Document handling on activities

To work with documents on activities

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Created: 22.09.2023
Machine translated
Updated: 29.07.2024 | Link corrected.

All documents in Vertec are stored via Activity. This means that the documents can always be found on an activity and the handling of the documents takes place via the respective activities. In the System Settings it can be decided whether the documents

to be saved.

Internal document storage

If document saving is set to Internal in the system settings, documents are saved on the activities and thus directly in the Vertec database.

The base path is then not shown on the activity:

If no document is available, a document can be selected from the file system via the button with the 3 dots. This will then be saved in Vertec and the file name will be shown here.

If a document exists, the file name is shown here. It is also shown as a preview on the Document page:

For the display as a preview, Word or PDF documents as well as files of the following formats: Vertec and later .png, .jpg and .bmp supported. Documents in other formats are handled in the same way, but no preview is available.

The buttons below have the following features:

  • Save: Saves the document on the file system as needed.
  • Edit: Opens the document in the respective editor (a click on the arrow in the document field has the same effect). Changes to the document are also saved in Vertec and the preview is updated. During the user’s editing, the button changes Bearbeiten on Bearbeiten beenden and the document is locked to other users (see section below). When editing is complete and the document is closed, click Bearbeiten beenden to share the document in Vertec.
  • Send as email: Opens a new email in Outlook with the document as an attachment. The email applies the following properties of the activity:
    • Title (becomes subject)
    • E-mail address from the address entry (becomes the recipient’s address)
    • Document (attached as Annex)
  • Send as email (PDF): Converts documents to a PDF and opens a new email in Outlook with the document as an attachment (see above).
    • Available from version in the cloud and desktop app.
    • The button is used for documents with the formats doc and docx shown.

In the web app , instead of Bearbeiten, Speichern and Als E-Mail senden the button Download available.

Locking for simultaneous user

To prevent multiple users from opening or editing the same document at the same time, the document is locked as soon as it is opened by one user. The button Bearbeiten Amended to Bearbeiten beenden. If the document is opened by another user, the message appears:

Das Dokument wird bereits bearbeitet (User). Bei gleichzeitiger Bearbeitung können Änderungen verloren gehen.
Möchten Sie das Dokument trotzdem bearbeiten?

If more than one user edits the document, the one who saves it last wins. Data may be lost.

After editing the document, the user can view it on the activity via button Bearbeiten beenden approve again. Without manual approval of the document, it remains blocked for other users.

Permissions Document handling

The following user rights are used for editing and displaying the internally stored documents:

  • To set the document name in the field (independent of the document) you need write permission to Aktivitaet.DocumentFullName.
  • To read the document name it needs read permission on Aktivitaet.DocumentFullName. Note: For email activities, no document name is displayed, even if read permission is granted.
  • For uploading a document using the three dots, write rights are set to Aktivitaet.content required.
  • The document page is only shown if read permission on Aktivitaet.content exists.
  • If the user does not have write permission, only the Save (or Download in the web app) and Send as e-mail buttons are shown (no editing).

Document storage File system or DMS

If in the system settings the Document Storage is set to file system or DMS, the handling is as follows:

In the lower part of the activity there are two fields:

  • Base path: This is calculated based on the File Storage Settings. Clicking on the arrow opens the file storage in the Explorer. If the path does not exist yet, a query will appear as to whether it should be created.
  • Document:
    • If a document already exists, the document name is shown here.
      • Click on the arrow: The document will be opened directly in the corresponding program (e.g. Word, Excel, Outlook).
      • Click on the three dots: Opens the file storage in Explorer.
    • If there is no document yet, you can select a document using the button with the three dots:
      • If the selected document is already in the location shown as the base path, only the document name is inserted.
      • If the document is located in a subfolder of the base path, the relative path and the document name are used.
      • If the document is located elsewhere, it is copied to the document tray of the base path under the same name, unless the system setting Save absolute document paths on activities is activated.
      • When using the Sharepoint online dms extension, the document is inserted into Sharepoint.