Especially for consulting engineers: manage projects and services in Vertec and bill according to HOAI 2021

The additional function additional feature facilitates the work of engineers and architects who bill their projects and services according to the Fee Regulations for Architects and Engineers engineersHOAI).

What was previously implemented with customizing has been additional featured by the additional function. Customer can integrate HOAI into Vertec as Engineering Software easily and quickly do it yourself.

Billing basics and special services

In Vertec, basic services and special services can be billed according to HOAI. In the HOAI, basic services are composed of the service profiles that are necessary for the proper fulfilment of an order. These can be, for example, a land use plan, a development plan or a landscape plan. Service Profiles are divided into a maximum of nine service phases, which are evaluated by the HOAI with fixed percentages and can be billed on this basis in Vertec.

Separated from this, Vertec can also bill for special services. These can be, for example, demand planning, procurement of documents, participation in land and object selection or location analysis.

How It Works

With the installation of the additional feature, the new user group “project leader HOAI” is created, with which HOAI calculations can be carried out. In addition to the up to date HOAI version of 2021, Vertec also stores the fee schedules of 2009 and 2013.

To calculate the fee according to HOAI, a project is first created in Vertec. The project is divided into project phases. Each phase corresponds to a service profile, the service phases of which can be invoiced individually. The decisive factor is the percentage of the fee budget entered on the respective service phase, which is determined by the HOAI template.

Special services are also shown in Vertec as project phases. Unlike basic services, there are no guidelines or regulations from the HOAI. For special services, Vertec can therefore charge a flat-rate fee as a unit service or a previously negotiated hourly fee.



Invoicing is done according to individual preferences and can be done, for example, monthly or after a service phase. A script is used to check whether service levels need to be invoiced. Final invoices are created by setting phases to “complete” and then creating a new invoice. It is also possible to invoice mixed calculations in Vertec.


  • The additional function requires additional features the Vertec product line product lineExpert”
  • Vertec from version 6.5 is recommended
  • Can be used in both operating modes “On-Premise” and “Cloud Suite”

Learn more about the feature and download it in the Knowledge Base article Additional feature: hoai.


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