Module: Vertec CSV Exporter

Module for simple Python CSV export from Vertec, with integrated OCL and SQL

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Cloud Suite




Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 01.12.2020
Machine translated
Updated: 09.04.2024 | Replaced module ( If a file_name is specified, the file is sent anew to the client, not saved directly on the filesystem. This makes it fully cloud-ready.

For easy creation of CSV files in Vertec we offer this module. It is registered like a normal script and can then be referenced in other scripts.


Register as script, designation VertecCSVExporterClasses.

The designation is free to choose, it simply must not contain spaces or special characters. In the examples below, this designation is used; if you choose a different designation, you will need to modify the examples accordingly.

The module implements the following classes:

  • VertecCSVExporter: class which applies file handling and which allows to specify lists directly via OCL or SQL expression.
  • OCLCSVRecord: Records that are appended to the CSVExporter and represent the rows that are being written.


The VertecCSVExporter has the following properties:

Characteristic description
encoding         Default: 'UTF-8'
field_delimiter Default: ';'
field separator
string_delimiter Default: '”'
string separator
only_first_line_for_strings Default: True
Specifies whether to write only the first row of multi-line values (e.g., address text).
Excel, for example, cannot handle CRLF in CSV strings.
file_name If a file name is specified, the CSV is sent directly to the client and can be saved there.
field_names_in_first_line Default: True
Writes the field names as the first row in the CSV.
row_delimiter Default: '\n’
line separator.
add_row() Rows of type OCLCSVRecord are appended to the exporter.
populate_rows(listexpression, sqlwhere, ocl_filter_expression) Method that creates the rows with OCL or SQL.
The list can also be filtered with OCL (useful if the expression is an SQL expression).
  • listxpression: The list expression can be specified as follows:
    • An OCL expression that computes the list. This is computed on the session, i.e. without context, with vtcapp.evalocl().
    • The class for calculation via getwithsql. For this to be interpreted in this way, the property must also be sqlwhere be indicated.
  • sqlwhere: Optional. If a sqlwhere condition is specified, the listxpression parameter is interpreted as the class name (see above).
  • ocl_filter_expression: Optional. Here the list loaded with getwithsql can still be filtered via OCL. The expression is called from the list via.
export_rows() Method that creates and returns the CSV file. If a file_name is specified (see above), it is sent directly to the client.


The individual records, i.e. the rows that are written, are from the OCLCSVRecord class. The class has the following properties:

Characteristic description
key Field name. The field names are written as the first row in the CSV by default, unless the field_names_in_first_line option in the exporter is set to False (see above)
default_value Default value. You can specify a default value, which will be written if the field does not contain a value. If no default value is specified, None must be specified.
field_type Field type. The treated field types are:
– string. String handling, which actively takes care of the encoding when writing a file.
– float: Number with two decimal places, decimal separator is the period.
– floatlocale: Number with four decimal places, decimal separator according to local locale or according to replaceSeparatorBy (see description below).
– date: Date, is written in the format Day.Month.Year.
All other field types are simply interpreted as String: str(value). For example, int
can also be used, but there is no special treatment for int.

OCL: Optional. You can specify an OCL expression to calculate the field.

The rows are returned as Unicode strings.


Variant 1: All calculated automatically, save no file

from VertecCSVExporterClasses import VertecCsvExporter

fields = [
    ('Project', None, 'string', 'code'),
    ('ProjectId', None, 'int', 'objid'),
    ('Currency', None, 'string', 'waehrung.asstring'),
    ('Betreffend', None, 'string', 'betreffend'),

exporter = VertecCsvExporter(fields)
csv = exporter.export_rows()
Variant 1 with SQL expression
exporter.populate_rows("Projekt", "CreationDateTime>='01.01.2020'", "self->orderby(code)")

CSV now contains the CSV as a Unicode string and can be e.g. via vtcapp.sendfile() sent to the client.

Since this string could also be processed further, the encoding is not taken into account here. For example, if you want to have this string as UTF-8, you can simply .encode("UTF-8") shall be appended.

Option 2: All automatic, with sending the file to the client

Structure as above, but with a file name:

exporter.file_name = 'export.csv'

The exporter.export_rows() automatically sends the file to the client via vtcapp.sendfile().

The file is sent by default in UTF-8. If you want to have it in a different encoding, you can do so in exporter.encoding(e.g. exporter.encoding='Windows-1252').

Variant 3: Creating rows manually, setting all or part of fields via Python

The fields that contain OCL are still calculated automatically, but can also be overwritten by specifying the field name.

from VertecCSVExporterClasses import VertecCsvExporter

fields = [
    ('Project', None, 'string', 'code'),
    ('ProjectId', None, 'int', 'objid'),
    ('Currency', None, 'string', 'waehrung.asstring'),
    ('Betreffend', None, 'string', 'betreffend'),
    ('KomplizierteBerechnung', 0.0, 'float', ''),

exporter = VertecCsvExporter(fields)
for projekt in projekte:
    if projekt.typ = irgendeine_bedingung:
        row = exporter.add_row(projekt)
        row.KomplizierteBerechnung =  berechneter_wert
csv = exporter.export_rows()