Installing Vertec On-Premises

How to install Vertec On-Premises

Operating mode

Cloud Suite




Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 11.07.2002
Updated: 04.04.2024 | Added link to download Vertec Setup.


The installation on the server computer includes the Vertec directory with all required program and data files as well as the database server application (Firebird), if you want to use it.

Clients can be accessed via the Cloud App or Web App. No client installation is required; access is set up via the App Portal.

If the Vertec Desktop App is also to be used on certain client computers, a Vertec Client installation will be carried out there. This includes installation of the add-ins ( Explorer add-in and ProCall add-in ) and creates the shortcuts to the program files on the server.

Select MS SQL Server

If you want to use Microsoft SQL Server instead of the included open source Firebird database, select the Microsoft SQL Server option.

In this case, you must first set up the Vertec database manually. Please refer to the section Set up a Vertec database on SQL Server in the Microsoft SQL Server article. After that, perform the server installation of Vertec.

Vertec server installation

The Vertec server installation is carried out locally on the server. The download link for the latest Vertec version can be found at Vertec version 6.7. Start the setup and follow the program instructions.

Next, you will be asked for the desired installation path for Vertec.

If the Vertec Desktop App needs to be used on a client, the Vertec installation directory must be shared on the network so that the relevant client computers can access the program files. If the client only uses the Vertec Cloud App and the Vertec Web App, this is not necessary.

Next, select the components you want to install. If you want to use Microsoft SQL Server instead of the included open source Firebird database, select the Microsoft SQL Server option.

You must confirm the Vertec license agreements that appear next in order to proceed with the setup.

Install Firebird

If you select Firebird as the database server, you are now asked for the path for the Firebird installation. It is best to apply the suggestion in the installation dialog. The Firebird Open Source License Agreement is shown, which you must confirm.

Next, you are asked for the login information for the database server. Enter a password you have defined, which will be used as the master password for the database.

For security reasons, it is advisable to specify your own password (you can only access the database later with this password). If you do not make any changes to the default, a standard password set by Vertec AG is used.

If you change the database password later, you must enter the new password encrypted in your configuration file Vertec.ini. Encryption is done via the Customer Portal, see the article Customer Portal operation .

Install Vertec on MS SQL Server

You are asked for the login information for the database server. Please enter the login name and password for the  pre-created database on MS SQL Server.

Complete the installation, but uncheck the Run Vertec (database initialization) checkbox.

Start the Vertec Desktop App with the /DC parameter.

In the next window, under destination database, you should already see the configuration information that you entered into the Vertec.ini configuration file during the installation process. Select the option Create schema from the checkboxes.

You must enter the password in the field provided.

Start the process. In the text field, the log for table creation is shown. If any error messages appear during the process, make a note of them and contact your Vertec advisor.

When all actions have expired, you can complete the program with the Close button.

Approval of ports

If Vertec is installed on a server, the Cloud Server port must be released.

If the Vertec Desktop App has to be used on any client or on the server itself, the standard Firebird port 3050 (TCP) and the Notif port must also be enabled.

You can find information about what is running on which ports in the Vertec.ini configuration file in the Vertec installation directory.

Client accesses to Vertec

The Cloud App, the Web App, the Phone App and the Outlook App are cloud clients. Here the business logic runs on the server, the interface is also prepared on the server and the cloud clients only display it and receive the user input. The Vertec Cloud Server is responsible for the provision – internally or via the internet. You can find information about this in the article Cloud Server Deployment and Security.

As soon as the cloud server is reachable, the server URL shows the App Portal for Cloud Client .

  • The Cloud App can be set up via the App Portal.
  • The Web App can be accessed at the push of a button via the App Portal or via the relevant URL (Server URL + /webapp/ )
  • The Phone App  is available for download in the App Store and on Google Play. The relevant links can also be found on the App Portal.
  • The   Outlook App is provided in two editions: the Windows edition, which runs the Outlook App in the on-premises Windows client of Outlook, and the Web edition, which installs the Outlook App in Office 365. Both editions can be found in the App Portal.

Note: Available from version, the display of the App Portal can be changed using the setting Portal page in the Vertec.ini file. The various apps access Vertec from the clients as follows:

In the following cases, it is necessary to deploy the Desktop App on a client:

  • Using an extension that is not cloud ready
  • Local Python code must be executed within Vertec

In this case, a Desktop App setup must be performed on the local computer:

Install Desktop App on client

During the Vertec server installation, a copy of the setup.exe program is placed in the Desktop App setup subdirectory on the server.

To perform a client installation of the Desktop App, the client machine must have access to the entire Vertec installation directory on the server. To do this, set up a network share of the Vertec installation directory and have local admin rights for the installation.

From the client computer, open the Vertec installation directory on the server. Start the setup.exe program from the Desktop App setup subfolder.

For the destination directory on the client machine, it is best to accept the suggestion of the setup program (C:\Programs\Vertec). After the setup program is completed, the Vertec Desktop App should be ready for use. The program can now be started using the shortcuts installed in the Start menu.

Interrupted connection behavior for local client installations

The Vertec Desktop App can handle connection interruptions, but only with a local client installation (program files are located on the client machine).

If a connection is lost, five reconnect attempts are made, each with a timeout of 40 seconds. If all fail, an error message is issued and Vertec must be closed.

If the network connection is disconnected on the client side, the timeout per connection attempt is much smaller (a few seconds). In this case, disconnection results in an error message after about 10 seconds.

Start Vertec

After setup, the Vertec Desktop App starts for the first time with an empty database. This version is not yet licensed. The initialization wizard appears.

After the installation is completed, you can start the desired Vertec app. The user name for the first login is Administrator and the password VertecGo1.

The various files at a glance

Name Description

The Cloud Server is installed on your server as a service (automatically through setup) and secures the server part of the new Cloud apps.

It also has an entry page for cloud clients. With this, for example, the Cloud App can be installed on Windows, even without local administrator rights.

See also: Cloud server: provision and security.


Launches the Vertec Cloud App. The Cloud App for Windows can be installed, either like the Desktop App via a Desktop App Setup, or – as described above – can be set up via the start page of the cloud server.


Launches the Vertec Desktop App.

Auxiliary programs

Name Description
1-click installer for setting up the Cloud App via the Cloud Server Portal.

Controls the handling of the Vertec URL.

To resolve this, the protocol handler must be called up with local admin rights with the Vertec.ProtocolHandler.exe /install parameter.

With /uninstall, the protocol handler can be uninstalled again, then Windows no longer knows the vertec: protocol.

The Cloud Server starts a Vertec session for each callup (see also Settings process limit / process pool size in the Vertec.ini File).
Database conversion auxiliary program when installing or updating Vertec On-Premises to MS SQL Server from Vertec 6.4.