Vertec Phone App: installation and configuration

How to install and configure the Vertec Phone App

Operating mode

Cloud Suite




Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 16.08.2010
Updated: 21.03.2024 | Added reference to end of Webaccess.

Details of how to operate the Vertec Phone App are described in Vertec Phone App: operation and use.

The Vertec Phone App is available for iPhone and Android. Download it via the App Store  or Google Play. You can also find the relevant links in the article App Portal for cloud clients.

In Vertec Cloud Suite,  Phone App access is already set up. If its use is permitted in your company, you can simply start it after downloading the app.

For On-Premises customers, Phone App access must be set up in one of the ways described after End of Webaccess.

Note: It is generally possible for anyone to log into your Vertec via the internet if the URL and user name are known. Therefore, it is extremely important that you use strong passwords. We strongly recommend combining them with 2-factor authentication.

Starting the Vertec Phone App

Click on the Vertec icon to start the application.

The language of the Vertec Phone App is based on the language set for the user in Vertec

If your company has activated mobile device support, the login appears immediately the first time you start it up.

If not, the settings appear the first time you start the Phone App. Here, you can enter the server address manually or by scanning the Phone App QR code in the Vertec App Portal:

Log in

Next, the login dialog appears:

2-factor authentication

If 2-factor authentication is activated in your Vertec, it also works with the Phone App.

In this case, a second dialog appears after the login dialog, where you have to enter the confirmation code:


If, when entering the 6-digit code, the error message Ungültiger Bestätigungscode appears, even though the code has been entered correctly, this may be due to a different server time than the mobile device. It may help to set the date and time to “automatic” in your mobile device’s settings.

Note: You must set up authentication for the first time in the Vertec Cloud App or the Vertec Web App. Log into one of these apps to configure 2-factor authentication. Otherwise, the following message appears when logging into the Phone App:

remember me

The Phone App supports the Vertec remember me option. A token is created when logging in. The token lifetime is 7 days by default, and automatically updates each time you log in.

If the Phone App loses the connection, the same token is updated during a reconnect within the token lifetime.

An active logout from the Phone App removes the token. The next time the Phone App is started, the login dialog appears again.

Phone App session timeout

If the Phone App loses connection (e.g. in a tunnel), a relevant message is shown:

However, you can continue to work normally as long as the session is alive. The duration of the session (Phone App session timeout) is 60 minutes by default.

Mobile device management support

The Phone App supports centralized mobile device management. Therefore, the server path (ServerUrl) can be defined via AppConfig, so that the individual user no longer has to enter it manually.

Implementation is as follows:

  • When restarting the Phone App, it is checked whether an AppConfig setting for the ServerUrl exists.
  • If yes, the ServerUrl is set to this value.

This has the following impact:

  • If a ServerUrl is set via AppConfig, this URL is always used when restarting the app.
  • Consequently, no settings dialog appears, instead the login dialog appears directly.
  • If the ServerUrl is changed via AppConfig, the change only comes into effect when the Phone App is restarted.
  • If the ServerUrl is changed manually in the Phone App, this value remains for the duration / session of the app. When the app is restarted, the value from AppConfig is automatically used again.

Example of iOS implementation:

<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC “-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN” “">
<plist version=”1.0”>