Abacus Web accounts payable extension

Abacus Web accounts payable extension

Operating mode

Cloud Suite




Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 29.12.2020
Machine translated
Updated: 20.03.2023 | New system setting “Deliver receipt document for creditor postings” documented and as of version all address lines are taken into account for the evaluation of house number and PO box.

Installing the extension

In Vertec, open the extensions in the settings folder. Open the Abacus Web accounts payable interface and press Installieren.

System settings in Vertec

Some system settings are installed for all accounts payable interfaces. These are listed in System settings > Accounting.

Further system settings for the Abacus Web accounts payable interface are:

Include receipt document for creditor postings

Starting with version If this option is activated, the voucher document, if available, is transferred to Abacus when a creditor is posted.

PropertyName: KrediDocumentPicture. Booleanproperty. Default: No.

FARU Login

The name of the Abacus user for the login

PropertyName: LoginFibu. StringProperty.

FAR password

The password of the Abacus user for the login

PropertyName: PasswordFibu. StringProperty.

FARU Client

The client to use for posting.

In addition, a business area can be added. The business area must be entered following the client’s code with a hyphen. Therefore, if a personal account is to be posted to the client’s business area 10 7777, the entry must read 7777-10.

PropertyName: DatenbankFibu. StringProperty.

The 3 values FAR login, FAR password and FAR client can be overridden if necessary on the project type and project levels under Accounting > FAR connection. If the client information of the project is to be used in each case, the system setting Use client of project for creditor posting must be activated.

Vertec recommends not to work with multiple clients in Abacus, but to use business units instead. When using multiple clients, the assignment of PK numbers to the creditor is not unambiguous. Data could be overwritten unintentionally.

Lock session

If this option is activated, multiple users may not log in with the same login. In this case, there will be an error if one user is already logged in to Abacus.

PropertyName: LockSession. BooleanProperty. Default: No.

URL for Abacus Web Service

The base URL of the Abacus Web Service. If nothing is specified, the default URL will be http://localhost:40000/abaconnect/services used (default URL if Vertec is running on the same system as Abacus and Abacus is running with default settings).

PropertyName: AbacusBaseUrl. StringProperty.

Operation of the accounts payable interface


  • In order for a supplier invoice (creditor) to be entered in the accounts payable, the supplier must have a personal account payable number.
  • In addition, the information for Kreditorkonto, Aufwandkonti and Steuercodes must be available.
  • The Cost unit services on the project must be set if the revenue accounts used in Abacus require cost units.
  • A valid Abacus Country Code must be set. The default is from version CH.
  • Before the creditor can be posted, its amount must match the sum of expenses and outlays.

Post and cancel

A click on the Buchen button writes the data into the Abacus and inserts a document number.

After posting, the button is called Stornieren. Clicking Cancel will cancel the posting in Abacus.

Street and house number

Since version 2021, Abacus has introduced a separation of street and house number in the addresses. Therefore, since Vertec version, the addresses of contacts in Vertec with separate street and house number are exported to Abacus. The following examples are supported:

  • Musterstrasse 123: Musterstrasse and 123
  • Musterstrasse 123a: Musterstrasse and 123a
  • Musterstrasse 123.1: Musterstrasse and 123.1
  • Musterstrasse 123abc.1: Musterstrasse and 123abc.1
  • Muster Hausen-Strasse 123: Muster Hausen-Strasse and 123
  • Pattern Hausen-Strasse: Pattern Hausen-Strasse and NULL
  • 1st pattern Hausen-Strasse: 1st pattern Hausen-Strasse and NULL

The first two rows and from version all rows for the street and PO box address are taken into account.

Mailbox addresses are sensibly divided into mailbox text and mailbox number. The following keywords are supported:

  • P.O. Box
  • Apartado postal
  • Post office box
  • Case postale
  • Casella postale
  • Box
  • Postbus
  • P.O. Box

Country code used

As of Vertec version A built-in mapping table allows plain text country names in Vertec address entries to be converted to the country abbreviations used by Abacus (e.g. Switzerland = CH). Currently, the mapping table contains entries for Switzerland, Germany, Italy and France:

  • Switzerland -> CH
  • Germany -> EN
  • ENG -> EN
  • Italy -> IT
  • Italia -> IT
  • France -> FR
  • France -> FR
  • Austria -> AT

If the country is empty, CH will be used. If the country in Vertec does not match one of these values and is not empty, it will be applied unchanged in Abacus (and may result in an error). So make sure that the country is a valid Abacus country code.