Downpayments in Vertec

How to work with downpayments in Vertec

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Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 15.09.2008
Updated: 18.06.2024 | Section on net advances adjusted.

What is an downpayment?

Downpayments are advances on future services, also known as advance payments. In Vertec, downpayments can be charged off and then deducted from invoices.

In order for an downpayment/account to appear as an downpayment already paid in Vertec and to be deducted from future invoices, it must first be charged, i.e. an advance invoice must be created.

Imprest account

On an advance invoice, only the downpayment is charged. On the invoice in Vertec, it looks like this:

“normal” invoice

On a regular invoice, services, expenses and outlays are charged. On the invoice in Vertec, it looks like this:

Invoice deducted

If there is an downpayment on the project that has already been charged, it will appear on the invoice as a deduction:

Create an advance invoice

An imprest invoice essentially comprises the following steps:

  1. Create an downpayment.
  2. Create an invoice and invoice this downpayment accordingly.
  3. Charge the invoice (and, if necessary, post it).

You can also automate this process. See Use case: Automatically charge downpayments.

1. Creating an downpayment

An downpayment is entered on a project. On the project, click on the menu button New > Advance:

The detail window of the new downpayment will appear. Enter the desired information there. The downpayment has already been assigned to the project.

2. Create an invoice that only has the advance on it

Now create a regular invoice by selecting the menu button New > Invoice on the project. An invoice will now appear which, in addition to the advance, has automatically loaded all open services, expenses and outlays, if any (see also Invoicing).

Now manually remove everything except the downpayment. Use the example of the services, here is how to do this:

Removing of services

Go to the services subfolder. Select all services and right-click in the grey column. Select Disconnect:

Expenses and outlays can be removed in the same way (see also Deleting data).

In particular, you should also pay attention to whether there is a subfolder of Blank Stages. In this case, you should also remove the Blank Stages using the same pattern.

3. Charge the invoice

To be sure, check the total amount of the invoice. This should now correspond to the advance amount. By clicking on the button Charge the advance invoice is charged in Vertec, and this downpayment will then be deducted for future invoices on this project.

Deduct of downpayments paid

As soon as an invoice is created on a project, downpayments already invoiced are now deducted from that invoice as downpayments paid.

If the amount of the advance is greater than the invoice amount, the invoice amount will normally be deducted from the downpayment. For the next invoice, the remaining amount of the downpayment will be applied. If the option “reconcile” is set on the downpayment, the downpayment will be charged from the invoice in total, in which case a negative invoice amount will appear.

If you do not want to deduct an downpayment from the invoice, open the downpayments made to the subfolder in the Invoice window. Right-click on the corresponding downpayment and select Disconnect. This will remove the downpayment from the invoice but keep it in the system.

The fields on the downpayment

The project from which the downpayment was created is pre-registered as a project. You can change this here if necessary.
Corresponds to the project description. If you need to select a different project, you can do so either from the project code or from this description.
Corresponds to the project subject and is automatically applied.
The date of creation is pre-entered. However, you can overwrite this manually.
Displays the project language.
Enter the designation of the downpayment. This designation appears on advance reports, in the list of downpayments, when the downpayment is posted to bear.
If you want to invoice the downpayment on an existing invoice (the downpayment will be charged to the customer, not deducted!), you can select it here.
Imprest account
Advance account in accounting. If this is set or overwritten here at this level, it will appear in green font.
If an downpayment is created, it is automatically assigned to the VAT types of the corresponding project. To assign a different VAT, select the appropriate one from the combo box.
Net amount, gross amount
You can entered the advance amount either net or gross. The other amount is calculated automatically.
Amount open
This shows the amount of the remaining advance if the downpayment has not been fully deducted from one or more invoices.
Autom. on invoice
If the auto-on-invoice property is deactivated, the downpayment does not automatically appear for charging or deduction on an invoice, but must be assign to the corresponding invoice manually.
If the Settlement property is set on an downpayment, the effect is that the advance paid, i.e. settled, is completely reconciled on an invoice when deduction. If the amount of the advance is greater than the invoice amount, the result is an invoice with a negative total amount. If the option is not set, the downpayment up to the invoice amount 0.00 is taken into account and the remaining advance is deducted on the next invoice.
cost unit

Specifying a cost unit for use in postings is useful for certain posting scenarios, such as the mapping of advance payments. It is taken into account in the posting documents, both for invoiced and for deducted downpayments.

The cost unit is selected via the accounting interface or manually on the page More Info:

If an downpayment has been invoiced, the corresponding invoice appears in the invoice subfolder.

If an advance payment has been deduction from an invoice, the corresponding invoice appears in the subfolder deducted from invoice.

Deducted on invoice

When an invoice is created, Vertec assigns all outstanding downpayments to the invoice, i.e. even those from which nothing is deduction. This folder therefore also includes invoices from which nothing has been deducted from this downpayment.

If you want to show only the invoices on which the downpayment has actually been deduction, you can change the link type deducted to invoice – downpayments made:

Instead of invoices, the expression in the “From” part reads as follows:

invoiceadvancelink->select(net amount<>0).invoices

Invoices are entered as a link member.

Treatment of net advances

Downpayments in Vertec are generally treated as gross advances.

For the conversion from net to gross – so that you do not have to calculate the VAT yourself – there are two fields for input called net amount and gross amount (see above). You can enter either net or gross amount, the other amount is calculated automatically. This does not affect the fact that the downpayment is always treated as a gross advance.

In Vertec versions before there was a checkbox on the More Info page Vorschussabzug aufgrund von Nettobetrag berechnen . Since the specific behavior of net advances can lead to incorrect amounts of VAT when deducting advances, this option is no longer supported in this version.

Treatment of negative downpayments

Positive and negative downpayments shall be treated by analogy.

Rules for the compensation of downpayments already paid ( Rechnung.vorschuesse ) are as follows:

  • Downpayments shall be charged first against those with reverse signs.
  • An invoice with a positive invoice amount ( BetragNetto ) is reconciled by a positive balance of advances.
  • An invoice with a negative invoice amount is reconciled by a negative advance balance.

In particular, a positive invoice is not affected by overall negative downpayments. The settlement of accounts always goes towards zero.

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