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This script cancels or posts a account payable without carrying over data to the accounting system. This can be useful, for example, if a account payable is to appear as posted in Vertec afterwards, but the accounting period is already completed.
During the posting process, certain values are fixed in the Vertec. This script simulates this process. If the creditor is already posted, it is cancelled, otherwise posted.
All Vertec versions.
On the creditor you want to put on posted.
# coding: windows-1252 # #---Description: Set borrower posted to posted (without accounting) # Class: Creditor # ObjectScript: Y # ContainerScript: N # EventType: None # EventClass: # EventMembers: # ExtendedRights: N #---If the member posted on the creditor is changed, instead of the default function post, # Posting some information is missing on the postings. With this script the script is # Stored in rows saved and reinstated after repositioning. #---12.04.2012, RS: created. #---23.10.2013, MW: Handle outlays and expenses, instead of just outlays. from vtcapp import getpropertyvalue, evalocl def main(): account payable = argobject if creditor.booked: creditor.booked = False else: # Read and set information creditor.bhExpense accountExpenses = creditor.expense accountExpenses creditor.bhExpense accountExpenses = creditor.expense accountExpenses creditor.bhKrediCode = creditor.krediCode creditor.bhCollectingAccount = creditor.collectingAccount expensesbase=creditor.eval('expenses->union(expenses).oclastype(ExpensesBase)') for expenditure base in expenditure base: expenditurebase.verrMWSTCodeEK = expenditurebase.MWSTCodeEK expenditurebase.verrVATrateEK = expenditurebase.VATrateEK expenditurebase.creditsexpenditureaccount = expenditurebase.expense account creditor.booked = True main()