Post receivables with Vertec

Accounts receivable with Vertec

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Created: 26.01.2009
Machine translated
Updated: 09.12.2019 | Added list-based booking.

If you have connected an external accounting solution, you can use Vertec to post directly to it via an appropriate interface (extension). Although the different interfaces differ from each other, the handling in Vertec is basically the same. An overview of all accounting interfaces available with Vertec can be found in the article All vertec extensions at a glance .


  • Functioning FARU with established chart of accounts.
  • installed extension in Vertec and the basic settings already made. The exact settings are described in detail with the respective Extension .

Vat settings

The VAT types are created under Settings > projects > vat types .

The combination of the code and the rate must match those in your accounting program.

In the System Settings > Invoice , you can define the Standard MWST Typ. This is used by default in Vertec, but can be overwritten at the project type level and at the project level.

Payment Terms

You create your payment terms under Settings > Projects > Payment Terms . Use the codes from your financial accounting system.

Under System settings > Accounting, a default Zahlungskondition Debitoren can be selected. This can be overridden at a lower level if necessary.

Creating personal accounts / debtor addresses

Cloud-ready extensions

All cloud-ready extensions write the debtor data directly when posting and there is no need to do any preparatory work.

Non-cloud-ready extensions

In the case of the non-cloud-capable extensions, the personal accounts must be linked in advance or the debtor addresses must be created in the FARU.

The exact procedure is explained in the following two points:

For each project to be posted, there must be a corresponding debtor account in the FAR.

If a personal account is already linked, you can see on the address on the page Settings > Personal account receivables / accounts payable. If this is not the case, a personal account must be linked or created anew.

If the personal account has already been opened in the financial accounting solution, you can click on the three dots next to the personal account field and select the corresponding account from the FAR.

If a corresponding personal account has not yet been opened in the FARU, it can also be created directly from Vertec. This can be done at the address level (is applied for all projects of this customer) or at the project level (applies only to the corresponding project).

When creating new debtor or creditor addresses based on an address entry in Vertec, an address is created in the up-to-date client in the FAR. If this is to be done in all clients, the system setting Adressen in allen Mandanten eröffnen must be set to Y (Note: only possible with the Sage 50 (Sesam) receivables extension and the SAGE 200 (Simultaneous) receivables extension). The list of clients is determined from all clients defined on project types in Vertec (databaseFibu). This is only possible if the FAR address is created based on a Vertec address (not for creation via project).

In the detail view of the corresponding entry (project or address), click Aktionen on Buchhaltung and select the desired menu item:

It is also possible to export several addresses or projects at once. To do this, select the desired entries in the list and select the corresponding option from the Accounting menu with the right mouse button.

The following information shall be entered in Vertec:

When created via address:

  • The personal account receivables at the address (on page Vorgaben). This is used by default for the projects, but can be overwritten on the individual project.
  • The personal account on the related projects that have not yet registered a personal account, in black font (indicates that the personal account number is inherited from the address).

For creation via project:

  • The personal account on the project (Project > Accounting page > Personal account) in green (shows that the personal account was created at this level and applies only to this project.

Special case Sage 200 (Infoniqa 200)

If several currencies are used, the addresses must also be opened in all necessary currencies. However, when creating the debtor personal account based on the Vertec address, no specific currency is available.

Therefore, the system settings > Accounting > Currencies must be set accordingly. If nothing is specified, the creditor will be opened in CHF. For example, if Euro is to be used as well, 'CHF,EUR’ must be entered.

Attention: The necessary suggestions in Sage 200 (Infoniqa) 200 must be defined in advance for all used currencies in Sage 200 (Infoniqa) 200 (see SAGE 200 (Simultaneous) accounts receivable extension).

Creating addresses in multiple clients and multiple currencies is only supported if the FAR address is created based on a Vertec address. If a FAR address is created based on a Vertec project, only the client and the currency of the project are used.

When creating a debtor address based on a Vertec project, the debtor is opened in the currency of the project.

If the field Referenznummer is set on the address (Vertec address entry > more info > reference number), it will be interpreted as addressid of an existing address in Sage 200 (Simultaneous) 200 and used when creating the new debtor. If no reference number is set there, a new address will be created and the reference number entered on the address accordingly.

If the address field Kundennummer is set (Vertec address entry > more info > customer number), this number is interpreted as a personal account number.

If the project already has a personal account number, this will be used as the number of the new debtor personal account.

Special case Topal

In order for an address / project from Vertec to be sent to Topal (Create new address in accounting), the default country on the Vertec address must be the ISO code of a country. Otherwise Topal throws an error of the type Unknown country Switzerland. If the default country on the Vertec address is empty, CH is always passed.

Post debtor invoices

In order to post an invoice, it must be charged in Vertec.

Charging and posting can be done in one step if the system setting Beleg direkt buchen (System settings > Accounting) is set to Ja.

If the billing and posting are handled separately, the invoice is posted via the page Buchhaltung on the invoice. The posting document can also be viewed there.

You can find out how the individual values are created in the article Fields in posting document.

Pressing the button Buchen writes the postings into the FAR. The button then changes its designation and is called Cancel.

An open item is created in the F&A for each invoice. Revenue postings are carried out separately for services from service recording, expense recording, outlays and downpayments. Invoice discounts are also taken into account.

After posting an invoice, the posting number field on the accounting page is also populated. It now contains the posting number of the debtor posting in the FARO.

To cancel the posting you have made, the button, which is now called Stornieren, can be pressed again.

You can also post and cancel an invoice via the Eintrag menu or via the context menu (right-click on an invoice in a list).

List-Based Booking

To support file-based accounting interfaces in cloud scenarios, the cloud-ready interfaces provide the option to post to lists.

When posting and cancelling, a list of invoices or receivables is passed to the extension instead of individual objects.

  • When posting/cancelling via right mouse button in lists, the entire selected list is passed to the extension.
  • Clicking the Buchen-/Stornieren button in a single window passes a list of a single object to the extension.

There are two interface methods for this on the debitor extension:

  • PostInvoiceBookings(Rechnung-List) posts a list of invoices
  • CancelInvoiceBookings(Rechnung-List) cancels a list of invoices

The bookability is checked. If an invoice on the list does not meet the requirements, i.e. is not bookable, it is not posted – the list to be posted becomes one shorter. If none of the invoices to be posted can be posted, a message is output and no file is delivered.

At the end of the posting, a posting file is returned to the client as a download.

If the client is the desktop app, the system setting Accounting > Accounting files save path is also taken into account: If a local path is entered there, the file is saved there and a message is shown after saving.

Calculation of course for receivable postings

On invoices there is a derived attribute called DebiCourse. This calculates the course for the invoice relative to the client currency (instead of the key currency). The debtor interfaces use this course for posting invoices.

Deviating clients in Vertec are usually configured via project type. If the project type of the invoice project has set a separate client and its own currency under Accounting > FAR connection, DebiKurs is calculated based on this currency. Otherwise, DebiKurs has the value of the existing course attribute.

Working with cost units

Cost units can be defined in Vertec at project type, user, project, project phase or activity level. The hierarchy is as follows:

5. Project type 4
. User )* 3
. Project
2. Project phase 1
. Type of service, expense or outlay

)* At the editor level, one cost unit can be specified for services and one cost unit for expenses. For these to be taken into account, the system setting Mitarbeiter Kostenstellen für Debitorbuchungen verwenden must be activated (System setting > Accounting).

The cost units are specified on page Buchhaltung:

The postings (Posting document on the invoice ) are then additionally split by cost unit.

Override the default values

The settings made in the system settings can be overridden at other levels for individual groups of projects or addresses. The hierarchy is as follows:

8. System settings 7
. Project type 6
. Address 5
. User 4
. Project 3
. Project phase 2
. Service, expense and outlay type
1. Invoice

For example, the page Buchhaltung on the project type looks like this:

Based on the color, you can see whether the value was applied from the upper level or overwritten here:

  • Black font: value is applied from the top level
  • Green font: Value was overwritten at this level

If you want to delete an overwritten value and apply the values of the parent level again, simply delete the information in the field or click the button x.

Overwrite Table

Valuesystem settingsProject typeAddress:userprojectphaseType of service,expense + outlay typeinvoice
FARU connection, FARU login, FARU passwordxxx
Revenue account Servicesxxxxx
Revenue account Expensesxxxxx
Revenue account Outlaysxxxxx
receivables collective accountxxx
Liability account Downpaymentsxxx
Cost unit Servicesxx )*xxx
Cost unit expensesxx )*xxx
Cost unit outlaysxxxx
Payment terms receivablesxxxxx
VAT typexxxx
Payment type (for ESR data)xxx

)* To include cost centers on users, the system setting Mitarbeiter Kostenstellen für Debitorbuchungen verwenden must be set to Ja (System setting > Accounting).

Posting without data transfer

You want to set an invoice to posted in Vertec without transferring data to accounting. This can be useful, for example, if an invoice is to appear as posted in Vertec afterwards, but the accounting period has already been completed. To do this, use the script: Set invoice to posted.