Administrator rights have disappeared

What to do if the administrator rights have disappeared

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Operating mode

Cloud Suite




Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 18.02.2008
Machine translated
Updated: 22.02.2008

Case 1: the group 'administrators’ still exists, but the 'super’ right has been removed.


  • There is no longer a tab 'Permissions’ on the user groups where the right 'Super’ could be set.


Start Vertec with the /DD parameter. The user right is automatically re-added.

Case 2: the administrator group has been removed.


  • There is no more tab 'Permissions’ on the user groups where a super right could be set.
  • The settings folder has disappeared (in most cases, unless it has been approved for other user groups to view)


Start Vertec with the /DD parameter. The administrator group will be created again and given the super right. The group must be visible again on the interface. However, no users are assigned to the administrator group.

If there are other groups that have the super right, a user assigned to such a group can log on to Vertec and manually assign the users to the administrator group.

If this is not the case, it becomes a bit more complicated. The adjustment must then be made on the database. Proceed as follows:

  1. Close Vertec.
  2. Open the IBOConsole (for Firebird) or Enterprise Manager (for MS SQL Server) or another GUI Manager program and connect to the Vertec database.
  3. Make the following SQL statements and remember the numbers or terms in <eckigen Klammern>. You will need these later to make the statements.
  4. Determine the new administrator group:
    select * from usergroup where eintragid='UserGroupSuper’

    The Bold_Id of the result is the <Bold_ID_Super>.

  5. Select a user:
    select * from project editor Select
    one and remember the name and bold_ID. Returns <Bold_ID_User> and <Bearbeiter>.
  6. Then find the groups in which this user is assigned:
    select * from usergroup where bold_ID in (select groups from usergrouplink where user = <Bold_ID_User>). Select
    a group and remember the designation and the bold_ID. Returns <Bold_ID_Gruppe> and <Benutzergruppe>.
  7. Then the selected user is “hooked”:
    Test if there is only one result:
    select * from usergrouplink where groups = <Bold_ID_Gruppe> and users = <Bold_ID_User>
    If yes:
    update usergrouplink set groups = <Bold_ID_Super> where groups = <Bold_ID_Gruppe> and users = <Bold_ID_User>
  8. Close database.
  9. Then open Vertec as <Bearbeiter>. This is now part of the Administrators group and must make the following settings:
  1. If <Bearbeiter> is not the administrator, the administrator must be assigned to the Administrators group.
  2. The <Bearbeiter> must be assigned to the <Benutzergruppe>.
  3. If <Bearbeiter> is not an administrator, it must now be removed from the Administrators group.
  4. Restart Vertec. Now everything should work again.

Scenario 3: there is no more administrator group. /dd does not create a new one.

Problem: The group still exists somewhere in the system, but is no longer shown. Even after starting Vertec with the /DD parameter (see case 2) no administrator group exists.


The customization must be done on the database. Proceed as follows:

  1. Close Vertec.
  2. Open the IBOConsole (for Firebird) or Enterprise Manager (for MS SQL Server) or another GUI Manager program and connect to the Vertec database.
  3. Make the following SQL statements and remember the numbers or terms in <eckigen Klammern>. You will need these later to make the statements.
  4. Delete strangled entries:
    delete from businessclassesroot where bold_id in (select bold_id from usergroup where eintragid='UserGroupSuper’)
    delete from usergroup where eintragid='UserGroupSuper’
  5. Close the database and start Vertec with the /DD parameter. Close Vertec and reopen the database.

  6. Determine bold_ID of new usergroup:
    Select * from businessclassesroot where bold_id in (select bold_id from usergroup where eintragid='UserGroupSuper’)

    Note the Bold_ID of the result. Returns <Bold_ID_Super>

  7. Tracking the new Bold_ID:

    update usergrouplink set groups= <Bold_ID_Super> where groups not in (select bold_id from usergroup)
    update abstractusereentraglink set abstractuserasroot= <Bold_ID_Super> where abstractuserasroot not in (select bold_id from usergroup)

  8. Close the database.
  9. Vertec should now run normally again.