Expand Activity Folder

Use link types and activity folders to clearly display the activities of your projects, teams and phases etc.

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Operating mode

Cloud Suite




Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 28.03.2017
Machine translated
Updated: 23.03.2018 | Two examples of SQL folder inserted.

The use of activities as tasks or pending tasks can be expanded in different ways. With different link types, employees can get a clear overview of the activities of your projects, teams, phases, etc. in separate folders.

The following wrapper link types are specific enhancements for using activities as pendencies. The different container classes can be used to influence the presentation of activity lists in Vertec.

The Ocl expressions are based on the following links:

The different links via ocl

ClassesMember on activity    OCL to the activities
Project user (as collector)capturingownactivities
Project user (as responsible)    ResponsiblependActivities
User Entry (all entries)EntriesActivities
addressaddress entryAddressActivities

Please note that for the following link types, the options Show containers and Always show containers on the From page (top) are disabled. This is important, because otherwise you will suddenly see many subfolders on the individual activity that are not needed there.

Activities of own projects

Shows all open (pending) activities of projects where the logged-in user is the project leader.

Activities of your own phases

Shows all open (pending) activities of the phases for which the user is registered as responsible.

  • By expression: phaseresponsibility.phaseactivities->union(self.phaseresponsibility.subphaseactivities)
  • By container class: ActivitiesContainerOpen
  • According to Linkmember: phase responsibility

Activities of the team

There are different ways to show team activity, depending on whether an employee is a team leader, a member of a team, or both.

The starting point is the following link type. Changes are made by the after-name and the after-expression.

Activities Team as a member
Activities Team as a member (incl. team leader)
Activities Team as team leader
Activities Team as team leader (incl. team leader)
if team->size > 0 then team.pendaktivitaeten->union(pendaktivitaeten) else ''.stringtolist.oclAsType(Aktivitaet) endif

Activities of a specific type

Milestone activities per phase or project

Requires the activity type Milestone.

 Shows on project all activities of type Milestone

  • By expression: projectActivities->select(type.name='Milestone’)
  • By container class: ActivitiesContainer

Shows all activities of type milestone on the phase

  • By expression: phasenActivitaeten->select(typ.name='milestone’)
  • By container class: ActivitiesContainer

Activities with documents

The example shows a Documents subfolder per project, which lists all activities belonging to the project that have a document attached.

  • By expression: aktivitaeten->union(projectActivitaeten)->select(effpath<>'')
  • By container class: ActivitiesDateFilterContainer

Explanation of expression

  • aktivitaeten: All activities for which the project has been assigned as an entry (e.g. via a folder assignment).
  • projectActivities: All activities where the project has been assigned as a project.
  • effpath<>'': The effpath points to the document, if one is assigned. Since only activities with documents are to be shown here, only those with an effpath <> '' are taken.

The subfolder Documents appears on the project. By right-clicking in the list, the documents or the document storage can be opened:

Sql folder to display activities

Instead of using link types and activity folders, you can also create SQL folders that filter the activities accordingly. Below are two examples.

Pendenzen team as a member

Create a SQL folder with the following properties:

  • Classes: Activity


  • Designation: User
  • Field type: Symbol
  • Default value: Timsession.allInstances->first.login.kuerzel
  • Designation: only unfinished
  • Field type: True/False
  • Default value: 1

Sql (firebird)

(zustaendig in (select bold_id from projektbearbeiter where kuerzel = '\1')  or zustaendig in (select teamleiter from projektbearbeiter where kuerzel = '\1' and teamleiter <>-1) or zustaendig in (select bold_id from projektbearbeiter where teamleiter in (select teamleiter from projektbearbeiter where kuerzel = '\1' and teamleiter <> -1)) ) AND (erledigt=(CASE WHEN \2=1 THEN 0 ELSE erledigt END))

Pendenzen team as team leader

Create a SQL folder with the following properties:

  • Classes: Activity


  • Designation: User
  • Field type: Symbol
  • Default value: Timsession.allInstances->first.login.kuerzel
  • Designation: only unfinished
  • Field type: True/False
  • Default value: 1

Sql (firebird)

(zustaendig in (select bold_id from projektbearbeiter where kuerzel = '\1')  or zustaendig in (select bold_id from projektbearbeiter where teamleiter in (select bold_id from projektbearbeiter where kuerzel = '\1'))) AND (erledigt=(CASE WHEN \2=1 THEN 0 ELSE erledigt END))