Template for cloud-ready debtor interfaces
Product line
Operating mode
Cloud Suite
Services & CRM
Budget & Phases
Resource Planning
Business Intelligence
There is a sample accounts receivable interface that shows what needs to be implemented to create a runable cloud-ready F&A interface. It can be used as a basis for new extensions.
To implement the sample interface or view the code, create a new extension in Vertec in the Extensions folder.
For the extension ID, specify one of the following references:
. This is an example of an extension that works online and with requests. An example of this is the Run my Accounts receivables extension.FibuExampleExtension.ExampleOfflineDebiExtension
. This is an example of an extension that creates a text file each time posting or cancelling and delivers it for download. These text files are then read into the accounting systems. Examples are the Datev receivable extension and the BMD receivable extension.Once you have entered the extension ID, you can open the code using the button with the three dots:
The code for both interfaces is in the same file, but only one or the other can be registered per extension.
The class for online debtor interfaces is called ExampleOnlineDebiExtension and contains the following entry points:
This method is called directly by Vertec and is used to post the invoices in the accounting system. During this process, the debtor address is also written.
Its argument is a list of Vertec invoice objects. The list contains only valid invoices. The consistency check is performed before calling this method.
def TryPostInvoiceBookings(self, invoiceList): response = [""] * len(invoiceList) for i in range(len(invoiceList)): try: self.CreateOrUpdateDebitor(invoiceList[i]) self.BookInvoice(invoiceList[i]) except Exception as e : errortext = translate('The invoice with the number %s reports:') % str(invoiceList[i].nummer) errortext += '\n' errortext += str(e) response[i] = errortext.replace('\n', "\n \t") return response
It must return a list of strings with the same length as the list of invoices.
invoicelist[0] - response[0] = "" invoicelist[1] - response[1] = "" invoicelist[2] - response[2] = "Ein erster Fehler ist aufgetreten" invoicelist[3] - response[3] = "Es ist ein zweiter Fehler aufgetreten" invoicelist[4] - response[4] = ""
The invoices with index 0, 1 and 4 are posted in Vertec. The other invoices are not posted.
In addition, the first error is shown to the user as an error message: “A first error has occurred”. Only the first error is shown at a time.
This method is called directly by Vertec and is used to cancel invoices in accounting.
Its argument is a list of Vertec invoice objects. The list contains only valid invoices. The consistency check is performed before calling this method.
def TryCancelInvoiceBookings(self, invoiceList): response = [""] * len(invoiceList) for i in range(len(invoiceList)): try: self.CancelInvoice(invoiceList[i]) except Exception as e : errortext = translate('The invoice with the number %s reports:') % str(invoiceList[i].nummer) errortext += '\n' errortext += str(e) response[i] = errortext.replace('\n', "\n \t") return response
It must return a list of strings with the same length as the list of invoices.
invoicelist[0] - response[0] = "" invoicelist[1] - response[1] = "" invoicelist[2] - response[2] = "Ein erster Fehler ist aufgetreten" invoicelist[3] - response[3] = "Es ist ein zweiter Fehler aufgetreten" invoicelist[4] - response[4] = ""
Invoices with index 0.1 and 4 are canceled in Vertec. The other invoices are not canceled.
In addition, the first error is shown to the user as an error message: “A first error has occurred”. Only the first error is shown at a time.
This method is called directly by Vertec and is used to import payments from accounting into Vertec.
Its argument is a list of Vertec invoice objects. The list contains only valid invoices. The consistency check is performed before calling this method.
def ImportPayments(self, invoiceList): for invoice in invoiceList: # get payments from fibu amount = 9.95 date = datetime.date.today() # get paymenttyp from vertec zahltyp = vtcapp.evalocl("zahlungstyp->select(code='AUTO')->first") if not zahltyp: self.Log('No Paymenttyp with code "AUTO" found, will be created.') zahltyp = vtcapp.createobject('Zahlungstyp') zahltyp.Code = "AUTO" zahltyp.Bezeichnung = translate("automatically created through synchronization of payment") zahltyp.Aktiv = True # create vertec payment zahlobj = vtcapp.createobject('Zahlung') zahlobj.rechnung = invoice zahlobj.typ = zahltyp zahlobj.betrag = amount zahlobj.datum = date zahlobj.text = "This payment was done by the example fibu extension" # Mark invoice as payed, if no open fees left. if invoice.betragoffen == 0: invoice.bezahlt = True print("Imported payments for invoice with number "+str(invoice.nummer))
There are three cases:
Payments must be created in Vertec and assigned to the invoice.
If there is no Payment Type with the code in Vertec AUTO
exists, one is created.
In addition, the invoice must: bezahlt
marked when it has been paid in full.
In the example extension, a payment of 9.95 is added to the invoice. In addition, when posting the personal account number on addresses on 1
set. This number must come from the FAR, please note comment in the code.
The following notes should be observed when implementing a new extension:
The following may NOT be written by the extension:
on the invoice is set by the Vertec business logic and must not be set separately from the extension.bhXX
), which are also automatically described by Vertec.The following MUST be written by the extension:
) must be set by the extension, because without a posting number cannot be canceled. For accounting systems that work without posting numbers, 0
can be simply entered.Issue
Prints are written to the Python Console when posting and cancelling.