The Vertec.ini – File

The Vertec.ini configuration file

Operating mode

Cloud Suite




Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 14.11.2005
Machine translated
Updated: 29.10.2024 | New Cloud Server parameters from Vertec documented.

The Vertec.ini configuration file contains all the information Vertec needs at startup. It searches for a Vertec.ini in the directory where the running Vertec.Desktop.exe is located.

Database sections

Standard database [Database]


By default, Vertec uses the section named [Database] in the Vertec.ini file at startup.

User Name=SYSDBA
Identifies the server and the Vertec database.
User Name
Identification for the database server.

Encrypted password for identification at the database server, together with the user name.

When you set up Vertec, you will be asked for the database password and this will be automatically entered in Vertec.ini in encrypted form. If you need to enter it manually, e.g. when changing the database password, use the Verschlüsselungs-Option im Kundenportal.


Starting with Vertec 6.5, the Firebird Buffer-Size can be overwritten:

Default value is 10000.

Please refer to the article Firebird Pages und Buffersize.

Microsoft SQL Server

Data Source=MYSERVER
Initial Catalog=vertec
User ID=Vertecuser
  • Provider=SQLOLEDB: Default driver for the SQL connection. The driver is not installed by Vertec Setup, it is part of MDAC (Microsoft Data Access Components) or the SQL Server Client Setup.

    Data Source=MYSERVER
  • Provider=SQLNCLI11: Start with Vertec, the SQL Server Native Client driver is also supported. This driver supports TLS 1.2 encryption. The prerequisite is that the driver is installed. This driver is neither installed by SQL Server Client Setup nor by Vertec Setup. It is part of SQL Server Management Studio.

    The DataTypeCompatibility=80 parameter must be specified with this driver. This is important for the ADO layer to interpret the data types correctly.

    Data Source=MYSERVER
  • Provider=MSOLEDBSQL: Start with version the Microsoft SQL OLE DB driver for SQL Server is also supported.

Data source
This is the server name (or IP address) of the SQL Server.

If there is more than one SQL Server instance on a server, the instance name must be appended:

Data Source=MYSERVER\Instanzname
Initial Catalog
Name of the database on the SQL Server
User ID
Identification for the database server.
Encrypted password for identification at the database server, together with the User ID. To encrypt your password, use the Kundenportal.
Persist Security Info
a SQL parameter that is not needed to run Vertec. If this parameter still exists in your configuration, you can delete it.
Auto Translate
a SQL parameter that is not needed to run Vertec. If this parameter still exists in your configuration, you can delete it.

Alternate Databases, e.g. [TestDB]

Alternate database sections can be specified. This makes it possible to support different databases with the same Vertec installation. For each of these database connections, a separate section must be created, each with its own name.

User Name=SYSDBA

The call of an alternative database takes place via the parameter /DB.

Instance name to identify test installations

A database section can contain a value called InstanceName:


This will then be shown as follows:

  • Shown in the preview of the taskbar icon in the Desktop App:
  • Starting with Vertec 6.4 in all full-featured apps:
    • In the Web App in the form of Vertec (User) Instancename: Objekt:
    • In the login dialog:
    • About Vertec:

For access via OCL, there is an attribute named InstanceName on the session: TimSession.allInstances->first.instanceName.

Notif data update

[Notif] is the section for automatic data update.

Network address of the Notif server. For example, Host=SERVER1. An IP address can also be specified here.
TCP port of the Notif server. Default: Port=8091
Time interval for client requests to the Notif server in milliseconds. Default value: PollInterval=10000 (equivalent to 10 seconds). Note: Values below 1000 do not make sense and can lead to problems. Values between 1000 and 10000 should only be selected for special tests. Values above 10000 should be selected for ongoing operation.

Note: If multiple cloud servers are used, Notif must be active on just one server (Notif Server=True) and must under no circumstances be activated more than once.

Release of ports when using firewalls

If Vertec is installed on a server that also has a firewall for the internal network, the Notif port must be explicitly enabled. To do this, the port and Vertec.CloudServer.exe should be enabled.

Deactivate Notif

If the Notif section in Vertec.ini does not exist or no port is specified, Notif is disabled.

In the [CloudServer] section, the Notif server can be explicitly disabled by setting Notif Server=False.

The Notif always runs on the default database. If Vertec is started via /DB with another database, Notif will not run.

XML server section [XMLServer]

This section is no longer required as of Vertec, since the XML Server is integrated in the Cloud Server from this version.

To switch an existing XML server to Cloud Server operation, delete or comment out the [Xmlserver] section and any XML entries under [Webserver]. Instead, activate the XML server in the [CloudServer] section, and then restart both services (Vertec Service and Cloud Server).


Server Port=8081
Management Port=8082
SSH Remoteport=12345
SSH User=vtc1849
SSH Password=xxx
XML Server=True
Task Scheduler=True
Portal Page=True
Restrict Scripting=True
Restrict Session Process=True
Restrict Filesystem Access=True
Setting Default Significance Required
AI Recognition Ping Timeout
1 second

As of Vertec, for automatic receipt recognition. Timeout for the “ping” request in seconds, which is executed before each recognition attempt to check if the server is available.

An adjustment should only be necessary in case of poor internet connection of the server.

AI Recognition Request Timeout
20 seconds

As of Vertec, for automatic receipt recognition. Timeout for the analysis of the posted document.

An adjustment should only be necessary in case of poor internet connection of the server.


As of Vertec Enables the BI API (Application Programming Interface) to query Bi data from external applications.

  • The BI API can only be used if the Business Intelligence Module is licensed, otherwise an error is returned.
  • The BI API can only be used after authentication. Otherwise, an error is returned.
BI Task Scheduler Range Start
BI Task Scheduler Range End

This allows you to define the time window in which the BI data should be calculated. Within this time window, the cloud server rolls a time in which the process is started. The start time is set by a new session at the start of the cloud server.

BI Task Scheduler Range Start=23:00 
BI Task Scheduler Range End=05:00 

This is how to roll: The quantity of minutes until the end time is determined based on the start time. Then a random number from 0 to the quantity of minutes is rolled and this value is added to the start time. This yields the CRON expression for determining the next execution, see also Scheduled Tasks.

Certificate Name
“Vertec-Autogenerated” HTTPS: Name (FriendlyName or CommonName) of the certificate in the certificate store (local machine). See Cloud servers. For SSL/TLS
Excluded Protocols
"” Comma-separated list of HTTP transport protocols not to be served by the server. Possible values are WebSockets, ServerSentEvents, ForeverFrame, LongPolling. No
HSTS Max Age
0 HTTPS: Enables HTTP Strict Transport Security and specifies the HSTS policy max-age in days. No
Login Max Failures

As of Vertec 6.2 Brute-Force Prevention Mechanism to prevent many unsuccessful login attempts, as used in brute-force authentication attacks.

The authentication server remembers and counts failed attempts per login name. When the quantity of failed attempts for a given login name reaches a threshold, authentication requests for that login name will not be processed for a specified period of time.

If a successful login occurs before the threshold is reached, the counter for this login name is reset.

The quantity of possible attempts and the time period can be configured. If nothing is specified, the default is used.

Login Max Failures=10 (Standard)
Login Ban Minutes=10 (Standard)

If one of the settings is 0, the Brute Force Prevention mechanism is disabled.

These settings are independent and work even if Authentication via ldap server is done via LDAP server.

Login Ban Minutes
Management Port
0 The port on which the management server can be reached (see Cloud server). 0 = Disabled No
Management Port Exposed

From version

Access to the Management Console is by default only possible via Localhost address to prevent that the Management Console, which does not require login, is easily accessible from outside the computer.

The setting

Management Port Exposed=True  

provides the Management Console on all available interfaces.

We do not recommend setting this option. The ports must be approved accordingly and it must be ensured that the port cannot be accessed from outside.

False Allows monitoring via an HTTP Get Request /monitor_session_start. For more information, see Monitoring cloud server. No
Monitoring Ban Minutes
10 Quantity of minutes pause between two monitoring calls, see above. No
Notif Server

The Notif Server can be explicitly deactivated using Notif Server=False in the [CloudServer] section.

Server Address=SERVER1
Server Port=8081
Management Port=8082
Notif Server=False

The Notif Server=xxx row is optional.

If it is not present, the behavior is equivalent to Notif Server=True.

Outlook app server

Activates/disables the Outlook app to work with this cloud server instance.

Outlook App Server=True

 For more information, see

Outlook app session timeout

Time, in minutes, after which an Outlook app session expires and the user must log in again. The value entered must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 2147483647.

Outlook App Session Timeout=75
Phone app server

Starting with version 6.2. Enables/disables the Phone app for operation with this cloud server instance.

Phone App Server=True

For more information, see Activate cloud server services individually.

Phone app session timeout

As of version 6.2. Time in minutes after which a phone app session expires and the user must log in again. The entered value must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 35791.

Phone App Session Timeout=75

Attention when Token Lifetime is switched off: Turn on enough session time, otherwise the user will have to log in again and again

Portal Page
True From version Allows the display of the App Portals. If the setting is set to False calls to the page are automatically forwarded to the web app. No
Process Limit
0 Maximum quantity of simultaneous sessions.

The default value is 0. This means that no limit is set.

Process Pool Size
1 Quantity of idle sessions that are started on stock.

If a new user logs in with a cloud client, he applies this session and a new idle session is automatically started. This reduces the start / login process for the client.

See also Cloud server management console.

Restricted Filesystem Access

From version Restricts access to the server file system when saving documents.

If this option is enabled (cloud suite standard), this has the following effects:

  • Vertec generated legacy word reports and Office Reports are stored on the client side (similar to Word-generated reports, which are always run on the client anyway)
  • No saving of reports in the web app (not even on the server), only download
  • Error message when running a report with a configured storage path via a Web app. No document can be saved and no activity can be created.
Restrict Local IP
False Starting with version Restricts Python access to public IP addresses when Restricted Scripting is enabled. No
Restricted Scripting

Starting with version Restricts scripting when accessing via cloud clients. For detailed information, see Restrict scripting for cloud sessions.

For new installations, Setup will set this option to True.

Restricted Session Process
True Starting with version Starts the session processes with limited capabilities.
  • The Vertec session process runs as a low integrity process.
  • The Vertec Session process must not start any other subprocesses.

Restrict Session Process=True

If this setting is set, make sure that when using Firebird, the ServerName parameter in the database section contains a network path, not a file path. For example:

  • Network path (valid): ServerName=MYSERVER:C:\Programme\Vertec\DB\VertecDemo.fdb
  • File path (invalid): ServerName=C:\Programme\Vertec\DB\VertecDemo.fdb

The corresponding Log Files (Vertec.Session.log) can then be found (defined by Windows) under C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\LocalLow.

(If a Logfilefolder is set but no write access exists, no log is written.)

This setting is automatically activated in the Vertec cloud suite.

From version onward affects the saving of reports like Restrict Filesystem Access (see above).

Secure server port
0 HTTPS: The port on which the HTTPS server can be reached (https:// is a must in the url...). 0 = Disabled For SSL/TLS
Server Address

The address of the server (e.g. or is used by the desktop app to generate the Vertec url (vertec://...) and for the Python feature vtcapp.getvertecserveraddress().

The logic is implemented as follows:

  • If Server Address already contains a port, do not add any more.
  • If Server Address does not contain a port and the SSH Remote Host parameter is set, do not add a port either.
  • In all other cases, add port if necessary (if not standard port).
Server port
0 The port on which the HTTP server can be reached. If HTTPS is active, the HTTP server serves as a forward to the Secure Server port. If the server port is not set but a Secure Server port is set, no HTTP server is started. Yes
Show Error Call Stack
True Show the call stack in the error dialog. No
Show License Dialog

The opening of the license dialog via Settings > Change license... can be disabled by using Show License Dialog=False is set.

Show License Dialog=False
SSH Remote Host
"” The host for SSH Tunnel ( If set, SSH Proxying is Enabled. Otherwise Disabled. For SSH
SSH remote port
0 The port for SSH tunnel. Must be set if SSH remotehost is set. For SSH
SSH User
"” The user for SSH Tunnel. Must be set if SSH Remotehost is set. For SSH
SSH Password
"” The password for the SSH user in encrypted form (Vertec database password encryption). Must be set if SSH remotehost is set. For SSH
Token Lifetime
7 Returns the validity period of the option Angemeldet bleiben in days.
If a value of 0, no checkbox appears on the login dialog. See Login / current user.
Trusted Certificate
"” Hash of a bound certificate (see cloud server) No
Task Scheduler

Controls whether the task scheduling is active or not. If not, no scheduled tasks are executed.

If the parameter is not specified, the default is True. So
if you do not want to perform scheduled tasks with a cloud server section, you can disable this with Task Scheduler=False.
When running multiple cloud servers, only one of them may apply the task of running tasks. For all others, this parameter must be set to False.

Task Scheduler Polling Minutes
1 Controls how many minutes are checked for pending scheduled tasks. Natural number, default is 1. No
Task Scheduler Concurrent Tasks
1 Controls the maximum number of scheduled tasks that can be executed in parallel. Natural number, default is 1. No
Task Scheduler Max Minutes
1200 (20h)

As of Vertec If a Vertec.TaskRunner process does not complete correctly, it persists and unnecessarily blocks memory on the server.

Therefore, under Task Scheduler Max Minutes, you can specify the maximum time in minutes for a scheduled task. Default value is 1200 (20h). If a process runs longer than the maximum time specified here, it will be automatically completed by the cloud server.

Exiting Vertec.CloudServer also completes all started TaskRunner processes.

UISync Server

Starting with version 6.2. The UISync server controls the interface in the full-featured clients (cloud app, web app). If it is switched off, you cannot work with these clients.

This is useful, for example, if you want to put only the phone app or the XML server on the web via a cloud server instance.

For more information, see Activate cloud server services individually.

XML Session Timeout

Time, in minutes, after which an XML session expires and the user must log in again.

XML Server=True
XML Session Timeout=10

Also used for the BI API as of Vertec

XML Server

Enables/disables the XML server to operate with this cloud server instance.

XML Server=True

For more information, see Activate CloudServer Services individually.


Activate Cloud Server services individually

The different services of a cloud server instance can be started separately. For example, on a cloud server instance that is placed on the internet, only the phone app can be provided to minimize the risk of attack.

The following settings are available in the [CloudServer] section:

XML Server=True
UISync Server=True
Phone App Server=True
Notif Server=True 
Task Scheduler=True
Portal Page=True

Default value for all is True.

Exception: If multiple cloud servers are deployed, Notif Server and Task Scheduler be active only on a cloud server. To turn off one of the services, it must be set to False.


Setting Default Significance Required
http://localhost:8081 Server for the connection. If no command line argument /server and missing [CloudServer] section.
Auto Update

Here you can set whether the local version of the cloud app is automatically updated to the latest version on the server when it is started.

When you install the cloud app, the settings of the cloud app installer are automatically set to True set.

If the setting in the Vertec.ini file is missing or False is set, no auto update takes place.

Trusted Certificate
"” Hash of a self-signed certificate to be accepted (see cloud server) No


Vertec versions before Certain setup options are stored in the Vertec.ini file.

Version number of the last setup.
Specifies whether the Word add-in has been selected for installation. Used during update installation and client setup. Possible values: Y and N.
Specifies whether the Explorer add-in has been selected for installation. Used during update installation and client setup. Possible values: Y and N.
Specifies whether the Outlook add-in has been selected for installation. Used during update installation and client setup. Possible values: Y and N.
Specifies whether the Explorer add-in has been selected for installation. Used during update installation and client setup. Possible values: Y and N.
There are 2 modes for the client setup:
  • Local: All required files are copied to the client computer and installed there.
  • Server: The essential files remain on the server and only the shortcuts are created on the client (addins and protocol handlers are stored locally).

The local client installation has the following advantages:

  • The loading times for the apps are shorter when they are installed locally
  • The protocol handler needed to resolve the URL properly must be installed locally (see ?3.4)
  • Less problems with security features in Windows that block executables from outside your computer or classify them as suspicious
  • The client can also be removed from the LAN and Vertec can be used remotely via VPN

The default setting is Local.


In the Log section, some settings of Vertec Logging can be overridden. The following parameters are available:


Name of the log file. If a file is specified here, logging is done to this file instead of the standard log file Vertec.log.

Unlike the standard logfile, a logfile specified here is not deleted every time Vertec is started, but the new entries are appended.

If a value is specified in the registry under HKLM\SOFTWARE\Vertec\LogFileName, this value takes precedence. See the section on versions prior to Vertec 5.4 in the Logging article.


As of Vertec there is the parameter LogFileFolder. If the logfiles are not to be stored in ProgramData or Appdata, an alternative folder path can be specified here. All logfiles are then written to this folder.

  • It must be ensured that the process has write permissions in the directory. If this is not the case, no log will be created (and therefore no log of errors in this regard).
  • This parameter applies to all new apps (desktop app / cloud app / session / cloud server)

Here you can define the debug categories for which you want to generate level 10 log entries. See the article about logging.

There are a variety of built-in DebugCategories to log various operations in Vertec. To find out which DebugCategories are relevant to you, please contact your Vertec advisor.

If a value is specified in the registry under HKLM\SOFTWARE\Vertec\DebugCategories, this value takes precedence. See the section on versions prior to Vertec 5.4 in the Logging article.


With SqlLogTable=True, the log entries are written to the LOGDATA table in the database. This allows all log entries of all Vertec users to be viewed and saved centrally.

For detailed information, see article Logging.


Vertec or later. Must be specified for Vertec to send Log Messages to the OpenObserve Log Server.

For detailled information see article Logging.


Username to OpenObserveUrl.


Password to OpenObserveUrl.


As of Vertec If a Loggly token is specified, the log output from the server-based Vertec processes (Vertec.CloudServer, Vertec.Session) is sent to the cloud-based logger service Loggly. The desired URL can be specified with the LogglyUrl parameter.

For detailed information, see article Logging.

Vertec Base url for Loggly. If not specified, is used.