Plug-in: Invoice splitting

Split invoices to multiple recipients

Product line




Operating mode





Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 18.12.2020
Updated: 06.06.2024 | New version published with a code improvement. No change in functionality.

This plug-in implements the option of adding additional invoice recipients and dividing invoices to several recipients proportionally.

Download and install

Download the plug-in with the following download link and install it in your Vertec. The exact procedure is in the article   Things worth knowing about the plug-ins described.

Version description Download Includes features from version 6.7.

ConfigSet_Invoice Breakdown.xml


  • The Expert product line is a prerequisite for this plug-in.
  • Additional class 29 may not yet be in use.
  • The Plug-in: Invoice number DE cannot be used at the same time: If an invoice splitting is undone, the automatically generated partial invoices are deleted. The invoice numbers assigned to these invoices are no longer available and therefore a complete sequence of invoice numbers cannot be ensured. When splitting again, new invoice numbers are generated for the partial invoices.


Define invoice recipient

To split invoices to several recipients, the recipients are defined on the project. Click on the menu button or right-click on the project and select Neu > Rechnungsempfänger :

In the entry that opens, the invoice address is selected and the percentage that the recipient has in the invoices issued for this project is indicated.

As soon as an invoice recipient has been added, the folder Recipients folder is created on the project. There, further invoice recipients can be added and the overview of the percentages can be viewed. The percentages must total 100%, otherwise the invoice division cannot be carried out correctly.

The customer of the project itself and its percentage must also be added here as the recipient. So it is not the case that the customer automatically receives “the rest”.

Split invoice

The project must first have a new invoice created via the Actions menu, the option Rechnungsaufteilung A dialog will appear with a summary of the planned distribution:

One click on OK creates the subfold Sub-invoices, sets the main invoice to a total of 0, marks it as proforma and closes it. It looks like this:

The partial invoices in the subfolder look like this:

The individual sub-invoice amounts shall be determined by: downpayments shown.

One click on the button Aufteilung rückgängig undoes the entire splitting process. This means that even if the button is clicked on a single sub-invoice, all sub-invoices are deleted and the original invoice is restored before splitting.


  • Differences in rounding may occur in the apportionment because the sub-amounts themselves are also rounded to the rounding factor specified in the currency. However, these differences never concern the gross amount, but only the net amount and the VAT amount.
  • Flat-rate phases without services may not be split. In such cases, individual fixed-price phases must be invoiced pro rata to each recipient.
  • It is not possible to invoice downpayments and divide them up. In this case, individual downpayments must be invoiced to each recipient on a pro rata basis. It is possible, however, to deduct downpayments from an invoice and then divide them up.

Print Partial Invoice

On the individual sub-invoices, the Menu Print the report Teilrechnung are called up. This is structured the same as the Invoice with list of services , except that on the cover sheet the percentage of:


Technical Information

Importing the plug-in creates the following objects:

  • Folder Recipient folder on the project
  • Sub-invoices folder on the invoices
User groups
  • Invoice split user group: Allow splitting invoices to multiple invoice recipients.

Users must: Assigned user group become.

Reports & Scripts
  • Report template: Partial invoice
  • Event: Undo charge
  • Script: module_splitInvoice
  • Script: Invoice splitting
Types of VAT
  • VAT type Export
  • VAT type Off
Link types
  • Project – Invoice Recipient
  • Main Account – Partial Accounts
Custom field items

A total of 3 custom field items will be created.

Class Settings

Class settings and page customizations  for the supplementary class29 (invoice recipient) and the class invoice.


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