Vertec version 6.5

Release Notes Vertec 6.5

Operating mode

Cloud Suite




Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 06.09.2021
Machine translated
Updated: 20.10.2022 | Version

  • Vertec Outlook App
  • Opportunities
  • Unicode support
  • List of open and invoiced services for service entry
  • Class-specific sorting of entries in the tree
  • Icon Display in Lists
  • New opportunities and improvements in accounting interfaces

See also the Blog post about vertec 6.5.

Release Notes

Detailed information can be found in the release notes for the main release:

Download up to date version

With the following download link you will get the setup of the latest Vertec version 6.5

More information

Further information on Vertec setup/update can be found here:

List of releases

From one major version to the next, various intermediate versions appear, which implement features and fix bugs in a timely manner.

The setup in the download above always includes the latest Vertec version available.

version description Date

Bug fixes

  • Error in the first selection of values of a Keyword Folder: The bug was introduced with version and could lead to incorrect assignment of entries due to sorting. The issue was fixed with this version.
  • Corrected translation FR: The option Rechnung verrechnen rückgängig in the menu of an invoice was incorrectly translated into French. The option is correct from this version Annuler la facturation.


  • Separating street and house number in Abacus: Abacus introduced a separation of street and house number in the addresses from version 2021. Therefore, the Abacus Web and the AbaConnect XML extensions have been adapted from this version in such a way that the addresses of the contacts in Vertec with separate street and house number are exported to Abacus.
  • Excel-Report Proof of Work Employee rewritten as EOB: The Excel-Report Arbeitsnachweis Mitarbeiter was rewritten as the Advanced Office Report. In the report templates, the old report is automatically set to Inactive and the new report Arbeitsnachweis set to Active.
  • Click on Action Button without Subscriber: The button click on Custom Renderers has previously requested a subscriber. However, this is confusing and has no functionality. We have therefore removed it with this version. The syntax now reads:
    • button_clicked(self, rowobj, expression)
    This change is not backward compatible. If you already use buttons in custom renderers, you will need to change the syntax (previously button_clicked(self, rowobj, expression, subscriber)- simply remove the subscriber) Otherwise, the following error appears: Fehler im Renderer 'Button.PythonCellRenderer': TypeError: button_clicked() takes exactly 3 argumens (4 given).

Bug fixes

  • Reopen emails that have already been sent and saved in Vertec: In the Windows edition of the Outlook app, emails saved in Vertec using “Save When Sending” and opened again in Outlook from Vertec could be resent. With this version, instead of Senden Buttons the options Antworten and Weiterleiten available.
  • Complex HTML content with the Python method createoutlookmail: Complex HTML content could cause Vertec to block. This issue has been fixed in this version.
  • Error message in the SharePoint Online DMS extension: For installations with very many sites, the error message could Access token has expired or is not yet valid occur. The problem has been fixed.
  • Cloud App Update Screen: Fixed the spelling error in the cloud app update screen.
  • Incorrect display of the daily target times in the presets: With Windows regional setting German(Germany), the daily target times were displayed incorrectly in the presets due to the decimal separator. The problem has been fixed with this version.
  • Topal payment reconciliation supports negative payments: The problems with importing payments have been fixed with this version.
  • Correct sorting in KeywordComboBox: From this version, the entries are again displayed as in the tree according to    Folder Index and not after the    Internal Id sorted.


  • New Python Method for Converting Word to PDF: The New Python Method    convertwordtopdf() converts a Word document of type .docx to a PDF and returns it as a Bitarray. For
    more information, see Vertec Python features.
  • Supplementary argument for the Python method createoutlookmail():Thefeature vtcapp.createoutlookmail was around the optional argument onBehalfOf extended. This allows you to send emails with a different sender. For
    more information, see Vertec Python features.
  • Enhancement of Custom Renderer with buttons: In addition to icons and checkboxes, buttons can be displayed in lists from this version. This allows actions such as scripts etc. to be triggered directly in the list by clicking on the button. Further information can be found in the article about the Custom Renderer.
  • Cloud app command-line parameters: Starting with this version, the cloud app supports the following command-line parameters:
    • /noevents
    • /script
    • /super
    • /paysync
    • /batch

For a description of the new parameters, see the article Command Line Parameters.

  • New system settings for the web edition of the Outlook app: From the web edition of the Outlook app, links can also be opened in the cloud or desktop app from this version. For this, in the system settings under CRM/Activities the setting Behandlung von Vertec Links (Outlook App Web) available, where you can choose between the options Links in Web App öffnen and Links in Cloud/Desktop App öffnen can choose.
  • Removed Demo DB from Setup: Vertec On-Premises. Starting with this version, the Demo DB has been removed from the Vertec Setup. Thus:
    • No shortcut is created for the Vertec desktop app (Demo DB).
    • The file VertecDemo.fbk is no longer included.
    • No [DemoDB] section in Vertec.ini – file in the case of new installations.
    • Existing DemoDBs are not deleted from the filesystem.

Bug fixes

  • KeywordComboBox works again with folders without keyword markup: With the implementation of the feature IX-Keyword folder as a dropdown in lists in version, Keywordcomboboxes only with folders marked as keyword folders. This bug has been fixed with the current version.
  • Unwanted emails in the inbox: With Outlook app active, when opening files of type .eml or .msg in Vertec an email was automatically placed in the inbox. The problem has been fixed with this version.
  • Incorrect permission check on system setting (Property) for project administrators: The problem that project administrators did not have write permission to DMS Token Properties has been fixed.
  • Fixed error message of the Sage 200 extension: The error that occurred with the automatic posting period has been fixed with this version.
  • Unwanted dialog in the Windows edition of the Outlook app fixed: The dialog Wollen Sie Ihre Änderungen speichern? if an email has been marked as spam and Outlook has been closed, does not occur anymore.
  • Automatic fields in custom Enhanced Office Reports (EOBs): An error could occur when evaluating automatic EOB fields in custom EOBs. This version addresses this issue.
  • Error message when opening a file of the whitelist: When calling a file of the whitelist Whitelist an error occurred if the extensions were saved in upper case. This version fixed this issue by case insensitive instead of sensitive is.
  • Error message in the Outlook app when email activity without contact reference: The Outlook app reported an error when trying to open an activity that did not have a contact assigned. With this version, the problem has been fixed.


  • The new Custom Renderer for configuring cells in lists or pages: With the new Custom Renderers, it is possible to configure the display and calculation of list cells and fields on pages. The Custom Renderers are created in Python and allow you to define your own operations.
    For more information about the new Custom Renderer, see the article Custom Renderer.
  • Word document as body in email templates: with the Python features createoutlookmail() and sendmail() of the vtcapp module, from this version onward it is possible to specify a Word document for the argument body instead of a string. You can find
    all information about this in the article Vertec Python features at    createoutlookmail and sendmail.
  • IX-Keyword folder as dropdown in lists: In the list settings you can use the renderer rndExclusiveKeywordFolder Ix-keyword folder are displayed as a dropdown. You can find
    all information about this in the article about the renderers.
  • Alphabetical sorting of lists in the Outlook app: Object lists are new in the Outlook app by the display text and not by the display text Internal Id so that they are sorted alphabetically.


  • Fixed error message in Sage200 interface: Sage200 changed its license requirements causing error messages in Vertec due to a timing issue with the license server response. With this version, the parameter applName that fixes the problem.


  • Enhanced Office Report (EOB) Simplifications Features: The new EOBs include several simplifications: OCL field calculations without declaration directly in the report, an initialization method on tables, reporting language support in the code, an automatic frame table and much more.
  • Python feature for sending emails from Vertec: The new method vtcapp.sendmail() enables email sending from Vertec. In the cloud suite, 1000 emails per month per customer will be available free of charge via a Mailgun account provided by Vertec as soon as the update to this version has taken place. For on-premises customers or if a separate SMTP is to be used in the cloud suite, this can be done in the new    Section E-Mail in the system settings.

    All information about the new Python feature sendmail() find in the article Vertec Python Features.

  • New command line parameters for Cloud Installer:
    • With the parameter /dir can specify a folder for installation.
    • With the parameter /silent no user interface is shown.

All information can be found in the article Command Line Parameters.

  • New property Filter replaced FileMask and FileMaskName of the Pathbox : The new property only supports the new format for the file selection filter, which has been used by the Python function requestfilefromclient for a long time. You can find the new property in the article PathBox. Existing applications that use the old properties will no longer run with the new version and will need to be adapted.
  • Improvements DB Konvert: The DB Konvert also works if system tables are defined that Vertec does not know.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed error message in French: Fixed the French translation of the error message when an invalid OCL expression was entered in the list settings (only for jargon cases).
  • English translation added: The English translation of the field Status on the payment has been supplemented.
  • The error message in the Outlook app Die aktuelle Eingabe oder Ansicht konnte nicht verarbeitet werden fixed: The error when saving an activity in the Windows edition of the Outlook app has been fixed. An activity was saved, but the activity history could not be reloaded.
  • Phone app crash during PDF upload for iOS: PDF upload via files works without crash. The phone app will be updated in the App Store in the next few days.


  • Date values in US format in the cloud suite: Overriding the Windows settings with Version could cause all date values to be shown in US format for customers with the German(Switzerland) region setting. The issue has been fixed in this version. For more information, see the Up-To-Date Support Cases.


  • Importing accounts payable documents with several QR codes :
    • A credit receipt that contains a QR code not supported by Vertec can still be imported from this version. The receipt image is saved but no credit data is entered.
    • If there are more than one QR code on the payable document, the first invoice QR code will be processed and the irrelevant codes will be ignored.
  • Overriding the Windows region settings for the language fr-ch: Starting with this version, the Windows region settings for French (Switzerland) will be overridden, because they are delivered incorrectly up to date by Microsoft. Decimal numbers will be . and thousands of figures with ' separated.

Bug fixes

  • Scaling images in EOBs: If you set the row height of the table to an exact value and turn off automatic resizing, the image will be cropped at the bottom. Starting with this version, the image will be scaled down to fit the row.


  • Change to the signature for Remember me: The security of authentication via AuthToken (Feature Remember me) has been increased even more. For this reason, after updating to this version, the existing AuthTokens will be invalid. On startup, the login dialog will reappear for all users. By checking the box Angemeldet bleiben everything will work as before.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a problem with the desktop app setup (on-premises only): After running the desktop app setup of version, in some cases a problem appeared when starting the Vertec desktop app Vertec desktop app Error Message due to missing file fbclient.dll under C:\Windows\System32. The problem has been fixed in this version.


  • No thumbprint for secure LDAP connections: A thumbprint is now only necessary for self-signed certificates. For secure connections such as LDAP servers that use a regular security certificate, the thumbprint (LDAPS certificate fingerprint) no longer needs to be entered.
  • Supplied extensions new as built-in code: With this version, the extensions supplied with Vertec are no longer stored on the filesystem, but are supplied directly as built-in code (like the cloud-ready interfaces already). The code is thus visible directly on the extension object with all extensions – as with cloud-ready interfaces so far.
    A change is made with the example extensions DmsExampleExtension and FibuExampleExtension. These must be registered manually (create an extension object and specify the extension ID as described):
    • DmsExampleExtension: DmsExampleExtension.DmsExampleExtension
    • FibuExampleExtension: FibuExampleExtension.ExampleOfflineDebiExtension/ FibuExampleExtension.ExampleOnlineDebiExtension

    The modules FibuBase and ExtensionBase are still importable.

  • Vertec On-Premises: Importing custom extensions as script modules: Custom extensions whose Python file is in the Extensions folder and which is registered and installed as an extension are imported as a script entry after updating to the latest version. The used Python modules are also imported from the Extensions folder as scripts. Care is taken to ensure that multiple extensions from the same module do not create multiple script entries. If a used module is not found in the Extensions folder, a corresponding warning will be displayed in the Vertec.desktop.log written.

    Important: If you are using custom extensions that are based on a copy of an existing extension, they must be adapted beforehand. These are the extensions, and as well as custom extensions that contain the attribute in their code __file__ use. This attribute is no longer available. As an alternative we offer the method self.Host.getinstallationpath() which returns the path of the Vertec installation. Based on this, you can use os.join(instpath, 'Extensions') the path to the extensions folder. Example for Abacus:

    self.Adapter.dataPath=os.path.join(installationPath, 'Extensions', 'AbacusData')
  • Support for multiple QR IBANs per supplier in Abacus Web Accounts Payable Extension: When posting Abacus accounts payable with QR IBANs, there is a problem if a particular supplier uses different QR IBANs. Starting with this version, the BeneficiaryAccount matching the up-to-date QR-IBAN will be determined. If none exists, a new one will be created.
  • Outlook App Windows Edition: Entering several services for serial appointments: Starting with this version, the Windows Edition of the Outlook App for serial appointments, a service can be entered individually for each appointment. Until now, this was only possible in the Web Edition.
  • Outlook App Windows Edition: Optional startup: The state of the Vertec panel in the Windows Edition will be applied from the last Outlook session. If the Vertec panel was open, it will be shown, otherwise it will be hidden. Each time the panel is changed (shown or hidden), the new state will be written to a local configuration file. If no value is found in the configuration file during startup, the panel will be displayed.

Bug fixes

  • Vertec Web App: DatePicker supports removing date again: Since, date values could no longer be removed from fields with a DatePicker in the web app once they were set. This issue has been fixed.
  • Float Converter in XAML takes into account region settings: XAML used in a page customizing for a float or currency value now takes into account the region settings and shows the decimal numbers with all decimal places and the corresponding country-specific decimal separator.
  • Column in Accounts payable Default list settings corrected: The gebucht column in the standard accounts payable list was previously headed verrechnet. This has been corrected in the up-to-date version.
  • Reading message files with empty body with vtcapp.msgtomime() now possible: Message files imported with vtcapp.msgtomime() threw the error Value cannot be null. Parameter name: text. empty body. This problem has been fixed.
  • QR codes with line breaks \n in standard multi-line addresses: Line breaks in standard addresses with \n previously led to incorrect QR codes. This has been fixed in the up-to-date version.


  • Keys (and other OCL operators such as tags, getlinks etc.) in expressions for rights: The authorization check has been adjusted so that the OCL in rights can also be checked if the member itself, which is checked, is not authorized. This could lead to an endless loop in certain constellations. Newly, the expression with extended rights (in the SystemContext) is evaluated.
  • Support of Images in Context Variables of Advanced Office Reports: Using the method set_image(name, value) an image can be shown on the context object in advanced Office reports. This means that an image can now also be shown in the headers and footers of EOB Word reports.
  • Grouping by phases in Overview services by project: The list “Overview services” on a project can be grouped according to
    different assignments, among others “user, phase” and “phase, user”. Grouping by “phase” is now also available. See also: Grouping in the Overview services folder in the Vertec forum.
  • Translation of additional selection fields: Newly the strings in Additional Selection Fields translated if the extension field definition (additional field class) has an ID entry.
  • .ics Files in whitelist for silently saving via sendfile(): The whitelist for silently saving files via sendfile() method (from version was changed to .ics Files (calendar) expanded.
  • New Firebird version: Vertec Setup now ships Firebird version If an older version is installed, the Setup suggests an update, performs it automatically and sets the original DB password, so you don’t have to do anything else.
  • COM login method removed: The Com method .login() was removed for security reasons as it cannot take into account 2FA.
  • Permission logic for creating invoices on projects changed: At the moment, it is checked whether the user has project manager rights on the project. New only the write rights to Projekt.rechnungen tested.
  • Support for Webview2 installations without admin rights in Outlook App Installer: An installation with the Outlook App Installer no longer needs admin rights to install Webview2 (web viewer for Windows Edition).
  • Changes in system setting VAT on expenses and outlays round:
    • The system setting now only means rounding expenses and outlays.
    • If the system setting is deactivated – i.e. the expenses and outlays are not rounded individually, but only to the total – then rounding to two decimal places is carried out. Until now, this has always been done with mathematical rounding (round-to-even). Now, the commercial rounding rules are also observed. This applies to the following attributes: ValueIntFW, VATAmountEKFW, ValueExt, ValueCost, ValueIntFWGross and VATAmount.
  • Firebird Stored Procedure for updating index statistics added to Empty DB: When database convert, a stored procedure for updating index statistics is created in the Firebird database. Starting with this version, the empty database including this procedure is also shipped.
  • Outlook app: Text for checkbox adjusted: In the Outlook app, we cannot always automatically detect whether a
    mail is outgoing or incoming. In such a situation, we display a checkbox. This was previously with Ausgehend in writing. New it says there Als ausgehende E-Mail speichern.
  • RFReference on invoices filters out non-numeric symbols: When calculating the RF reference number for the EPC QR code, non-numeric symbols are filtered out again. It is no longer necessary to ensure that the invoice numbers consist exclusively of digits in order to be able to create a valid EPC QR code.
  • Increasing the invoice number Length for DATEV extensions (Debi, Kredi): The DATEV extensions truncate the invoice number (Belegfeld1 in DATEV) to 12 symbols. For some time, however, this field may be up to 36 symbols long. The extensions have been adapted accordingly.

Bug fixes

  • OCL operators also work on object references: Some OCL operators explicitly expected a Vertec object for evaluation, e.g. a project worker. In OCL, however, it is also conceivable that the argument is an object reference pointing to a Vertec object (e.g. TimSession.allInstances->first.login. This has gone wrong so far and is now possible. The following OCL operators are affected:
    • currentAbwesenheiten, getAbwesenheitFrei, getPresenceEntries, getResPlanMinuten, getResRsrcMinuten, hasBiDataRight, hasRight, isDeletable, isExecutable, isMemberReadable, isMemberWritable, isViewable
  • Suggest phases in Outlook app based on the conversation: Since version, it is possible to select a phase in the Outlook app. As of this version, if the email to be saved belongs to a conversation that is already saved in Vertec, the phase is also suggested based on the previous phase assignment in the conversation. See also Outlook app Auto-Fill in the Vertec forum.
  • Fixed display of date fields with zero value in Excel EOB: Empty date values were deleted when output in Excel from advanced office reports represented as 29.12.1895. This problem has been fixed, now the field is empty.
  • Excel EOB without 1904 Date Format: When generating the extended Office report in Excel, the date format setting is set to 1904, which has made it easier or possible to display minute values as HH:MKT. This is deprecated because hour values have always been exported as hours.Decimal for a long time. The 1904 date format has been removed.
  • Weekly table correctly takes into account blocked periods again: When scrolling back the weekly table to a blocked period, it was possible in certain scenarios to record services in blocked periods. This gap has been closed.
  • Fixed display issue after dialing in the Phone app (iOS only): After tapping a CommsChannel in the Phone app on iPhone, it could happen that the CommsChannels were no longer displayed correctly. This issue has been fixed.
    • The Vertec Phone app for iOS will be updated in the next few days.


  • Assigning phases via Outlook App: When Creating an activity due to an email, from this version in the Outlook app in addition to the project also a Phase As soon as a project has been selected, the corresponding phases and subphases for selection appear in the next selection box, on which the logged-in user is allowed to enter. This is the option    Phasen-Zuordnung in Outlook App available in the system settings under CRM / Activities, if the module Budget & Phases is licensed.
  • New features of the Python module “ziputils”: In addition to creating ZIP files, ZIP files can also be extracted from this version. Python module ziputils has the following 3 new features from this version:
    • readnames(zipcontent) returns a list of file names contained in the ZIP file. If the ZIP file has a folder structure, the names contain the paths separated by slashes (/).
    • readbyname(zipcontent, name) reads a file from the ZIP file based on its name.
    • readbyidx(zipcontent, idx) reads a file based on its index in the name list.
  • Linking activity to opportunity: Starting with this version, when running reports on an opportunity, the activity is directly linked to the opportunity.
  • Optimization of data transfer via requestfilefromclient() Method: With the Python feature vtcapp.requestfilefromclient() a local file can be selected and processed in the client application. The data transfer has been optimized from this version by transferring the data in packets.
  • Option “Open image...” for posted expenses and outlays: The context menu shows next to    Bild speichern... now also Bild öffnen... on.
  • Removed “Open in new window” option in the web app: The option Öffnen in neuem Fenster is no longer available in the web app because web browsers cannot distinguish between opening a new tab or window. You can open in a new window by dragging a new tab.
  • QR reference number in the SAGE 200 payable interface: The posting of QR invoices failed because SAGE 200 the QR reference number in a different field than previously expected the ESR reference number. The bug has been fixed with this version.
  • Reconciliation of payments in the Datev receivable interface: If 2 payments with the same date and text were read, one of the two payments was ignored. This issue has been fixed in this version. Both payments appear in Vertec.
    Note: For backward compatibility reasons, in cases where the problem already occurs, the already imported payment with the same date and text must be manually deleted in Vertec so that the document numbers can be re-entered and both payments can be imported.

Bug fixes

  • License information in the login dialog and splash screen: The problem that the Module Budget & Phases could incorrectly be shown as inactive.
  • Double & Symbol in keyword folder: The problem of unwanted duplication of the & Fixed symbol in the label of the keyword folder.
  • Deleting the searchconfiguration fixed from DB on convert: The problem has been fixed with this version and the configuration of the search folder is converted correctly.
  • Fixed an error when executing PDF reports in the cloud app: When executing PDF reports via script call in the cloud app, the error message appeared in the web browser Chrome Die angeforderten Informationen sind nicht verfügbar, da der Prozess beendet wurde. if the default PDF viewer in Windows was Chrome. This version fixes the problem.

Bug fixes

  • Operation of the combo boxes via keyboard made more difficult: When quickly typing a sequence of letters in combo boxes, it was possible to Version it happens that individual letters, especially from the 2nd letter onward, are not applied as long as the combo box itself builds a list. It was necessary to wait until the list is there for the other letters to be accepted as well. This problem has been fixed with the current version.
  • BI API error at /measures fixed: The with Version introduced possibility of OCL queries on dimension values in the    BI API caused a side effect: The query of /measures (http://.../api/bi/measures) did not give the desired    Bi measures back, but the error message The passed parameter 'additionalExpressions' is not valid for this method. This error has been fixed with this version.
  • Error message when changing the designation of an activity type: When editing the “Description” field in the list of activity types, the error message appeared TBAMLString.GetStringByLanguage: Invalid languagename. The problem has been fixed in this version.


  • Dialog for cancellation date in the Abacus Web receivable interface: Starting with this version, when canceling postings via internal credit note, a dialog is called with which a cancellation date can be entered.
  • Handling of German language variants when running reports: From this version onward, when running reports, the current    Surface Language taken into account. This means that when Office Reports where: Projektsprache berücksichtigen is discontinued at DE-Projects the correct translation is applied (i.e. German(Germany), if this is the surface language).

Bug fixes

  • With the in    Version translation possibilities introduced directly in Vertec also came the language DD for “German Germany”. Mistakenly, this was also available in the selection fields of objects, where it is about the translation of the data and therefore there is only one “German”. With this version:
    • Stands DDno longer available as language for project, address entry, project type and Office report templates.
    • When starting the new version for the first time, existing projects, address entries, project types and report templates that DD have been set, automatically reset to DE.
    • Remains DD in all    Multi-Language Fields such as list settings, but also user data such as services and absences. If DD is not filled in, a possible DE Value to carry (as before).
    • If you use the event script (see Up-To-Date Support Cases) installed, you should remove it after the update.
  • Clearer error messages in the Abacus Web receivable interface: Instead of the general error message bookmark is missing, clear error messages will appear from this version onward.


  • Project search in the Outlook app: When you search for a project in the Outlook app Outlook App from this version onward, next to code also in the fields beschrieb and betreffend be sought.
  • Entering a new address when sending emails in the Outlook app: When composing a new email, the Outook App from this version all recipient addresses are displayed using arrow keys. E-mail addresses that have not yet been saved in Vertec can be displayed using the button Neue Adresse directly in Vertec.
  • Automatic update prompt in the Windows edition of Outlook: Even if Outlook does not close, it will automatically notify you of updates starting with this version.
  • EPC-QR-Code Support: From this version, in addition to the Swiss-QR-Codes, European-QR-Codes are also available Epc qr codes on accounting reports. These can also be evaluated when importing accounts payable documents.
  • Importing accounts payable documents: The following improvements have been made:
    • At Importing a documentwithout a QR code, the existing information on the creditor is retained.
    • If one of the creditor’s properties to be set is read-protected when importing a document with a QR code (for example, if the creditor has already been posted), an import is only possible if the two values match.
    • If the outlay is charged when importing a document with a QR code (if the quantity cannot be written), an import is possible. However, only xWertIntFWBrutto set.
    • If incorrect or incompatible data are found when importing a receipt with a QR code (if, for example, the currency is not found), the import is aborted and the receipt image is not changed.                
  • Python Method for Converting .msg Files to MIME Format: Using the Python Method vtcapp.msgtomime() emails (activities) can be shown directly in Vertec by converting the .msg files to MIME format. The exact procedure is described in the article on    Vertec Python Features explained.
  • BI queries now return the object IDs of dimension objects: The BI API getdata Endpoint now provides the Id of the Dimensions objects. For each dimension value there is another property with the same name and suffix _Id, which contains the object Id of the dimension value as a value. More information in the article BI API.
  • OCL queries on dimension values in the BI API: In the results of a BI getdata In the query, one or more OCL expressions can be specified per dimension (optional). For this purpose, an alias with an OCL expression can be specified for each dimension parameter (e.g. dimension0_Projekttyp=typ.bezeichnung) For more information, see the article. BI API.
  • Reading files via requestfilefromclient() with confirmation dialog: Reading a file from the client via Python method vtcapp.requestfilefromclient() always displays a dialog that warns the user that Vertec wants to read this file, which the user can acknowledge with Yes or No.
  • Saving files via sendfile() Method with confirmation dialog: When saving files to the client computer via vtcapp.sendfile() without displaying dialog is only possible for the following file types (extensions): .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .pdf, .csv, .txt, .zip, .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .bmp, .gif, .eml. For all other file types, an error message appears.
  • Restrict execution of files on the client: With vtcapp.executefile() can run an existing file on the client, for example, to call an app for a third-party product such as a DMS from Vertec. For file types on the whitelist (see the section above on the sendfile() method), this will still work as before. For all others, a new dialog will appear asking if Vertec can open the file. If Yes, the path and name of the file will be remembered and the dialog will not appear when the file is called again.
  • Optimization of data transfer via sendfile() method: The Python feature vtcapp.sendfile() can be used to transfer a file from the server to a client. Up to now, this could cause interruptions for larger files (> 10MB) due to timeout problems. This has been fixed with the current version.
  • System setting for company logo: In the System Settings General a logo can be added for use in reports.
  • Possibility to hide group absences for users: The list of absences is displayed on employees as a two-part list: in the upper part the absences of groups of which the user is a member, and in the lower part the list of absences of the user himself. To show only the simple list of absences of the user himself, without the absences from the groups, a separate container class was created Absencescontainers created.
  • Cloud App Installer checks TLS certificates more restrictively: Applies only to Vertec on-premises customers. If Vertec is operated in the cloud suite or via Vertec Webaccess, nothing changes. The cloud app installer has previously also accepted untrusted (self-signed) certificates. This has been changed with the current version, only certificates defined as trusted by Windows are accepted. A detailed description can be found in the article Cloud servers: deployment and security.

Bug fixes

  • Sending email in Outlook App Web Edition for Mac: This version fixes the issue with sending email in Outlook App Web Edition for Mac.
  • Class settings are no longer available in the Standard product line: In the Standard product line, class settings could be created by mistake but could not be deleted. Class Settings is only available in the Expert product line from this version.
  • Multiple recipients in the Outlook app were no longer assigned: Starting with version, when sending an email with multiple recipients and activating the Beim Senden Speichern Checkbox only the first recipient of the activity is appended. From this version onward, all recipients are appended to the newly created activity.
25.01.2022 Contains a bugfix that fixes the “Invalid languagename DD” problem introduced with version 10.01.2022


  • Translations directly in Vertec: Translations can now be updated directly in Vertec. For this you can find folder settings in the root folder Übersetzungen available. Existing UserDict Files are automatically imported as translations. All information about this can be found in the article Multilingualism with vertec.
  • Support for the language German (Germany) in ML-Strings: Multi-Language-Strings (Mlstrings) from this version onward, in addition to the language DE(German Switzerland) the language DD(German Germany). To ensure backward compatibility, when a German language is entered, the term is automatically used for the other German language before the native language is used. DD Translation will be provided by the DE Text used and vice versa.
  • QR code for the server address of the Phone app: Im App Portal a QR code with the corresponding server address appears under Phone App. In the Phone App Settings this QR code can be scanned to enter the server address.
  • License dialog in the cloud and web app: Starting with this version, licenses can also be entered and changed in the cloud and web app. For this purpose, the option appears in the settings menu Lizenz ändern..., which opens a dialog where you can enter the license name and license code. The license is immediately checked for its validity. With the setting Show License Dialog = False in    Section [cloudserver] in the Vertec.ini file, the display of this option can be disabled. Default is True.
  • Support for additional MS-SQL drivers: Starting with this version, the Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server (MSOLEDBSQL) driver is supported. However, the default provider remains when reinstalling SQLOLEDB. All information can be found in the article The Vertec.ini – File.

Bug fixes

  • Defective error message in list-based accounts receivable extension: The problem has been fixed. In case of a failed posting from this version, an error message is always shown and the accounts payable are not marked as posted.
  • Duplicate absence rows in the web app: When a new row and date were entered in the absence list via date picker and both the month and day were two digits, the absence row was created duplicate. This issue has been fixed.
  • Outlook Address Export interface: The error when exporting addresses via settings menu has been fixed.
  • Invalid ZIP files: The error when creating ZIP files with Unicode filenames and/or umlauts via Python Script has been fixed.


  • New default value in the system setting “Save when sending default value (Outlook App)”: The system setting default value has been changed from True on False changed, so that the user must explicitly decide whether to save emails automatically.

Bug fixes

  • Attendance time list in the weekly recording table: Problems related to changing and deleting entries in the attendance time list of the weekly recording table have been fixed.
  • Entering a new address in the Windows edition of the Outlook app: Display names of contacts with quotes are handled correctly by the Outlook app.
  • Fixed an issue when saving a sent email in the Windows edition of Outlook app: Saving when sending emails with the Outlook app did not work correctly if the Vertec Server was not reachable when starting Outlook. This issue has been fixed with this version.
  • Installing the Windows edition of the Outlook app with umlauts in the user name: Starting with this version, the installation of the Outlook app also works with a Windows user whose name contains umlauts.


  • Assigning an opportunity in the Outlook app: When saving an email in the Outlook app, an additional opportunity can be assigned from this version. The opportunities are only visible if they are activated in the system settings and Vertec is licensed in the Expert version. For more information, see the article Outlook app: how to use and use.
  • Address entered in Outlook is shown in the Oulook app: Up to now, when composing new e-mails, addresses could be entered in the Outlook app and applied to the e-mail. Starting with this version, the reverse way is also possible: if a new e-mail is written in Outlook and an address is entered, it is applied to the Outlook app. If the address is already known, the corresponding activity history is displayed.
  • New Python features for merging PDF documents:
    • newpdf = vtcapp.pdfcombine(pdf1, pdf2) merges 2 PDF documents.
    • newpdf = vtcapp.pdfextract(pdf1, pagefrom, pagetill) extracts one or more pages. The pagefrom and pagetill parameters correspond to the first and last pages, respectively, and must be specified.
    • pages = vtcapp.pdfpagecount(pdf1) specifies the number of pages in the document.

    For more information and code examples, see the article Vertec Python Features.

  • New Python feature for the processing of accounts payable documents: An invoice with a QR code can now also be processed via a script. The Python feature readinvoicedocument accepts the PDF, JPG and PNG formats of accounts payable documents and processes the QR code contained therein, which it returns as a data object. For more information and code examples, see the article Vertec Python Features.

  • Renaming extension field type Unicode Text to Text: The extension field type Unicode Text, introduced with Vertec version 6.5, is now called Text, while the extension field type, which was previously called Text, is now called ANSI Text. The descriptions of the extension field types can be found in the KB article    Custom Fields to find.
  • Additional OCL Call Operators:
    • callCurrString for the Python feature func(obj, string) -> float
    • callCurrDateDateString for the Python feature func(obj, date, date, string) -> float

Bug fixes

  • Search in script texts: sqlLikeCaseInsensitive and sqlLike did not work when searching in multi-line fields. This has been fixed from this version.
  • Error message for scheduled tasks fixed: The error message related to scheduled tasks from Vertec 6.5 and MS SQL Database has been fixed.
  • New scheduled tasks were executed immediately if the cloud server was running for more than 1 day. This issue was addressed by lastFinished from this version, the time of the last modification of the task (ModifiedDateTime) is used.
  • Error message Vertec Outlook add-in fixed: Saving emails via Vertec Outlook add-in is again possible for standard users.
  • Opportunities without a share of time: The entrydate of the opportunities contain the date without a time component.
  • Missing menu bar in the phone app: The issue with the missing menu bar in the phone app was published with phone app version 1.0.23 on 02.11.21.
  • Error when installing the cloud app: When installing via app portal, the cloud app was installed in the downloads folder when optional components were selected. This has been fixed since this version.

Bug fixes

  • Outlook app installer error message: A problem introduced with version when installing the Outlook app has been fixed.
  • Error message TAPI extension: The problem with the TAPI extension introduced with version has been fixed.
  • Inactive contacts in the call history: The call history of the TAPI extension shows only the active contacts from this version.


  • 2FA Secrets are regenerated after deactivation: When changing the 2FA system setting 2 Faktoren für Cloud Clients verwenden on False all existing secrets on users will be deleted. Users who had 2FA set up will be prompted to re-set up with QR code.
  • getwithsqlbymember in extension: The Datev receivable interface has been converted to OCL. The DATEV payment reconciliation works from this version without explicit read rights on Zahlungstyp.Code.
  • Use of the Phone app can be disabled: If in the Vertec.ini file the option Phone App Server on False it cannot be used. The error message appears Die Verwendung von Vertec Phone App ist deaktiviert.
  • Support of the EZ procedure in the AbaConnect XML receivable interface: Support for posting QR receivable invoices has been added in the    Abaconnect xml receivable interface retrofitted.
  • Favorites Navigation Panel: The Favorites Navigation Panel supports opening in a new tab or window from this version also with a double click, the context menu or the key combination with Ctrl or Shift.

Bug fixes

  • Outlook App URLs are encoded correctly: Due to the % in the MessageId the server reported a 400 Bad Request, which was mistakenly interpreted as an authentication error. This misinterpretation has been fixed with this version. In addition, a 400 bad request Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten instead of the authentication error message.
  • Cloud Installer Auto Update: The cloud app is installed in the existing directory from which the cloud app was started. The path information in the article    Command Line Parameters have been updated. In addition, the installation now works even if the installer directory contains a “_”.
  • Email Sender and Recipient Visible: On an activity, the email Sender and Recipient are visible again on the More Info page.
  • Error message Server nicht verfügbar in the Outlook app: The error message appeared if no MessageId was defined. Starting with this version, emails will have a MessageId in the Sent folder, provided that the Outlook app was installed at the time of sending. The error will no longer be shown.
  • Cloud server service registration when updating Vertec versions <= to 6.5: The problem when starting the cloud server service has been fixed.
  • Addition to the link type Customer Opportunity: The link member has been added to the link type so that the entry Opportunity appears in the New menu when entering an address.


  • Fixed convert error: The problem had to do with Firebird not being able to handle control characters in Unicode strings. This has been fixed in this version.


  • .NET Installer Integration in the Setup Improved: If a .NET installation is required during the Vertec Setup because the .NET Framework is not yet installed, the Vertec Setup will be aborted before a reboot and the user will be notified.
  • Improvement Outlook App Auto Update: If an update of the Outlook app is necessary, a corresponding notice is shown in the foreground. With a button the update can be started directly. To avoid error situations, it is no longer possible to operate the Outlook app with an outdated version.

  • Customization of link types and string representation for opportunities: When linking from a company to opportunities, the opportunities of contacts of the company are now also shown. The string representation also includes the description from this version.

  • Unicode patching also in EOB report code: A call to str(some_value) in the report code is interpreted as unicode(some_value) as in scripts from this version onward.

Bug fixes

  • ZUGFeRD metadata are not encoded correctly: The error with the occurrence of the special character & in the name of the customer has been fixed. & is now encoded in xml as &amp; .

  • Abacus payment reconciliation ignores error messages: The error has been fixed. An error message is now displayed stating that the payment reconciliation could not be successfully imported. The original Abacus error message is displayed in the message.


Bug fixes

  • Error in extended Office reports with umlauts: The encoding error with umlauts in the context variable optarg fixed. The customer’s name is converted to a Unicode string and can be printed correctly.