This additional feature allows you to import RVG files and create RVG invoices

Product line




Operating mode

Cloud Suite




Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 28.02.2023
Machine translated
Updated: 03.09.2024 | New version published.

If you work with the RVG calculator AnwaltsGebühren.Online of the German Anwaltverlag, this Additional Feature allows you an optimal connection to your Vertec. The download of the config set can be found here.


Create your fee statement with the RVG calculator https://anwaltsgebuehren.online/ After entering the RVG files, they can be saved and an invoice generated. With the button Rechnung einsehen an overview page with invoice details opens. At the end of the overview is the button Rechnung exportieren (XML) with which the invoice can be exported as an XML file, saved in the downloads, and moved to any folder.

Import RVG files

In Vertec, in the system settings in the section invoice under RVG Ordner the file path from which the XML files are imported by default (a different path can also be selected during the import).

On the corresponding phase – if the user is assigned to the user group RVG-Import and has Write Rights on the phase – the option can now be set via right-click or action button RVG-Datei importieren The folder stored in the system settings is opened and a file can be selected.

By importing the RVG file, RVG fees are created on the phase of the subfolders and the fee budget is entered on the phase. In addition, the phase with the import of the RVG file is automatically set on Pauschal set.

If expense items need to be charged instead of services, the list of charges under Charging instead of Leistung(Standard) also Spesen shall be selected:

This will transfer the corresponding amount from the fee budget to the expenses budget:

With the import of the RVG file, the phase is automatically Pauschal The phase can also be used to enter services or create advance invoices.

As long as the phase has not yet been charged, RVG fees can be reimported, but existing fees will be overwritten.

Create RVG Fee Note

  1. To create an RVG fee note, first close the phase using the checkbox Pauschalen abgeschlossen per from:
  1. Then return to the case and create a new invoice.
  2. Print the report on the invoice RVG-Honorarnote from:
  1. The report template creates a PDF file for you, which first lists the services and expenses and on the second page the RVG fees:

After charging, no data may be changed. If an RVG fee is not yet to be charged, it can be assigned to another phase via drag and drop.

Requirements and Download

  • The Expert product line is a prerequisite for this feature.
  • The Budget & Phases module must be licensed.

Important information before importing can be found in the article Interesting facts about the additional features. The exact import process can be found in the Articles about the config sets.

Download the additional feature with the following download link:

Version Requirement Download Configset_rvg.xml

The following objects are created by importing the config set:


Subfolder RVG fees on the phase.

User groups
  •  User group

The editors must be User group assigned to the appropriate user group.

Reports & Scripts
  • Report Template: RVG Fee Note
  • Event: Calculate RVG phase budget
  • Event: Fix RVG values on charging
  • Script: module_rvg
  • Script: Import RVG file
  • Script: XmlParser
Link types
  • Mandate phase – RVG fees
  • Mandate phase – RVG fees (for settled RVG fees)
  • Mandate phase – RVG fees (for RVG fees not yet charged)
Custom fields

A total of 11 custom Custom Fields are created.

Class Settings

Class settings and page customizations for the PluginCustomClass01 add-on class.


A total of 19 Translations are being created.