Creating projects

How to create projects and make basic settings

Operating mode

Cloud Suite




Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 08.07.2002
Updated: 26.06.2024 | Module Business Intelligence linked.

A project must already be created and active in order for users to be able to enter services for it. However, whether the project should be opened in the pre-sales phase, in the planning phase, or just before the start of the “actual” work depends on whether, for example, services for the offer should be assigned to the individual project or to an internal project for sales activities.

Opening a project

To create a project, click the menu button New > Project.

Project code

The project code can consist of letters, numbers, or a combination of the two.

Project codes longer than 16 characters are possible, but, in some views, they are not fully displayed. Vertec does not check if a project code already exists.

If the system setting convert codes to uppercase is set, the code entered is converted to uppercase.


This checkbox must be selected so that users can entered their services for the project. By default, a project is always active.

The administrator can deactivate projects. They are then no longer visible to users, but still exist in the system. Entries can no longer be made for inactive projects.

Click on the button with the three dots in the field on the right. Next, enter an address query and select the customer address from the existing addresses.
Here, you can enter a description of the project. If the system setting Set project description automatically is activated, the customer address is automatically entered as the description.
This field is used on the standard invoice and should contain a short description of the project that is understandable to the customer.
Project type
Each project is assigned a project type. For the correct selection, read the article about project types.
Invoice interval

Possible values: None, Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-annually or Yearly.

The invoicing interval only automates the insertion of the corresponding date values for a settlementxxx. “None” invoicing interval means that in the case of a settlement all open services and expenses are taken into account (exception: Services of a flat-rate phase). See the article about invoicing.

Rate level
The rate level determines the hourly rates at which the users are generally charged when you enter services for this project. Here you can select an already defined rate level.
The currency defines the project currency, which by default is the key currency. The recorded services, expenses and outlays are entered or converted in this project currency. The project currency can no longer be changed once invoices are settled on the project.
In principle, the project uses the VAT type of the assigned project type. However, it can be overwritten at this level. If the VAT type is overwritten, it will appear in green font on the project.

Defining the project language has the following effects:

  • Predefined service texts (or expense and expense texts) are used in the correct language, depending on the language assigned to the project.
  • Reports can be registered in different languages. Depend on which language a project is assigned, the correct template is automatically selected.
Project manager
A user is selected as the project leader. With this user, the corresponding project is automatically listed in the subfolder “own projects”. Invoice proposals and evaluations can then be created with the project list of a project leader. The project manager projects leader own projects. User rights in the module Business Intelligence there are also project manager evaluations.
Key user,
Deputy key user,
A user can optionally also be assigned as key user, key user assistant and secretary. These can also be assigned in the module Business Intelligence can be evaluated, you can group and filter accordingly or show the information on reports.


Budget values can be stored on projects and phases. These are used to compare planned and actual values. For more information, see the article project and phase budgeting.


On the Addresses page, in addition to the customer address, you can save other addresses:

Clicking on the “...” button opens the search dialog for the addresses in Vertec.

Customer Assign a customer address to the project from the address master file.
Invoice to Here you can assign a invoice address to the project. This assignment is only necessary if the invoice address differs from the customer address. Otherwise, the customer is automatically used as the invoice address.
Ordering party In addition to the customer and invoice address, a project can also be assign to the ordering party. From the program logic, this assignment has no functionality, it is a purely informative assignment. However, it can be used in lists and reports via the OCL term ordering party.
Address text on invoice Here you get an overview of the address including layout, as the address will appear later on the invoice.


On the Settings page, you can predefine settings for invoicing. Invoices created later for this project will automatically apply these settings.

All information provided here refers to all invoices generated subsequently for this project. The specifications are therefore only suitable for projects where this information applies to all invoices.

All information can also be entered or changed on the individual invoices.

Rates applicable to services Here, you can overwrite hourly rates for this individual project. For better clarity, however, we recommend using the rate table.
Pro forma invoice Invoices defined as pro forma cannot be posted to accounts receivable (the Post button is not available).
Fixed-price invoice If an invoice is defined as fixed price, the amount indicated under fixed price is considered to be the invoice amount. The values of the assigned services are then irrelevant.
Fixed-price expenses
/ Fixed price
Should a fixed-price expense be charged for the invoice? If a percentage is specified, the fixed-price expense is calculated as a percentage of total services. Otherwise, the amount entered under “Amount” is used as a fixed amount.
Expense entries Controls whether the invoice should apply the value of the expenses on it. If this check box is not checked, the external expense value on the invoice is set to 0, and the individual expenses are not shown when printing. However, the expenses remain on the invoice and are charged to it.


If an expense lump sum is entered and “expenses” is still selected, the total of the expenses plus the expense lump sum is charged.

Percent / Amount
Does the customer receive a discount on the invoice? Either as an amount or as a percentage of the services provided.
Charging type for outlays
  • Charge: The outlays are invoiced to the customer, i.e. appear on the invoice.
  • Forward: Outlays are entered for control purposes only and do not appear on the invoice.

See also charging type of outlays.

Planning level for Resource Planning Scheduled data can be entered either for projects or for phases. In the system settings > Resource Planning, it is possible to define whether scheduling is by default on projects or on phases. The corresponding system setting is "Scheduling level for new projects". Here, this value can be overridden on the individual project.
A/c receiveable payment terms In this field, a payment term defined in the system settings can be selected. The color indicates whether the value has been applied from the upper level or overwritten here:


  • Black font: Value is applied from the top level.
  • Green font: Value was overwritten at this level

For more information, see Book account posts with Vertec.

Assigning users

In the subfolder Users, project users can be assigned to the project and certain values can be overridden. If the system setting users must be assigned to projects is set to YES, an assignment is a prerequisite for an user to be entered to this project (this assignment can also be made on the project type and then applies to all projects of this type).

This link, called the user link, is an independent user entry and can be displayed in folders, linked and provided with custom field items.

In the * row, you can select users from a drop-down list. You can also add users and lists of users by drag & drop.

Double-clicking on a row opens the individual user project link in the detail window.

Link types for connecting users and projects

To display connections between users and projects, three link types exist, which have almost the same name:

Link type name Description
Project – User Shows userlinks to project. Shows User container on the project.
Projects – Users Does not show on the interface, but enables a user to be assigned to a project via drag & drop.
Projects – Users Shows the Projects or Cases folder on the user. Contains the list of projects for which the user is allowed to make entries (Projektbearbeiter.erfprojekte).