Customizable notifications in Vertec
Product line
Operating mode
Services & CRM
Budget & Phases
Resource Planning
Business Intelligence
With the Notifications feature, Vertec can send notifications. This allows users to be automatically notified of defined tasks and thus support workflows.
In the title line, the bell symbol indicates reminders or tasks that need to be completed (e.g. pending or absences that need to be released).
Clicking on the icon opens the list of notifications:
In the list of notifications, you can navigate directly to the desired entry by double-clicking on an individual notification.
opens it in a new windowPlug-ins are available that implement the following notifications:
Notifications for monthly releases: If there is no approval, team leaders or HR can send reminders to the appropriate users at the push of a button. For
more information, see the article Plug-in Monthly releases
In the system settings under General
can be accessed via the option Benachrichtigungen beim Start anzeigen
configured whether the dialog should be shown automatically after login when notifications are present. The default value is False
If the checkbox is checked, the following dialog will automatically appear after login:
With a double click you can navigate directly to a notification or the dialog with the Schliessen
button be closed.
Notifications are created by scripts. For this purpose, two Python functions are available on the user, with which notifications can be created, modified and deleted. The notifications are created by the triple of user, category
and optional link
uniquely identified. If write access to one of the members is missing, the functions report an error.
setnotification(category, text, link)
: adds a notification with specified category, text and optionally linked User Entry. If a notification with the same category and linked object already exists on the user, the text will be updated.deletenotification(category, link)
: deletes the notification on the user with specified category and linked object. If no corresponding notification is found, nothing happens. No error message appears.The notifications are: UserEinträge
with the following attributes:
is a string indicating the category (type) of the notification. This is off selectable.text
is any text that describes the notification and usually also contains information about the linked
(optional): is a Vertec object (User Entry). If specified, the notification is displayed with the corresponding icon and the string representation of the object (Counterlink: linkedNotifications
: The user to which the notification belongs (Counterlink: notifications
)By double-clicking on the first slope the activity for the router switch opens. With the following event script it can be configured that when the checkbox is checked Erledigt
on the activity the notification automatically disappears from the list:
Script text:
# responsible = argobject.responsible if responsible and argobject: responsible.deletenotification('pending_activity’, argobject) if responsible and not argobject: responsible.setnotification('pending_activity’, argobject.title, argobject)
Before completion:
After completion:
The user rights of the notifications (notification objects) are as follows:
and deletnotification()
for creating and deleting notifications check the read/write access to the bearbeiter.notifications