Plug-in: Root folder Project Controlling

Set of folders for project controlling

Product line




Operating mode





Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 02.07.2019
Updated: 03.05.2023 | Updated documentation and screenshots, added technical information.

Download and install

Download the plug-in with the following download link and install it in your Vertec. The exact procedure is in the article   Things worth knowing about the plug-ins described.

Version description Download Starting with this version, the plug-in includes the member isExpandable on the folder class. ConfigSet_rootProjectcontrolling.xml



This plug-in creates the root folder Project Control with the following subfolders:

Project Search

SQL folder for searching for projects.

All active projects

Expression folder to view all active projects.

Inactive projects

SQL folder , which represents all inactive projects created since the selected date and are inactive.

Projects by area

keyword folder for projects.

Projects can be assigned to the keywords Range 1, Range 2 or Range 3. You can customize the keywords or add new ones.

Projects by Category

keyword folder for projects with Exclusive function.

Projects can be assigned to exactly one of the keywords Category 1, Category 2 or Category 3. You can customize the keywords or add new ones.

Budget control

SQL folder , which shows all the projects of the selected project leader and gives an overview of the budget situation for fees and expenses.

The project progress (color scale) refers to the fee budget only. The PoC value (Percentage of Completion) represents the ratio of the delivered internal hours to the planned internal hours.

Gross margin Projects

Expression folder which includes all projects with services in the selected period. Both outstanding and invoiced services are taken into account.

The calculation of turnover, costs and contribution margin refers only to the fee values. Expenses are not taken into account.

In order to calculate the contribution margin correctly, cost rates must be entered.


Technical Information

Importing the plug-in creates the following objects:


Root folder Project Control with the following subfolders:

  • Project Search
  • All active projects
  • Inactive projects
  • Projects by area
  • Projects by Category
User groups

Users must comply with the appropriate Assigned user group become.


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