Current support topics

Current support topics

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Created: 09.09.2019
Machine translated
Updated: 18.03.2025 | Microsoft SharePoint: General exception while processing

At the moment the following support topics are known:

Date description Status
18.03.2025 Microsoft SharePoint: General exception while processing: Some customers have reported problems connecting Vertec to SharePoint. This seems to be a Microsoft problem with Graph API. Unfortunately, we are unable to fix it in the short term. Problem seems to be fixed

Possible problems when entering the login in the Outlook App: It may be that the name cannot be entered when logging in. The reason for this is a bug in the current Microsoft version of Webview2, which is integrated in the Outlook App.

Until Microsoft delivers the bugfix, you can use the following workaround: Copy the username, e.g. from an editor. On the blocked name field, you can then paste it with the right mouse button. The password field is not affected.

As soon as Microsoft delivers the bugfix, we will inform you here.

Waiting for Microsoft Update

The Vertec Webaccess Service will be discontinued on 31.03.2025.

If you are using this service and have not taken any action yet, please note the following articles:


Cloud Suite Performance for complex SQL queries: For certain SQL queries a performance loss was detected after the update of 20.08.2024. The reason for this is due to an adaptation of Firebird 5.0.1, which can lead to the fact that previously performing queries via SQL can take noticeably longer than before.

If you are affected by this, please contact our Vertec Support for remedy. We are in contact with Firebird to provide a general solution as soon as possible.

For large Vertec On-Premise installations, it may happen that the Vertec Cloud Client cannot be started

The following message appears:

The Vertec Cloud Server is unable to accept new connections at the moment.

This is because the temp folder on the server where logging files are stored at the start of the sessions is full (>64k). Usually these files are deleted after the sessions are completed, which is current not working reliably. We are working on fixing this issue.

In the meantime, it helps to manually delete the files in this folder. The Temp folder is located on the server of the user under which the Vertec service is running (SYSTEM by default) under the following path:

  • Restricted Scripting is on: The Temp folder is usually located under AppData\LocalLow\Temp, i.e. C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\LocalLow\Temp.
  • Restricted Scripting is off: The Temp folder is located under AppData\Local, i.e. C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Temp.
Fixed with version
Cloud Suite performance fluctuations in Germany

Due to problems with our hoster in Germany, performance fluctuations may occur in the Cloud Suite Germany at the moment.

The hoster is working hard to fix the problem so that the performance is stable again as soon as possible.

Problems are fixed.
Vertec Outlook App together with Microsoft Viva can block the connection to Exchange Server

The problem may occur that the connection to the Exchange Server is blocked after sending an email.

The connection problems arise if the add-in Microsoft Viva or Viva Insights is activated at the same time as the Vertec Outlook App.

As a workaround, affected users can deactivate this add-in.

a correction, so that both add-ins can be used in parallel, is made with the next Vertec version

Fixed with Vertec version
Error in fetchSharePointSites with Standard Sharepoint Extension

A temporary Failure of the search function at microsoft with Sharepoint could lead to the standard Sharepoint online dms extension returned an error in Vertec:

Error: method 'fetchSharePointSites', 'Error fetching sites from domain Please check your configuration.'

In urgent cases, the following workaround could help:

  1. In Vertec, create a Script with the following script text: Name of the script is CustomSharePoint.
  2. Register this as Custom Extension. Once you select the extension ID CustomSharePoint.CustomSharePointExtension enter, the rest will appear automatically.
  3. Now uninstall the standard Sharepoint Online DMS extension and install the one registered here instead.
Current no longer occurs
Vertec Outlook App Web Edition

In a short time, the handling and installation of apps in Microsoft 365 has been changed several times by Microsoft. We are current to review the prerequisites and the installation process and the instructions Installing the web edition to be adapted accordingly.

As a workaround until then, the Vertec Outlook App Web Edition can be installed in Microsoft 365 via the link

In progress
Error message in the project additional features add-on function due to remote members.

With Vertec version, several members have been removed. Since when executing the script Projektvorlage wählen two remote fields are accessed, an error occurs:

Customers who already have the additional feature in use can fix the problem by doing the following:

Either remove the corresponding rows in the script:

target.xResourcePlanPhases  = source.xResourcePlanPhases


target.umlagerungstyp = source.umlagerungstyp

Or you install the Latest version of the additional feature. However, self-made changes, such as adjustments to the list settings in the Project Templates folder, are lost.

Expansion of BESR can lead to error messages when printing invoices.

With Vertec version 6.7, the Checkbox BESR verwenden on the Payment Types removed – because now the use of BESR is automatically activated as soon as the Field Customer Number a number is entered. Therefore, customers who deactivated the checkbox before version 6.7 but had entered a customer number may now receive an error message when printing invoices.

Specifically, the following error message is output:

Der QR-Code ist ungültig: Fehler: QR reference requires 27 digits

If you receive this error message when printing an invoice, check the customer ID on the payment type used:

  • If you do not want to use BESR, delete them.
  • If you use BESR, enter the correct BESR customer number. This must always be 6-digit.

Correction of already settled invoices that need to be reprinted:

For invoices that have already been settled and need to be reprinted, it is not enough to correct the customer number on the payment type as above, as the customer number will be fixed at the time of charging. Therefore, there are the following options:

  • After correcting the corresponding invoices, the Verrechnen rückgängig and charge again. The new, now valid customer number is fixed.
  • If this is not possible (for example, because the invoice has already been posted), the correct customer number must be entered in the attribute verrBESRKunde can be registered. This can be done either via Python method systemcontext in a script entry with extended user rights or SQL.

Example code for correcting a single invoice with Python:

def fixBesrKunde(invoice):
    with vtcapp.SystemContext():
        invoice.verrBESRKunde = "<richtige BESR Kundennummer>"


If BESR is not used, the number should be set to ““:

invoice.verrBESRKunde = ""
Incorrect behavior when internal document saving to activities

In system settings, if the Document Storage on Intern and, when executing a report, the Option create activity is deactivated, an activity is still created and the report is saved on it.

Workaround: No workaround in the report template File Name enter. This will not create any activity if the checkbox is deactivated.

Fixed with version
Phone App: Expense tracking with iOS device crashes:

The Phone App crashes at the Expense tracking with ios devices via Foto machen ab. Andoid devices are not affected. Workaround: Download the photo from the gallery.

The problem has been fixed. The new version of the Phone App is available in the App Store ready for download.

Fixed with Phone App version 1.0.30.
Button for scanning the QR code in the Android Phone App temporarily removed:

Fixing the problem with accessing the photo gallery with Android devices (see below) led to the fact that the Scanning the server address via qr code no longer works. As a result, the button for scanning the QR code with Phone App Version 1.0.28temporarily removed for Android devices and will be available again once the issue is resolved.

Button reinstalled with version

As of version, only On-Premises customers with SQL Server.

error message Unable to resolve root table when running Office reports with MS SQL database:

The problem is caused by spaces being misinterpreted as code. It was introduced in version and only occurs with Office reports that do not have report-specific Python code.

Workaround: The spaces can be removed with the following script:

reports = vtcapp.evalocl("berichtscript")

for report in reports:
    if len(report.scripttext) == 1:
        if ord(report.scripttext[0]) == 32:
            report.scripttext = ""
Fixed with version
No access to photo gallery with Android 13 in the Phone App:

Due to changes in the authorization system from Android 13 onward, no Expense pictures uploaded Access to the photo gallery cannot be allowed. Also in the Phone App settings, access to the camera and not to the gallery can only be approved.

We are in the process of fixing this problem.

The problem has been fixed and the new version is in the Google Play Store ready for download.

Fixed with Phone App version 1.0.28.
Problems connecting to Webaccess:

When trying to connect to Webacces, the error message Es konnte keine Verbindung zum Vertec Cloud Server hergestellt werden. Bitte versuchen Sie es in einigen Minuten erneut. occur.

It was found that the error occurred when trying to connect to Webaccess using IPv6 Remote Port Forwarding (instead of Ipv4). IPv6 support was activated and the connection problem was resolved.

All information can be found in the Vertec Forum and on the following Status Page. If you are affected by the problem, please contact our Support, or to your sales partner.

Problem has been fixed.

All information can be found here:
Status Page/ Vertec Forum.

Problem with OCL variables in the OCL expression Editor:

Vertec as of Current there is a problem in the OCL editor when creating expressions with Ocl variables(varLogin, varContext etc.).

These are not recognized by the editor, it appears an error of the type

0:varLogin is not a member of UserEintrag

Execution of expressions and normal operation are not affected, everything runs as usual. Only the display in the OCL editor is affected.

When re-creating such expressions in list settings or after the above-mentioned error message occurs, the list must be reloaded afterwards.

The problem was introduced with Vertec We will fix it as soon as possible.

Fixed with version
Vertec as of Unwritable cells in lists:

It is sometimes possible that list cells are not writable. Re-sorting the list (even if it is then put back to the original sorting) solves the problem ad hoc.

These are lists with controls (comboboxes or date pickers, etc.), which also contain entries that cannot be written, e.g. services already charged on the same day, entries that fall into a blocked period, etc.

The issue was introduced in version and affects both the Cloud App and the Desktop App. The issue does not occur in the Web App.

We will fix this as soon as possible and deliver the fix with Minor Release early next week.

Fixed with version
Vertec Possible Error Message when running Legacy Office reports with graphics in the header:

Fehler beim Erstellen des Berichts. Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1.

In the course of resolving the issue running Legacy Office reports (see two rows below), which was caused by a bug in a third-party component, we had to build a workaround to allow the reports to run.

Now, as a result of this fix, the problem with the graphics (so far only vector graphics, e.g. .svg The vendor of the third-party component has announced that the bug will be fixed in mid-December. We will release a minor release as soon as it is available.

As a workaround, the graphic can be inserted in another format (e.g. by inserting the image from the header with CRTL+ X cut and in the row of the header by right-clicking and using the insert option Grafik einfügen reinserted). However, we only recommend this for reports that are urgently needed, as the problem no longer exists with the next version.

Fixed with version
Vertec 6.6 Resource Planning: User does not conform to PlanningWorker:

When using the getTotalTimeGroupDefault() method on an user, the following error message appears:

vtcbold.OclError: 0:Projektbearbeiter does not conform to PlanningWorker

The problem is fixed express and shipped with version

Fixed with version
Vertec 6.6: There is an issue running Legacy Office reports with version

When running the report with Output Word an “invalid” Word file is created, which cannot be opened.

Workaround: As output PDF select or let Word “repair” the file, then it will be shown.

The problem will be resolved as soon as possible.
Fixed with version
Vertec On Premises: SSL certificate not found.

If the Vertec Cloud Server version 6.6 receives a message like this:

A Certificate with Name "" is not registered in
the store bei Vertec.CloudServer.Program.CertificateBind(Boolean startedByCommandLine)

it appears that the certificate is not found, then the workaround in the Vertec.ini – file the row Certificate Name="" without quotation marks:


We will correct this in the next Minor Public.

Fixed with version
Cloud Suite, Customer Portal and Webaccess not affected by Openssl vulnerability.

There is current an OpenSSL vulnerability X.509 email Address Buffer Overflow, see

The vulnerability affects Openssl versions 3.0.0 – 3.0.6. Vertec uses an earlier version and therefore the services offered by Vertec are not affected.

Basic Authentication via SMTP.

Microsoft disables authentication via Basic Authentication (username / password) for certain protocols in Exchange Online. However, this does NOT apply to SMTP Auth (authentication within the SMTP protocol). Basic Authentication via SMTP is therefore supported until further notice.


Web App Suddenly Slow Run with G DATA

It has been observed that the Web App suddenly runs very slowly when G DATA is used as a virus scanner. This may have to do with an update of G DATA, we will look into this in more detail.

Interim remedy creates a deactivation of the checkbox Internetinhalte (HTTP) verarbeiten in the options of the G DATA Security Client:

On-Premises customers without Webaccess can alternatively run the Cloud Server on a different port.

Cloud Suite with regional setting German(Switzerland) shows all date values in US format

At the moment, customers with the regional setting German(Switzerland) or de-ch have the problem that all date formats in the Cloud Suite are shown in US format. The date also appears in US format on the printouts.

The manual input of date values only works if the date is entered in US format. The time tracking etc. also works because the date is automatically set there. Date Queries give an error message like this: VtcStrToDate: invalid date string 7/1/2022 (invalid german date string 7/1/2022)

For example, to print reports, invoices, etc. to be sent to customers, the regional setting can be set to French (Switzerland) or fr-ch, e.g. in a separate browser, so that the thousand separator and the date values are correct.

For On-Premises installations from Version the problem exists if the server is not set to German(Switzerland), but the clients are.

Version with the hotfix was installed yesterday, 21.06.2022 on all Cloud Suite.

Fixed with version
Missing CefSharp directory.

The following error message appears if the CefSharp directory is missing:

Check the Vertec installation directory under C:\Users\YourUser\AppData\Local\Vertec Cloud App if the directory exists.

  • If No: Uninstall the Cloud App and reinstall it. Alternatively, the CefSharp directory can be copied from another computer.
  • If Yes: Reinstall the Cloud App and see if the issue is resolved.
Only for On-Premises customers.

In some cases, after running the Desktop App Setup version the following error message appears when starting the Vertec Desktop App:

The Firebird client library or one of its dependencies could not be loaded. 
Please make sure that the 64-bit Firebird client is installed correctly.

This is because under C:\Windows\System32 the file fbclient.dll is not present.

We are working on this problem. In the meantime, you can Download fbclient.dll here and put it in the C:\Windows\System32 directory. Then the Vertec Desktop App can be started.

Fixed with version

When typing a sequence of letters in comboboxes quickly, it can happen from version that individual letters, especially from the 2nd letter, are not used as long as the combobox itself builds a list. You have to wait until the list is there, so that the other letters are accepted as well.

Fixed with version

With the translation options introduced directly in Vertec in version, the language DD for “Deutsch Deutschland” came to the interface. In list settings etc. – in other words, wherever the translation of the program interface is concerned – this is exactly right. Unfortunately, this “multilingualism” has also slipped into the selection fields for addresses and projects. There it is all about the translation of the data, and of course there is only one “German”.

So you should NOT select “DD” at these points:

When updating to version, the already selected values are automatically reset to DE at these points.

Solved with version


Problem with DB conversion from versions before 6.1 directly to a 6.5 version: With direct conversion the searchconfigurations not applied. The reason for this has been identified and will be fixed. Until then, update to a 6.4 version first and then to the 6.5 version.


Information on the critical zero-day vulnerability in Log4j: This newly emerged vulnerability has been in the press since Friday.

Vertec is not affected: The Vertec software does not use Java or the Log4j component, nor are the servers and services that Vertec additionally uses to run the Cloud Suite.

So there is no need for action on Vertec. When it comes to security, however, it is definitely worth keeping up to date.

More information on this subject can be found in the Vertec Forum.


Error message Property Handlesendemail when saving e-mails via Vertec Outlook’s add-in The access will be adjusted. Until then, read permissions on Property.propertyname and Property.operbeiter can be set as a workaround:

Fixed with version

The Phone App has been temporarily blocked due to an issue in the Google Play Store. The issue has already been fixed and the app should be approved soon.

Already installed phone apps on Android will continue to run.

The Phone App is available again.

It has been the case that the Windows Executables (.exe) of Vertec, for example the Vertec Desktop App, get stuck after exiting the apps. This is only visible in the Windows Task Manager, the interfaces of the apps close.

Reason for this is the activated option Malware Schutz AMSI in the G DATA Security Client. If this is disabled, the problem no longer occurs.


With version, the following error occurs when selecting objects:

Vertec.UI.ViewModels.SelectFolderDialogViewModel was not found

Affects Desktop App and Cloud App in the following places:

  • Object permissions, object selection (eintrag)
  • Query folder, source folder selection
  • Folder Property: IX folder References (Basic, Default)
  • Skills object, selection of skills folder
  • BI show, selection of projection folders (projectionfolder)
  • Custom field items of the type “folder” (Name des Zusatzfelds)
  • System settings of type “folder”

As a workaround, the values can also be set via Python in some places. For example, on a user right:

The internal ID of the object you want to link to is determined. Right Click on the object > Property > Internal ID:

The assignment of the object is then carried out in the Python Console in the appropriate place, in our example on the object permission:

argobject.eintrag = vtcapp.getobjectbyid(31660)

  • argobject = the current object being shown, in our example the object permission
  • entry = the member to be written. The member names are listed at the top of the list in rot noted.
  • Id = The internal ID of the object to be linked, see above
  • vtcapp.getobjectbyid: More information in the article Vertec Python Features
Fixed with version
04.02.2021 One of the standard Bi generators(InvoiceGenerator) uses the Version no longer supported shadow attribute sqlValutadatum.

The effect is that invoices that have been set to charge with Vertec or later are not correctly reflected in the    Bi evaluations appear.

Fixed with version

Acronis Active Protection ( can slow down Vertec Windows apps (Desktop App and Cloud App): There has been a case where running Acronis Active Protection caused both the Vertec Desktop App and the Vertec Cloud App to take a very long time to boot. The Vertec Web App, on the other hand, started noticeably faster.

Solution: Disable Acronis Active Protection. In most cases, Acronis is not used for this extra protection measure, but as a backup system. If you cannot use an alternative security suite and cannot do without this protection, we recommend using the Vertec Web App.


It may be that in certain constellations the Vertec Phone App on iOS 14.2 or later does not open or complete immediately after starting.

The problem occurs in the following situations (all must be met):

  • iOS 14.2 or higher
  • Deployment via Appstore and MDM Tool
  • Device with arm64e processor

See also the forum post at Apple:

This is a problem in a component used by Vertec. The third-party vendor is in the process of fixing it. We will soon publish a version that fixes the problem.

Fixed with Phone App version 1.0.18, available in the app Store.

Apple has fixed the underlying issue with iOS 14.4.


Creating Vertec reports in Cloud Suite instances current takes a long time when PDF is selected as the output format, and the generated files are very large. The cause was identified a problem with generating the PDF files on the server.

In the meantime, we recommend that you configure the output format to Word for affected report templates.

Tonight, the Cloud Suite will be restarted. After that, the problem is fixed.

Resolved from 09.10.2020
29.09.2020 It is possible that when printing Vertec reports to Cloud Suite instances, blank documents may be created when PDF is selected as the output format. This is due to missing fonts on the servers. In the meantime, we recommend that you configure the output format to Word for affected report templates.     Fixed with version

If you use MS SQL Server to update a Vertec version 6.2 and older directly to Vertec 6.4 and convert the database with Vertec.DBConvert.exe, then the convert runs normally, but certain things in Vertec no longer work, e.g. the list of report templates is empty.

Vertec version, which is expected to be released in calendar week 23, fixes the problem.

In the meantime, we recommend upgrading older Vertec versions to 6.3 first and then to 6.4, or waiting until

If you have already converted your database from 6.2 and older to 6.4 and are experiencing problems, please contact your Vertec adviser.

Fixed with version

It is possible that the Phone App does not work with Vertec version 6.4 (the Cloud App and the Web App, which are also Cloud Clients, but does) and the error message appears:

Auf dem Server ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte kontaktieren Sie Ihren Vertec Administrator.
The problem is due to an older .NET version on the Windows server. For .NET versions above 4.7 the Phone App works, for .NET versions below it does not.

If a server update is not possible or if you use a Windows Server 2016, you can proceed as follows: Download the file Vertec.CloudServer.exe.config, copy it to the directory where Vertec.CloudServer.exe.config is, and then restart the Cloud Server.
Workaround Comes as standard
with Vertec

Remember me in does not work in the Web App when 2 factor authentication is turned on.

Solved with Vertec 6.4
02.04.2020 Many companies currently have to use short-time work. How to map this with Vertec can be found in the Vertec blog article Mapping Short-time Work in Vertec: Use the Flexible Architecture. Information
12.11.2019 In Citrix environments (and some other constellations), the
"Fehler: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt." 
error message may occur when Vertec is maximized and a dialog is opened. Vertec is then blocked.

Until the problem is solved, as a workaround, it can be ensured that Vertec is not maximized (i.e. not in full screen), then the problem does not occur.

Fixed with version
08.11.2019 With Sage 200 (2019.0 SP3 Build 190729) or later, the
 'charmap' codec can't encode character u'\ufffd' in position 5: character maps to <undefined>
error message may appear during payment import. Initial error analyses indicate that Sage 200 has problems handling umlauts and special characters.

Fixed with version

The error does not seem to occur with later Sage versions

23.09.2019 As of Vertec the global payment import no longer works (via menu Settings > Payment import). The login and logout are shown in the Extension Log.

Payment import still works on individual invoices and lists of invoices. As a workaround until the resolution is resolved, the payment import can be performed on the individual invoice or the posted and unpaid invoices can be moved to a list and the payment import can be performed on it.

Fixed with version

As of Vertec, the ExecuteFileReport() method reports the error “This path format is not supported” if no save path is specified.

Workaround: Make sure that the path contains at least one directory, e.g.: C:\Verzeichnis\Dokument.docx or SharePoint:\Verzeichnis\Dokument.docx.

Fixed with version
09.09.2019 With Windows 10 version 1903, the Timer button may not show on certain rows in the power capture list.

In this case, scrolling down and up again in the list can help.

Fixed with version