The OCL Expression Editor
Operating mode
Cloud Suite
Services & CRM
Budget & Phases
Resource Planning
Business Intelligence
To make it easier to enter Ocl expressions into Vertec, there is the OCL Expression Editor, which allows you to find and assemble the desired expression from the Vertec data model.
Base |
The base type is specified. The OCL expression refers to this type, in this example project. |
Expression |
In this area, the OCL expression is edited, either by typing in manually or by double-clicking on the desired field on the right. |
Available fields |
Specifies the links, members, and operations that are available on the up-to-date type.
In the area below the expression, the Expression Editor reports whether the expression is valid or not.
In a list of projects, the total of the open services of the project leader should be shown per project. The list settings open the Expression Editor.
The project leader is selected by double-clicking or manually entering project leader in the Expression field. The Expression Editor now shows the following image:
The editor reports that the expression is OK and that the current type is now project user. In the right part, the fields of the project user appear, including open achievements. Select this by double-clicking.
The editor now reports that the up-to-date type is a list of open services, and shows the fields of type OpenService on the right.
Now select the valuetext field from the list (located below the blue fields) or type after the already existing expression .valuetext so that the expression reads: projektleiter.offeneleistungen.wertext
. The editor now shows the following:
The up-to-date type is now a list of numeric values (currency), and in the right part only yellow entries (operations) are visible. Select ->sum to sum the numbers.
The up-to-date type is now a single numeric value, namely the sum of all open services of the project leader. If you now click OK, the created expression will be transferred and shown in the corresponding list cell.