Check presence time rules

Additional feature for checking presence time rules and recording differences

Product line




Operating mode

Cloud Suite




Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 06.09.2023
Machine translated
Updated: 14.08.2024 | New version with bugfix (calculation of presence time) published.

This Additional Feature implements configurable attendance rules for employees. Rule checks and recording differences are shown directly by means of notifications and in evaluation lists. You can download the config set here.



Manage attendance rules

In the root folder settings under user, the attendance time rules can be managed (only by the administrator). The predefined rules correspond to the up-to-date Working Time Act in Germany.

Each attendance rule has one of the following types: Pausenregelung, Maximale Präsenzzeit or Ruhezeit. The order of testing is as follows:

  1. Maximum presence time
  2. Presence time entered
  3. Rest period
  4. Break arrangements

If necessary, a rule can only apply to a specific group of users. For example, rules can be defined based on location or age. A Notification Text can be entered per rule, and different fields can be filled in depending on the type.

  • Type Break rule: This rule checks employee breaks based on the values entered in the fields below:
  • Type Maximum presence time: This rule defines the maximum presence time that employees may not exceed, either per day, month or year:
  • Type of rest time: This rule defines the rest time that must be observed between the end of the presence time the previous day and the beginning of the presence time:
Notification text

The notification text is stored as native in the Translationitems under settings > Customizing > Translations. Therefore, if something is changed to the text, the TranslationItems must be adjusted so that the text is translated. If no translation is necessary, the text can also be entered here directly in the desired language.

Folder Presence times

For this purpose, the presence time folder is created in the root folder HR with the subfolders Evaluation presence time rules and detection differences.

Evaluation of attendance time rules

This folder shows an evaluation based on the Configurable rules. The evaluation checks whether all attendance rules that apply to the employees (team members) have been adhered to. A team leader can see all the employees to whom he has been Team leader assigned as a User Right Team Leader. In addition, he must have the Team Leader right.

If all rules have been complied with, the day is marked green. If a rule is broken, this day is marked red and the corresponding employee can be notified directly via a button in the report. The report can be filtered by week, team leader and employee and shows a list of all presence times and breaks per day.

A tooltip on the red entry indicates which rule it is:

In addition to these rules, it is also evaluated whether a presence time has been entered at all. If not, the tag is marked red and the tooltip is used Keine Präsenzzeit erfasst provided.

With a click on the button, a dialog appears, with which the corresponding employee can be alerted directly via Notification:

The notification indicates the time of presence on the corresponding date and the tooltip or the Notification Text entered in the settings is shown as text:

Differences in coverage

In addition to the presence time evaluations, a list is shown in the entry differences folder, which compares the entered presence time with the entered services of the employees:

It is checked – in the past until today – whether these two data match if a standard hour is entered. Again, the red button signals inconsistencies and the tooltip reads Erfasste Leistungen und Präsenzzeiten stimmen nicht überein. By clicking on the button, the employee can be notified directly:

In the notification that the employee receives, the services on the corresponding date are pointed out and shown as the text of the tooltip:

Requirements and Download

  • The Expert product line is a prerequisite for this feature.

Important information before importing can be found in the article Interesting facts about the additional features. Please note that Config Sets change data in Vertec, which may result in existing data being overwritten.

The exact import process can be found in the Articles about the config sets.

Download the additional feature with the following link:

Version Requirement Download Configset_attendancetimerules.xml

The following objects are created by importing the config set:


Root folder HR with the folder times presence and the subfolders:

  • Evaluation of attendance time rules
  • Differences in coverage

Attendance rules folder in root folder Settings under User.

User group
  •  User Group

The editors must be User group assigned to the appropriate User Right Team Leader. In addition, they must be assigned to a user group that has the Team Leader right.

Reports & Scripts
  • Event: Set new attendance time rule to active
  • Script: module_attendance_time
Custom fields

A total of 10 custom Custom Fields will be created.

Class Settings

Class settings and page customizations for the PluginCustomClass02 class.


A total of 28 Translations will be created.