Learn more on the process of how we implement Vertec
During the initial phase of an implementation project, Vertec is customized to your needs by your Vertec advisor and is integrated into the existing IT infrastructure. Specific evaluations or interfaces to already existing systems, e.g. financial accounting, are also possible without any problems.
Training Courses are involved at the start of the main project in order to involve customers in the process and ideally reduce servicing costs. Vertec recommends that all team members of the implementation project build up Vertec know-how as early as possible. For members of staff that are involved with support, project management, financing and HR we advise they attend the course Fundamentals and administration.
Colleagues that want to customize Vertec independently of the services Vertec offers, the course Setup and customize should be attended. The training courses offered are considered basic trainings. Experience shows that during the implementation phase, the core team builds up a very good knowledge of the Vertec system, if proceeded in the mentioned way.
Vertec customers are supported by the responsible project leader during the pre-project and the Vertec implementation project. According to the underlying process “Build” (project management), the Vertec project manager is the contact person for the customer (single point of contact). Vertec is a process-oriented organization according to ISO 9001. From the go-live of the customer solution, the process phase “Run” (support) is entered. The Vertec support team takes over and the installation of Vertec. The support team can be reached through various channels: phone (mainly used channel), email, remote maintenance.
Customer feedback as part of ongoing support can provide inputs for further development of the software. Any such tasks are handed over to the “development” process (product management) and the customer is notified when new software features become available. Our development team in Zurich realizes one to two software releases a year. These are documented in detail with release notes. The Vertec advisor informs the customer about those innovations and the benefits provided.
From now on, the Vertec advisor (process “Build”) acts as the contact person for future orders. Enhancements of the software can be triggered by a major or minor Vertec release or by additional/new requirements, e.g. the implementation/interface to a document management system (“Change”). All participants (stakeholders) always have access to the Vertec Knowledge Base. Vertec has a dedicated section for documentation in the Knowledge Base (process documentation).
When it comes to data migrations, a large part of the success lies in understanding the customer’s existing data (data analysis) and creating the best possible logical mapping to the Vertec object structures. Vertec has extensive experience in data migration from legacy systems. We distinguish between master data and root data during migration.
The root data are static data such as employees, addresses, projects/cases and others such as rates. Transaction data is, for example, open services, open expenses, downpayments (account invoices) or invoices on projects/cases. In many cases, the customer decides to migrate the root data, in rare cases also to migrate the transaction data. A migration concept is defined in close collaboration with the customer and includes the scope, type and specific procedure. The data analysis of the root data marks the beginning, followed by migration iterations until the data to be migrated feels “right” and the customer is ready for the productive migration process. The latter is done right after a due date, from which no data will be maintained in the old system. This date is ideally chosen as close as possible to the time of go-live.
If an (automatic) migration of transactional data is also targeted, this data analysis starts after the one for the root data followed by other migration iterations. The productive migration of transactional data is usually done after the go-live of Vertec. In terms of risk management of data migration, migrating root data is significantly less risky than migration of transactional data. This is also a reason why many of our customers do not migrate transactional data in practice.