Project Controlling

Use vertec for efficient project controlling

How project controlling can support you

Manage your project controlling exactly as it suits your company. Build up budget control as well as detailed project portfolio management and keep an eye on relevant key KPI. With the function Business Intelligence detailed and graphical evaluations are available for reporting.

  • Project calculation made easy
  • Keep track of budgets at project level
  • Delimitation of project revenues
  • Integrated cost and performance accounting

Functionality of project controlling

Keep track of budgets at project level

Conveniently monitor key Kpi at project and mandate level in Vertec and compare them with budget values. In this way, you can immediately see when hours exceed the budget and benefit from transparent budget control in project planning.

Project calculation made easy

Regardless of whether you have a Projektvorlage work or create a new project: You can calculate projects bottom-up. For example, enter the value you budget for each individual project phase. The total order value is then automatically summed up at the project level.

Detailed evaluation with the Business Intelligence module

The data from the Leistungserfassung and Fakturierung you can use Vertec with the Business Intelligence Display and evaluate function graphically. Here you can see at a glance whether your costs have been covered: With the help of a post-calculation including comprehensive Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung at all company levels from individual projects to group level.

Delimitation of project revenues

Ongoing projects or work started for customers should be evaluated up to a given reporting date. In this way, these can be accurately presented in monthly, quarterly or annual financial statements for an income situation according to the principle of accrual and potential project risks can be identified at an early stage. For integrated risk management, you can entered potential risks early in the books or determine correct project margins in ongoing projects. Vertec offers you several methods for limiting hours, revenue and income for specific periods.

Integrated cost and performance accounting

Thanks to the adaptability of Vertec as a project controlling software, you can use Cost and Performance Accounting to carry out multi-dimensional profit center calculations for your controlling, such as the gross margin per department, per region, per service type or even per product.

Knowledge Base articles



Modules “Service & CRM,” “Budget & Phases”

Related features

Performance recording, Project Templates, Business Intelligence

Frequently asked questions

The costs depend on the quantity of licensed users, the product line (Standard or Expert) and the modules you selected. You can find all information on this on the ​​​​​​​pricing page.

You may test Vertec for 30 days free of charge and without obligation in your personal test environment.

Start your free trial now. 

Vertec provides a variety of reports. An overview of our standard reports can be found in our Knowledge Base.

With Vertec, you can generate standardized as well as custom reports. These can be, for example, offers, invoices, a list of expenses to reimburse or the budget overview of a project. The reports are either in Word, Excel or PDF format. The layout basis is usually created as a template in Word or Excel. The data being individual KPIs from Vertec is stored as Python code. Detailed instructions for creating a report can be found in the Knowledge Base.


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