Resource planning: migration to version 6.6

Information on resource planning migration if used before Vertec version 6.6.

Product line




Operating mode

Cloud Suite




Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 21.11.2022
Machine translated
Updated: 05.01.2023 | Link to the additional feature Conversion resource planning to 6.6 removed.

If you are using resource planning up to Vertec 6.5 and want to update to resource planning 6.6, please note the following points in this article.

Fixed planning interval

In resource planning from Vertec 6.6, only one Planning Interval can be planned: day, week or month.

The first time version 6.6 is launched, all existing resource planning data will be recalculated. Therefore, it is important that the desired scheduling interval is selected in the system settings prior to the update so that the resource planning data will be recalculated correctly.

Fixed planning level

In the new resource planning, planning can only be done at one Planning Level: project or phase (planning level phase only available with module budget & phase).

If previously planned on both levels, some of the data will no longer be visible after the upgrade (e.g. if you set planning level to project, all planned values on phases will no longer be visible).

To harmonize the planning data, please contact your Vertec advisor before updating.

Excel Reports

Excel reports will no longer be delivered and the existing ones will be deactivated.

Configurations are now available to replace these reports with the Resource Planning Views and the Utilization Dimensions. All views of the resource planning can be exported to Excel.

If customer-specific reports exist, they must be deleted manually or retested after the upgrade.

Link types removed

Resource planning from version 6.6 onwards completely dispenses with the previous link types of resource planning:

  • User resource planning
  • User – Resource planning Phases
  • Project – Resource planning
  • Phase – Resource planning

These link types will be deleted with the update to Vertec 6.6 and thus all associated customizing.

Classes away

The classes:

  • ResourcesContainers
  • ResourceRow
  • ResourceColumn

will be deleted with the update to Vertec 6.6 and thus all associated customizing.

System setting removed

Show resource plan for detail line the previous system setting resource plan for detail line (internal name: ShowResourceSubDetail) will be deleted with the update to Vertec 6.6.

Removed setting on presets page

The Resource Planning Level setting on the Settings for projects page will be removed with the update to Vertec 6.6.

If this field is used in self-configured pages, it will remain, but will no longer make any sense. We recommend that you remove this field.

OCL Expressions

The existing OCL operators for resource planning continue to work, so there is no need to make adjustments to existing customizing.

Python Methods

Resource links with unique project/phase reference

During the migration, Resource Links that had referenced both a project and a phase are cleaned up. The (redundant) project reference is deleted.