Reports for invoice

Reports for the invoice class

Operating mode

Cloud Suite




Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 26.04.2010
Machine translated
Updated: 18.11.2024 | Screenshots updated.

In addition to an overview of the individual reports for invoicing, you will also find the registration information for how the report is registered in Vertec.

Invoice with list of services

Creates an invoice with the sums of services, expenses, outlays and downpayments as well as VAT.

On the following pages, the services, outlays, and downpayments are listed in detail, grouped by project phase (if any) and sorted by date.

If an invoice contains only one downpayment, the text of the downpayment appears on the first page instead of “downpayments”. In this case, the list of downpayments on the following page is omitted.

Depending on the currency and settings, an EPC QR code will be printed on the first page or a Swiss QR payment part will be printed on the last page. Setting up QR invoice in Vertec .

Registration information

  • Type: Advanced Office report
  • Class: invoice
  • Output format: Word or PDF
  • Executable on: Single
  • Internal Name: InvoiceWithList
  • Active: yes

ZUGFeRD Example Implementation

As of Vertec version, the invoice with performance list includes a Zugferd example implementation, which generates metadata according to Zugferd standard in PDF format. In normal use, you will not notice anything about this. For more information, see the article Invoices according to Zugferd standard (X-invoice).

The example implementation uses the profile EN 16931. The following criteria must be met in order to be able to create valid Zugferd invoices (if invoices according to the Zugferd standard are to be created in customer installations, the code must be customized. Information on this can be found in the above article):

  • The VAT type used must be entered as code S. This is the code for the “standard rate” according to the specification.
  • A VAT number must be entered on the company registered in the system settings under Further Info.
  • Downpayments are transferred as items such as services, expenses and outlays.
  • The invoice type is fixed 380 (commercial invoice).
  • The currency must have rounded to 0.01, otherwise there will be rounding errors.
  • The country (Countryid) is the standard country on the customer or company. For a valid Zugferd validation, this must contain a 2-digit country code according to ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2 (see e.g.
  • Only one currency can be used per invoice.

Invoice with operator totals

Creates an invoice, totalling the services by user. No detail lists.

Depending on the currency and settings, an EPC QR code will be printed on the first page or a Swiss QR payment part will be printed on the last page. Setting up QR invoice in Vertec .

Registration information

  • Type: Advanced Office report
  • Class: invoice
  • Output format: Word or PDF
  • Executable on: Single
  • Internal Name: InvoiceWithUserSums
  • Active: yes

Invoice with phase sums

Creates an invoice, where the services are summed by phases. No detail lists.

Depending on the currency and settings, an EPC QR code will be printed on the first page or a Swiss QR payment part will be printed on the last page. Setting up QR invoice in Vertec .

Registration information

  • Type: Advanced Office report
  • Class: invoice
  • Output format: Word or PDF
  • Executable on: Single
  • Internal Name: InvoiceWithPhaseSums
  • Active: yes