E-invoice templates

Additional feature that implements templates for e-invoices.

Product line




Operating mode

Cloud Suite




Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 16.12.2024
Machine translated
Updated: 27.02.2025 | Section ‘’Prerequisite for creating e- invoice cancellations‘’ added and new version of the config set published.

E-invoices are strictly formatted, structured and electronically available data sets with certain format, content and structure specifications. With this additional feature, e-invoices (ZUGfERD and XRechnungen) can be created according to individually customizable templates at the push of a button.

More about e-invoices in Vertec can be found here and in our Blog Articles on “The obligation to e-invoice in Germany”.

This application is an Additional Feature. The corresponding config set can be found here.

Information on EU guidelines and invoice formats

From 2025, companies in Germany will be obliged to receive e-invoices.

By 2028 at the latest, it must be possible not only to receive e-invoices, but also to send them.

The e-invoice formats include PDF files with integrated structured data (Zugferd) and XML files (XRechnung, LEDES, EDI, Peppol).


By importing this additional feature, necessary templates and scripts (see below) are created, which can be used on invoices via the Actions Menu or button E-Rechnung erstellen is available:

In which format and on the basis of which template the e-invoice is created can be defined in the system settings (see further down). As soon as all the Required data are stored, an e-invoice can be created.

Click on E-Rechnung erstellen an activity is opened (depending on the settings of the Document Storage), which saves the document and show as preview. Via Button Bearbeiten below the preview the e-invoice is opened in the corresponding format:

Example of an e-invoice in PDF+XML format (ZUGFeRD Standard)
Example of an e-invoice in XML format (XRechnung)

Default values in system settings

The default settings for creating e-invoices can be defined in the system settings in the Invoice tab:

The E-Invoicing Standard Standard field specifies the default value for the format and the E-Invoice Template field specifies the default value for the report template. These defaults can be overridden if necessary as follows:

  • on the project or company on the settings page:
  • or on the invoices on the Accounting page:

Implemented templates and scripts for e-invoices

The E-invoices folder is created in the Settings folder by importing the config set, which contains the following subfolders:

E-invoice templates

The invoice templates determine the contents of the e-invoice. It is possible to define which groupings, totals and attachments should be included in the invoice.

The following predefined invoice templates are implemented:

  • E-invoice with operator totals
  • E-invoice with list of services
  • E-invoice with phase totals

By selecting a report template, the XML data is embedded in the PDF file of the report and output in PDF+XML format. You can select all Report Templates with the checkbox E-Rechnung(More Info page) is activated. Since there is no report template for XML-only invoices, the file name and activity type are specified directly on the e-invoice template.

Services, expenses and outlays (only with licensed purchases module) can be

  • Totals only
  • Per phase
  • Per user
  • Per user level
  • Per type (e.g. activity type or expense type)
  • All details
  • OCL expression


E-invoicing standards

The invoice standards decide on the output format (PDF+XML or XML). Each standard is assigned a name and a Scripting that defines the format is stored.

The following standards are implemented predefined:

  • ZUGFERD 2.2
  • XRechnung 3.0 (UBL)
  • XInvoice 3.0 (CII)

E-invoicing standards can be deactivated, making them no longer available for selection.

E-invoice scripts

The scripts that define the output format of the invoice standards (see above) are saved in this folder.

Type lists

The type lists define content lists for the different standards.

  • E-invoicing groupings
  • VAT type
  • Discount type
  • Invoice type
  • VATEX type
  • charge type
  • Currency type
  • payment type

To change this information, please contact your Vertec adviser.

Prerequisite for creating an e-invoice

To create an e-invoice, an e-invoice standard and an e-invoice template must be defined on the corresponding invoice on the Accounting page. In addition, the following values must be defined:

General settings

In the settings:

  • for Types of vat, a code and a value in the field of the section E-Rechnungen(on the More Info page).
  • in the case of Currencies, a value in the field of the section E-Rechnungen(on the More Info page).
Data of the invoice issuer
  • An invoice issuer or your company must be defined in the system settings.
  • All address data of the invoice issuer must be available (ZIP code, location, country, telephone number, e-mail address, VAT number). In order to automatically store all necessary information in the correct location in Vertec, the dialog of the Additional feature setting up invoice data can be used.
  • There must be an Iban in payment type.
  • There must be an E-Mail Address for the project leader.
  • There must be a Terms Of Payment on the invoice.
Data of the invoice recipient:
  • There must be an invoice recipient.
  • An email address must be stored on the invoice recipient.
  • On the company that receives the invoice, a Communication Channels must be stored for the Route id. For this purpose, by importing the additional feature, the Type Of Communication MediumLeitweg-ID created. If no routing ID is known, the value 0 can be entered.

Prerequisite for the creation of e-invoice cancellations

To create an e-invoice cancellation, the following adjustments must be made to the corresponding class settings and in the script entry:

Class PluginCustomClass07

To additionally display the cancellation report template selection field on e-invoice templates (Settings > E-invoices > E-invoice templates), PluginCustomClass07 (Settings > Customizing > Class settings) must be opened and line 25 under "Pages" must be set to True.

Class Invoice

To create e-invoice cancellations on invoices via the button, the Invoice class (Settings > Customizing > Class settings) must be opened and the Visible on line 26 under "Pages" must be set to True.

Script Create e-invoice cancellation script

To activate the option Create e-invoice cancellation on an invoice, the class Invoice must be set under Settings > Reports & Scripts > Create e-invoice cancellation.

Requirements and Download

  • The Expert product line is a prerequisite for this feature.

Important information before importing the config set can be found in the article What to Interesting facts about the additional features. Config sets change data in Vertec, which can overwrite existing data.

The exact import process can be found in the Articles about the config sets.

Download the additional feature with the following download link:

Version Requirement Download Configset_einvoices.xml

The following objects are created by importing the config set:


Folder E-invoices in the settings with the following subfolders:

  • E-invoice scripts
  • E-invoicing standards
  • E-invoice templates
  • Type lists
Reports & Scripts
  • Report template: E-invoice: Details
  • Script: Attachment for e-invoice
  • Script: Create script entry
  • Script: module_einvoice
  • Script: validate_xrechnung
  • Script: xrechnung_cii_3_0
  • Script: xrechnung_ubl_3_0
  • Script: zugferd_2-2
  • Script: module_xml
  • Script: Create e-invoice
  • Script: Create e-invoice cancellation
  • Script: reportcode_einvoice
Activity types
  • Activity type Invoice
Link types
  • E-invoice attachment – E-invoice template
communication channel

The Communication Channel Route ID is created.

Custom fields

A total of 23 custom Custom Fields are created.

Class Settings

Class settings and page customizations for the PluginCustomClass07 and PluginCustomClass08.


A total of 75 Translations will be created.