Register Legacy Office Reports

How to Register Legacy Office Reports

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Created: 01.12.2022
Machine translated
Updated: 07.12.2022 | Menu items for re-creation specified in more detail.

Legacy Office reports are report templates that were available in previous versions of Vertec and where the code was inserted directly into the Word or Excel template using comment fields. These were not cloud-ready and were not available in the web app.

With Office Reports, Vertec has been offering a reporting system that is fully cloud-ready since version 6.2. This replaces the legacy Office reports.

In order for a report to be called up in Vertec via the Print menu, it must be registered.

Registering Legacy Office Reports

To register a report, right-click the Settings > Reports & Scripts > Report Templates folder and select:

  • Neu > Office-Bericht: Office Reports (Word, Excel, PDF). The registration is described in the article Register Register reports. In Vertec versions before 6.6, the menu item is called Neu > Erweiterter Office-Bericht.
  • Neu > Legacy Office-Bericht: Legacy Office reports (Word (Disambiguation) or Excel (Disambiguation)). The registration is described below. In Vertec versions before 6.6, the menu item is called Neu > Office-Bericht. As of version 6.6, this menu item is no longer available.



Name Name under which the report appears in the Print menu.
Active Only active reports appear in the menus, so if you don’t want to use a report, you can simply deactivate it here.
Grouping / single index

With many different reports, the Print menu for a particular entry can quickly become cluttered. To remedy this, reports can be grouped and sorted during registration. This way, several reports can be combined into a group, which can then be separated from the other reports by a separator.

Grouping is activated by entering a group number in the Grouping field on the report. All reports with the same group number are grouped in the menu. The different groups are displayed in the order of their group number.

By default, the reports within a group are sorted alphabetically. If you want a different sorting, you can do this by inserting numbers in the Single Index field.

Specify for which objects the report is registered in Vertec (e.g. projects or addresses). The report will then appear in the Print menu.


You can specify a display condition, when the report should be shown in the Print menu and when not.
This is done via OCL expression. Clicking on the button with the three dots opens the OCL expression editor.

The result of this expression must return a Yes/No (Boolean) value. If the condition is met, the report will be shown in the Print menu, otherwise it will not. For list reports, the report will only be shown if the condition is met for all items in the list.

Generation by/output format

If it is a Word report, you can select whether they should be generated by Office or by Vertec.

If this setting is set to Vertec the output format can also be selected: Word or PDF.

Vertec-generated Word reports are generated by Vertec on the server side and the resulting documents are delivered to the apps in Word or PDF formats. They are high-performance and cloud-ready, so they are available in all apps.

Vertec-generated Word reports run much faster than Office-generated reports, and no Office installation is required.

We therefore recommend that you always use Vertec-generated Word reports. For more information, see Legacy Word Reports.

For Excel reports, it is not possible to select the output format. This is automatically Excel and are always Office-generated.

Individual report / list report

Specifies whether the report can be run on a single object or on a list of objects of the specified data type (class).

Automatic saving

Path to save the report document. The value %dokpfad% uses the document path of the object on which the report is run. Alternatively, an OCL expression (enclosed in %) can be specified.

The save path consists of the autosave path and Document Templates specified below for document templates.

For Vertec-generated Word reports, consider the following:

The save path must exist on the server. Reports are saved on the server. If a report with the same name already exists or the path is unavailable, a query is displayed. If no save path is specified, the documents are temporarily saved and submitted.

If the Restrict Filesystem Access option is activated in the Vertec.ini configuration file (default for cloud subscription customers), the reports behave as follows:

  • The reports are stored on the client side (analogous to Office-generated reports)
  • No storage of reports in the web app (not even on the server), only download
  • Error message when running a report with a configured save path via web app. In this case, no document can be saved and no activity can be created.
Regarding Here you can specify a subject, which can be used in the report. Also here you can specify OCL, enclosed with %. The subject can still be adjusted on the report / mail merge dialog, if the dialog is shown (see next point).
Show dialog

If Ja, a print dialog is displayed before running the report, in which the save path, remarks and other options can still be changed. Starting with version the display of messages such as “overwrite existing file” and “create new path” is also linked to this setting.

Create Activity If Ja, running the report creates an activity that is associated with the following object, depending on the settings:
  • Link to main object: the activity is linked to the object from which it is started.
  • Link to address: the activity is linked to the address to which the document is sent.
  • Activity type: Here you can assign an activity type to the generated activity.
Document templates

Under Document Templates, you can find the list of report templates for this report registration:


Selects the appropriate template document. For Word reports, it is a Word document with the file extension .dotx, for Excel reports, it is an Excel document with the file extension .xltx.


A separate template can be specified for each Language defined in the system. When printing, the language is automatically selected according to the following criteria:

  1. The language of the associated project
  2. Special case Activity: If no project is assigned, the language of the assigned address entry is taken into account.
  3. For entries to which no project can be assigned, an attempt is made to use the member Sprache .
  4. If no language could be found with all these variants, the language of the interface is used.

If no template is defined for a language, the first template in the list is taken.


Project, case, all.

Here you can specify for which Jargon (case and project language) the template was registered. Select All, then the jargon will not be taken into account, only the language (see above).

Auto-save name

The save name for a newly created document can be stored here.

In addition to fixed texts, OCL expressions (included with %) can be used to print the report. Within the placeholders, any OCL expression can be used, starting from the up-to-date object of the report (in the example of the project letter, the project).

The save path consists of the path (see above) and the autosave name.

The OCL variable %betreff% can be used in the name, which contains the up-to-date value of the subject (see above).

Further examples of OCL expressions:

  • On an invoice the invoice number: %nummer%.
  • The date in YYYYMMDD format: %date.formatdatetime('yymmdd')%_%nummer%.

Template Handling

To insert a new template, select the language first in the star row at the bottom, and a new row will be inserted.

To edit the template, double-click the row or select rechte Maustaste > Vorlage bearbeiten:

Download To edit a template, you can download it using the button Dowload.

Upload allows you to load a customized or new template into Vertec. The font in the list will then appear in green:


The Delete button appears if there is no default Vertec template for this registration:

The Reset button appears if there is a default Vertec template for this registration:



Template handling in versions before

The path to the templates is selected in the field via the three-dot button. If the template is located in a subfolder of the Word report template path specified in the system settings, the path is displayed relative to the template path.

The Office reports are registered without a file extension. When running, the appropriate extension according to the installed version of Office is automatically selected. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Search for existing templates based on the root name of the report.
  2. Determining the Office version. Considering the file extension in the following order:
    • Excel: xltx, xltm, xlt, xlsx
    • Word: dotx, dotm, dot

If you have reports of the same name for Word and Excel (e.g. Projectlist.xltx and Projectlist.dotx), you can manually add the file extension to the corresponding entries.

Access to report templates

For Vertec-generated Word reports, the cloud server (or more precisely the session) needs access to the file system in order to load the templates from there. These are located in the folder of the system setting Templates path for Word reports. If Vertec-generated reports are to be saved, they are stored in the document path. Since the cloud server is usually used with the LocalSystem user and this user does not have access rights to network drives, the above-mentioned paths must therefore be stored as UNC paths according to the schema


For example, \\SERVER1\Berichte

The UNC path must be on the same server as the cloud server service.

Alternatively, you can choose a path that exists locally on the server. Note that these are Vertec system settings that apply to everyone. This means that if you want to use certain reports as before – Office-generated directly on the clients – this “local” path must also exist “local” on the clients.

Another possibility, if the server for file storage differs from the Vertec Server, is to run Vertec.CloudServer under another user. In this case, the Vertec.CloudServer service may not run under the LocalSystem user, but under another user (usually a user from the domain) who has access to the directory (approval) and has sufficient permissions for the Vertec.CloudServer locally.

Create / edit document templates in the Cloud Clients

From Vertec version onwards, an upload / download is available for users of document templates via Cloud Clients. This works as follows:

Right-click next to the template you want to edit and select Edit Template...:

or double click in the corresponding row. The Upload / Download dialog appears:

Customize an existing report

  • Download: To edit the report, click Download. The report will be downloaded and you will be asked where you want to save it locally (in the web app, the report will be saved to the local Temp directory and opened directly for editing).
  • Upload: To save the report to the server after editing, click Upload. In Explorer, select the previously edited report. It will automatically be saved to the path specified in Word Report Template Path.

Register a new report

  • To register a new report, enter the desired file name of the report in the Template field, and then proceed as you did when editing the template (see above – Edit Template > Upload). You can select the report you want and it will be stored under the specified name in the path specified under Template Path for Word Reports.

The size for uploads is limited to 1 MB. The limitation is verified on the client and server side.

Download report templates on run (cloud app)

Starting with version, client-side Office reports are possible with the cloud app, even if there is no access to the file system on the server. For this purpose, when running an Office report, the corresponding template is downloaded to the local temp directory and the report is then started with this template. Excel reports as well as non-Vertec generated Word reports behave this way.

  • Templates must be located below the template path. Files outside the report path cannot be downloaded.
  • If a template already exists in the temp directory on the client, it is overwritten. If this is not possible, a numbering is appended to the name.