Infoniqa ONE 200 accounts payable extension

Setting up and operating the Infoniqa ONE 200 payable accounts extension with Vertec

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Created: 10.03.2008
Machine translated
Updated: 07.05.2024 | Cloud-ready from Vertec

Formerly Sage 200 (Infoniqa) 200 extension.

Basic settings in infoniqa one 200 finance

In order for the creditor interface to create new accounts payable in Infoniqa ONE 200, some default data must be configured. For this purpose, a creditor suggestion is created. This is done as follows:

  1. Open Infoniqa ONE 200 Finance.
  2. Under Master data > Accounts payable > Master accounts payable, go to the Advanced information tab and click on the Suggestion button.
  3. In the window that opens, the currency must first be selected. Then the individual default information can be entered.
  4. Important are:
    • collective account
    • Pre-registration
    • Conditions number
    • Market affiliation
  5. Then click Save and close the window.
  6. Repeat the process for all currencies you use in Vertec.

In addition, a payment connection must be entered at the creditor address before the first creditor document is posted.

The information you provide here will then be stored as default values for new accounts payable. You only need to provide this information once.

Odbc data source

Creating the ODBC data source is described in the article about the Infoniqa one 200 receivable interface.

Installing the extension

In Vertec, in the Settings > Interfaces folder, open the extensions. Select the Sage 200 (Simultaneous) 200 accounts payable interface and press the Installieren button.

System settings in vertec

Some system settings are installed for all accounts payable. These are listed in System settings > Accounting.

The special system settings for the Infoniqa ONE 200 accounts payable extension are:

  • Expense account Outlays, Example 4000
  • Expense account expenses, example 4060
  • FAR Login: Enter the login for Infoniqa ONE 200 here.
    PropertyName: LoginFibu. StringProperty.
  • FAR client: The FAR client consists of the following information:
    • Data source: Name of the ODBC data source for Infoniqa ONE 200 (e.g. MSSQLInfoniqa200).
    • Database name: Name of the database on the SQL server (e.g. Infoniqa). This information can be found on the SQL server.
    • Client: Abbreviation of the client to work with can be found in Infoniqa ONE 200, table Client, field Mandid.
    • The data must be entered manually and separated by commas, according to the scheme <Datenquelle>,<DB-Name>,<Mandant>:
      PropertyName: DatenbankFibu. StringProperty.
  • FAR Password: Enter the password for the Infoniqa ONE 200 login above.
    PropertyName: PasswordFibu. StringProperty.
  • Automatic selection of posting period: From extension version 145.
    • Yes: If this option is set to Yes, the matching posting period (based on the date on the creditor) is automatically searched for when posting and cancelling. If no matching period is defined, the usual error that the posting date is outside the allowed range appears.
    • No (default): If the setting is set to No, the behavior is the same as before, i.e. the appropriate accounting period must be set in the system settings before posting.

PropertyName: AutoPeriodeFibu. BooleanProperty.

  • Perform definitive postings in Infoniqa ONE 200: If the setting is set to Yes, when an invoice is cancelled, the document is not deleted, but a cancellation posting is made. Default is No.
    PropertyName: SbsBuchenDefinitiv. BooleanProperty.
  • Accounting period: Here you can select which period is currently used in the tenant.
    PropertyName: PeriodeFibu. StringProperty.
  • The checkbox Use employee cost center for creditor postings only has to be set if Infoniqa ONE 200 is set to post with cost units. A cost center has to be set on the employee.
    Note: The outlays use the same value that is set under expenses.
  • Currencies: To update or create the creditor PK entry in the accounting program, the entry is passed in all currencies specified here (for all these currencies a creditor suggestion must exist, see above).
    Enter the currencies manually, separated by commas. The values must correspond to the currencies in Infoniqa ONE 200 (Infoniqa ONE 200 finance > root data > currencies). If nothing is specified, CHF is used.
    PropertyName: WaehrungenFibu. StringProperty.