Cost rates in Vertec

Explanation of the cost rates in Vertec

Product line




Operating mode

Cloud Suite




Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 13.10.2008
Updated: 27.09.2023 | New screenshots.

What are costs?

Costs in Vertec are the employee costs per hour: How much does it cost the company if the employee works one hour?

What you include in these costs depends on what contribution margin you want to see in the Business Intelligence module. In most cases, only the pure salary and direct ancillary salary costs are taken. The same amount is taken if you want to post via internal cost accounting, since costs such as rent, IT, etc., are transferred from cost accounting to the cost unit.

Costs <> Internal fee

Often the question arises, what is the difference between costs and the internal fee.

Internal fee does not refer to the costs, but the hours multiplied by the external fee (ansatzext). This number means: How many hours did I calculate or have yet to calculate in customer amounts, i.e. the actual “manufacturing costs”.

Cost accounting in Vertec

The standard costs can be saved as a fixed cost rate per hour and user in the Vertec rate system. The calculation of the exact cost rates is a matter for the respective company.

The standard cost rate is either defined on the user:

Or in the rates table:

Where are cost calculations available in Vertec?

In service lists

In service lists, you can show the cost rate. It always refers to the standard cost rate (even if you use the salary cost/overhead method for benchmarking). In the list settings, create a column with the expression ansatzkosten.

In the invoice

During invoicing, it is checked whether the sum of the standard cost rates has been reached; the corresponding percentage is shown:

The percentage refers to the amount of services actually charged.

In the Business Intelligence module

In the Business Intelligence module, costs are shown by default for the following measures:

  • Contribution margin
  • Costs