Vertec is equipped with an XML extension. This is provided by the Vertec XML server. With this extension, requests can be formulated in XML and sent to Vertec via http. The response is also formatted in XML.
Operating mode
Cloud Suite
Services & CRM
Budget & Phases
Resource Planning
Business Intelligence
With the XML extension, you can query, create, changeor delete all data from Vertec. The extension is therefore suitable for connections to all types of third-party systems.
Communication is based on the request/response schema . A client sends an XML-formulated request via HTTP POST and receives an XML-formulated response as a result.
The format of the XML messages used is based on the SOAP specification. Full SOAP compatibility is not implemented, in particular, the handling of XML namespaces is missing. Namespaces can be used in requests, but are ignored. Response messages do not use namespace information.
The structure of XML messages is always the same. For example, each message, whether request or response, always contains the basic element Envelope
and the subelement 'Body’:
<Envelope> <Body> </Body> </Envelope>
XML server authentication takes place via API token , which is passed in the parameter api_token
. Example:
import requests url = 'http://localhost:8081/xml' api_token = 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.MGVhZmUzMzYtNmVhMi00MDdhLTgxNjQtZDYxZmI0NzU2MWZi._r16YlvWmZCMJ3qdDX3bK5_DJHwcczTYaWoKUYUNZuk’ headers = {'Authorization’: 'Bearer %s’ % api_token} xmlquery = “"”“ <Envelope> <Body> <Query> <Selection> <ocl>User</ocl> </Selection> </Query> </Body> </Envelope> "”“ response =, headers=headers, data=xmlquery) print(response.text)
You can access it directly on /xml
The same session is always used within the timeout interval.
Note: In Vertec versions before 6.6, authentication occurred via a separate endpoint /auth/xml
. The corresponding handling can be found in the article at the bottom .
You can start a separate Vertec.Session process per XML session. This avoids problems with long-running sessions.
If a new (parallel) session is to be used explicitly, an optional HTTP header VertecSessionTag
can be provided with any value (e.g. 1). A maximum of 36 characters is allowed. Example:
headers = {'Authorization’: 'Bearer %s’ % api_token, 'VertecSessionTag’: '1'}
A new session is started per VertecSessionTag
. Therefore, the session affinity is based on the combination of API token and session ID.
, first the token is checked for validity.To test the XML request, a simple web interface is available at /xml/query
The API token is entered in the API token
The body element of the XML request is entered in the XML request
The XML result is shown below:
Please note that it may happen that you access your real database and any data changes may impact your real data unless you have configured an independent test installation .
The XML server uses UTF-8 encoding when sending and receiving data.
The XML request contains a header
in which the authentication information is carried over.
<Envelope> <Header> </Header> <Body> </Body> </Envelope>
The body
then contains the actual query:
To query objects using an XML message, the query block is wrapped in a Query
element. This element, in turn, contains the elements Selection
and Resultdef
<Query> <Selection> <objref>676</objref> <ocl>offeneleistungen</ocl> <sqlwhere>datum between '01.10.2021' and '31.12.2021'</sqlwhere> <sqlorder>bold_id</sqlorder> </Selection> <Resultdef> <member>datum</member> <member>projekt</member> <member>text</member> <member>wertext</member> </Resultdef> </Query>
The selection element assembles the actual query. The following subelements can be used: <objref>
, <ocl>
, <sqlwhere>
and <sqlorder>
With the <objref>
element, you can query Vertec objects by their object ID.
Single object:
<Selection> <objref>676</objref> </Selection>
Or object list:
<Selection> <objref>676</objref> <objref>2895</objref> </Selection>
In <ocl>
element, you can specify an OCL expression.
If you specify a (single) <objref>
element, the OCL is executed on it:
<Selection> <objref>676</objref> <ocl>eigprojekte</ocl> </Selection>
If no <objref>
element is specified, the OCL is run globally:
<Selection> <ocl>projektbearbeiter</ocl> </Selection>
If the results are to be sorted or filtered, you can do this with the usual OCL list operators( ->select()
, ->orderby()
etc.). Also here, pay attention to a high-performance access.
You can specify a SQL filter in a <sqlwhere>
element. The <ocl>
element specifies the class name (case sensitive).
The executing user must have administrator rights or SQL query rights.
<Selection> <ocl>OffeneLeistung</ocl> <sqlwhere>datum between '01.01.2023' and '31.12.2023'</sqlwhere> </Selection>
If you want to query all objects of a class via SQL, you can use the trick: specify a <sqlwhere>
which is always true, e.g.
<Selection> <ocl>Projektbearbeiter</ocl> <sqlwhere>1=1</sqlwhere> </Selection>
In combination with <sqlwhere>
, the objects can be sorted with <sqlorder>
<Selection> <ocl>OffeneLeistung</ocl> <sqlwhere>datum between '01.01.2023' and '31.12.2023'</sqlwhere> <sqlorder>datum</sqlorder> </Selection>
The Resultdef element specifies what information is requested. The following subelements can be used:
). Any number of members can be listed.<expression> <alias>abgeschrieben</alias> <ocl>wertint-wertext</ocl> </expression>
All OCL expressions are possible in the <ocl> area.
It is not necessary to specify a Resultdef element. If only a single value is requested (and not, as described above, a list of objects), you can simply delete this element. For example, the selection <ocl>projektbearbeiter->size</ocl>
returns the number of users. The response returns a <Value>Anzahl</Value>
The result is returned in a QueryResponse
element. This always contains a list of objects.
is provided that contains the Vertec object ID:
In addition, all of the members specified under Resultdefare listed. If these are independent objects, the object reference (object ID) is supplied:
<Envelope> <Body> <QueryResponse> <OffeneLeistung> <objid>7822</objid> <datum>2021-11-14</datum> <projekt><objref>4164</objref></projekt> <text>Letter to Mr. Meier<text/> <wertExt>120.00</wertExt> </OffeneLeistung> ...
Note: The date format is ISO 8601.
To create an object, a Create
element is used. This contains a list of the objects to be created. The relevant class name in each case is specified as the object to be created. The individual members contain either an object reference (object ID) of an existing object in Vertec or the value to be entered in the member.
In the example below, an open service is created. This is assigned to an already existing user and an already existing project by means of an object ID. The hours are entered in the attribute minutesint as 45 minutes:
<Create> <OffeneLeistung> <bearbeiter><objref>4036</objref></bearbeiter> <projekt><objref>4132</objref></projekt> <minutenint>45</minutenint> </OffeneLeistung> </Create>
A CreateResponse
element is returned. This contains a list of created objects, each specifying the class name of the created object. These, in turn, contain the following subelements:
<Envelope> <Body> <CreateResponse> <OffeneLeistung> <objid>12019</objid> <isValid>1</isValid> </OffeneLeistung> ... </CreateResponse> </Body> </Envelope>
Updating objects works in a similar way to creating objects. You can simply use the Update
element. This contains a list of elements to be updated. The class name of the object to be updated is specified as a subelement.
is entered for a project user with the object ID 4019:<Update> <Projektbearbeiter> <objref>4019</objref> <kuerzel>CKE</kuerzel> </Projektbearbeiter> ... </Update>
Changing custom fields works the same way as above. Simply use the name of the custom field as the member name. In the example, the text Angefangen
is entered in the custom field Project status on a phase with the ID 5491:
<Update> <Projektphase> <objref>5491</objref> <Projektstand>Started</Projektstand> </Projektphase> </Update>
As of Vertec 6.3, key values and tags can be set or removed via the XML server. You can use the following elements for this:
with subelements <key>
and <value>
with subelements <add>
and <remove>
<Update> <Projektbearbeiter> <objref>4019</objref> <kuerzel>ABC</kuerzel> <keyvalue> <key>ExternalId</key> <value>123465</value> </keyvalue> <tag> <add>selected</add> </tag> </Projektbearbeiter> </Update>
The query of existing key values or tags in the query element can be done as usual via OCL. There are no special elements here:
<Query> <Selection> <ocl>projektbearbeiter->select(hasTag('selected’))</ocl> </Selection> <ResultDef> <member>Kuerzel</member> </ResultDef> </Query>
If you want to clear a value (set to NULL) that has already been set, you can assign an empty value to the attribute. In the example, the per diem is cleared for the user:
<Update> <Projektbearbeiter> <objref>300</objref> <tagespauschaleext/> </Projektbearbeiter> </Update>
Yes/No values (Booleans) are set to 0 and 1:
<Update> <projekt> <objref>2880</objref> <aktiv>1</aktiv> <myboolean>0</myboolean> </Projekt> </Update>
When querying Boolean values, it is somewhat confusing that there is a difference between built-in fields and custom fields. Build-in Boolean fields such as the active field for projects return 1
and 0
, however, the Boolean custom fields return Y
and N.
However, the setting is carried out identically in both cases, namely as described above with 0
and 1.
If you need a uniform XML response, instead of the simple <member>
query, you can specify an expression that controls the return value:
<expression><alias>myboolean</alias><ocl>if additional fieldbool('myboolean’) then 1 else 0 endif</ocl></expression>
For MLStringfields, you need a “record separator” (RS) with the code 30 (Hex 1E) after the language text. Use the XML entity 
for this:
<Update> <zusatzfeldklasse> <objref>552293</objref> <bezeichnung>DEGeschäfts-/ProjektideeENBusiness Idea</bezeichnung> </zusatzfeldklasse> </Update>
Returned is a UpdateResponse
element with the following subelement:
<Envelope> <Body> <UpdateResponse> <text>Updated 1 Objects</text> </UpdateResponse> </Body> </Envelope>
To delete an object, a Delete
element used. This contains a list of objects to be deleted:
<Delete> <objref>11764</objref> ... </Delete>
Returned is a DeleteResponse
element with the following subelement:
<Envelope> <Body> <DeleteResponse> <text>Deleted 1 Objects</text> </DeleteResponse> </Body> </Envelope>
With version 6.6, API tokenshave been introduced to increase the login security of Web API accesses. The API tokens increase the login security of the Vertec XML extension and the BI API extension.
The old system, i.e. authentication via user name and password, is no longer supported as of Vertec version 6.7. The XML server and the BI API now only allow authentication via API tokens. The endpoint /auth/xml
has been removed and calls against this endpoint report an error.
The following table describes example XML queries for creating and updating addresses.
Query | XML response |
Search for company with reference number: <Query> <Selection> <ocl>Firma</ocl> <sqlwhere>reference like '123456789'</sqlwhere> </Selection> </Query> |
The answer is a list of objids that match the search criteria. Answer with no result/empty list: <?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8” standalone=”yes”?> <Envelope> <Body> <QueryResponse/> </Body> </Envelope> Answer with multiple results: <?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8” standalone=”yes”?> <Envelope> <Body> <QueryResponse> <Firma> <objid>8803185</objid> </Firma> <Firma> <objid>8803206</objid> </Firma> </QueryResponse> </Body> </Envelope> |
Create Firma (company): <Create> <Firma> <name>Goldhaus AG</name> <zusatz>Standort Entenhausen</zusatz> <bemerkung></bemerkung> <referenz>123456789</referenz> <sprache>1</sprache> <betreuer><objref>4721</objref></betreuer> </Firma> </Create> Language: Betreuer (consultant) is the internal ID of a user in Vertec. This must be determined in advance. |
Returns the internal ID of the company generated: <CreateResponse> <Firma> <objid>8803185</objid> <isValid>1</isValid> </Firma> </CreateResponse> |
Ask the newly created company for the Internal ID of the default address: <Query> <Selection> <objref>8803185</objref> <ocl>defaultadresse</ocl> </Selection> </Query> |
The internal ID of the automatically generated address layout: <QueryResponse> <AdressLayout> <objid>8803183</objid> </AdressLayout> </QueryResponse> |
Create the class Adresse with
<Create> <Adresse> <layouts><objref>8803183</objref></layouts> <owner><objref>8803185</objref></owner> <adresse>Talerhügel 1</adresse> <plz>9999</plz> <ort>Entenhausen</ort> </Adresse> </Create> |
Internal ID of the generated address: <CreateResponse> <Adresse> <objid>8803189</objid> </Adresse> </CreateResponse> |
Creating a communication channel
<Create> <KommMittel> <typ><objref>4392</objref></typ> <eintrag><objref>8803185</objref></eintrag> <zieladresse>077 789 45 61</zieladresse> <bezeichnung></bezeichnung> </KommMittel> </Create> |
Returns the internal ID of the communication channel created: <CreateResponse> <KommMittel> <objid>92503184</objid> <isValid>1</isValid> </KommMittel> </CreateResponse> |
Update address instead of create
<Update> <Firma> <objref>8803185</objref> <name>Goldhaus AG</name> <zusatz>Standort Entenhausen</zusatz> <bemerkung>ein Text in Bemerkung</bemerkung> <referenz>123456789</referenz> <sprache>1</sprache> <betreuer><objref>4721</objref></betreuer> </Firma> </Update> |
<UpdateResponse> <text>Updated 1 Objects</text> </UpdateResponse>
Create contact
<Create> <Kontakt> <firma><objref>8803185</objref></firma> <name>Duck</name> <vorname>Donald</vorname> <gender>male</gender> </Kontakt> </Create> |
Returns the internal ID of the contact created: <CreateResponse> <Kontakt> <objid>8803216</objid> <isValid>1</isValid> </Kontakt> </CreateResponse> |
Create a communication channel on the contact: <Create> <KommMittel> <typ><objref>4395</objref></typ> <eintrag><objref>8803216</objref></eintrag> <zieladresse></zieladresse> <bezeichnung></bezeichnung> </KommMittel> </Create> |
Returns the internal IDof the communication channel created: <CreateResponse> <KommMittel> <objid>8803219</objid> </KommMittel> </CreateResponse> |
Assign a project to a keyword folder. <Update> <Projekt> <objref>1170</objref> <ordner><objref>31426</objref></ordner> </Projekt> </Update> Assigns a keyword folder (here with ID |
<UpdateResponse> <text>Updated 1 Objects</text> </UpdateResponse> |
In order for the XML server to be active, you must make the following setting in Vertec.ini:
[CloudServer] XML Server = true