Libera AG

Consultancy firm

Libera AG play button

«Vertec has mastered the desired automation brilliantly, while still creating many opportunities for individual adaptations.»

Martina Andereggen, Head of Accounting, Libera AG


Field of activity: Integrated consulting on all insurance and legal aspects of occupational pensions, management of pension funds
Location: Zurich and Basel


  • Integration of service entry, invoicing, accounting and CRM in one system
  • Ability to grant different access rights for employees


  • Direct transfer of the monthly accrual of work started and vacations from Vertec into financial accounting
  • Meaningful and simple structures for processing different cases with different requirements
  • Synchronization of data from other existing tools

Vertec Services & CRM incl. all apps,
Budget & Phases, Business Intelligence  

50-100 Vertec User

Vertec – clear structures for the company and individual freedoms for the individual

Occupational pensions are a complex business, and Libera AG’s services are therefore varied and sophisticated. With Vertec, the consulting firm ensures that the processes in its own company run in an orderly and efficient manner.

«Vertec was faced with the challenge of libera ag to provide an easy-to-understand, efficient (crm) tool that can be used by all departments: accounting, consulting, marketing and it. vertec successfully solved these requirements.»

Martina andereggen, head of accounting libera ag

Employees often cannot assess the complex system of interest rates, balance sheets and provisions, etc., behind the deduction of pension fund contributions on the payroll. Pension funds or pension funds must ensure that the contributions paid by employees and employers are securely invested and that all legal regulations and standards are complied with. This is where Libera comes into play as a service provider for pension funds and companies: Libera advises, calculates and checks on the basis of the law.

«Our case managers appreciate the simplicity of invoicing, where they can add their own explanations.»

Martina andereggen, head of accounting libera ag

For more than 50 years, Libera has supported companies and pension funds in matters relating to occupational pensions, such as new pension plans, technical opinions, risk analyses, mergers or stress tests. More than 80 highly qualified employees, including 15 pension fund experts SKPE, offer their customers a broad and modular range of services.

The resulting demands on internal customer data and project management are high. By implementation of Vertec, Libera has been able to systematize internal processes and make them more efficient. “Vertec is the central software in which information from different systems is merged and exchanged,” says Andereggen. “Thanks to its extensions, Vertec can be optimally integrated into the existing infrastructure.” For example, addresses are read directly into the IBM Notes-based template management tool. a further extension enables seamless integration into the FileNet-based electronic file.

When it comes to invoicing, Vertec ensures both standardization and individualization. “The invoicing process is standardized thanks to the predefined parameters,” says Andereggen.

Success Story Logo
Martina Andereggen
Head of Accounting
Libera AG

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