backup file. Check the box below for the backup set to be restored.
When this process is completed successfully, click Close and restart Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. The temporary database is now visible.
Convert database
In order for the conversion to run smoothly, a DTS 2000 Runtime must be installed. Download the file at the following link: Sqlserver2005_bc_x64.msi). This must be installed on the computer where the Vertec Server installation is located. If it is missing, DB Konvert will get the error message invalid class string.
If an error occurs during a convert to SQL Server, the source database should be restored: The convert also changes data in the source database. If you start the convert again without a new restore of the source, this can lead to problems afterwards.
Start Vertec.DBConvert.exe, which is located in the Vertec installation directory (for versions before 6.4, start Vertec with the /DCparameter). The following window opens:
The Target Database field should already be initialized with the default Vertec installation setting and point to the SQL server’s Vertec database.
For the source database information, copy the contents of the target database and set DatabaseName=vertectemp (or the name of the temporary SQL Server database).
Deactivate the Inplace conversion checkbox. The Create tables and Copy data checkboxes must be selected.
The Use SQL option must be enabled.
The field Set version to should contain the first 3 digits of the new Vertec version (e.g. 6.7.0).
The conversion of a Vertec database to Microsoft SQL Server supports the use of DTS (distributed transaction service) component. DTS is part of the MS SQL Server product from version 7 and allows faster data transfer between SQL Server databases. To use DTS, select DTS Datapump (MS SQL).
By pressing the start button, the tables in the target database are first deleted and then created anew. Subsequently, the data is copied from the VertecTemp database to the Vertec database and converted to the new version. The convert window lists which table is currently being created/copied. Please check this list briefly after completion for safety. Please let us know if you see any error messages there.
After conversion, the Vertec desktop app must be started once. The temporary database vertectemp is no longer needed and can be deleted.
Failed to update index statistics
The database conversion may end with the following message:
Failed to update index statistix
As of version 6.3 Vertec tries to recalculate the index statistics by default. The error message appears due to a bug in MS SQL server, which prevents the VertecUser, who is not directly DBO (i.e. not only registered as db owner), from recalculating the index statistics in SQL server.
Updated index statistics are important for performance. If the automatic update did not work during the conversion, see Database performance and index statistics for instructions on how to proceed.
Vertec can be started normally in any case, the data conversion has been completed successfully.