This article describes the database convert for Firebird and MS SQL Server databases.
Operating mode
Cloud Suite
Services & CRM
Budget & Phases
Resource Planning
Business Intelligence
If a Vertec Update is to be performed, the database must be converted to the new version.
As of Vertec version 6.6, the update of Vertec across several Vertec versions is no longer supported. To update to Vertec version 6.6, a Vertec version of 6.5 is required (see also: Can I update older versions directly? ). This conversion is done with the Vertec Database Konvert (DB Konvert).
With DB Konvert it is also possible to copy Firebird databases to a Microsoft SQL database and vice versa. A conversion is possible
DB Konvert is able to copy any existing customer-specific indexes, so they will be available in the new database even after conversion.
When using Firebird databases, the conversion can be done automatically when updating Vertec.
When starting Vertec with a new database version, the DB Konvert dialog appears:
Click Yes to start the automatic conversion. A status bar shows the progress of the conversion.
After completing the process, the Vertec desktop app must be restarted once:
To convert a Vertec database with MS SQL Server, a temporary database must be created on the SQL server.
This can be done via the Copy database task described below or alternatively by creating a new empty database and importing a backup.
Start Vertec with the Parameters/DC
. The conversion dialog opens:
The Target Database field should already be initialized with the default Vertec installation setting and point to the SQL server’s Vertec database.
For the data of Quell Datenbank
copy the contents of the field Ziel Datenbank
and set Initial Catalog = vertectemp (or the name of the temporary SQL Server database you just created)
Manual conversion changes the source database, so create a backup if necessary.
By pressing the Start
Buttons first delete the tables in the target database and then create anew. Then the data from the VertecTemp database is copied to the Vertec database and converted to the new version.
After conversion, the Vertec desktop app must be started once. The temporary database vertectemp is no longer needed and can be deleted.
DB Konvert can be used to copy Vertec databases. It is also possible to copy a Firebird database to a Microsoft SQL database and vice versa.
The procedure corresponds to manual conversion:
The following information is required:
Firebird | |
Server name | Identifies the server and database |
User Name | Identification for the database server |
Password | Encrypted password for identification at the database server, together with the user name. The password can be encrypted in the customer portal – instructions for this can be found in the article Customer Portal Operation . |
ServerName = MYSERVER:C:\Programme\Vertec\DB\Vertec.fdb
User Name = SYSDBA
Password = US-bVTkvBqrtWV+Z
Microsoft SQL Server | |
Providers | Drivers for the SQL connection |
Data source | Server name (or IP address) of the MS SQL server |
Initial Catalog | Name of the database on the MS SQL server |
User Name | Identification for the database server |
Password | Encrypted password for identification at the database server, together with the user name. The password can be encrypted in the customer portal – instructions for how to do so can be found in the article Customer Portal Operation. |
Provider = SQLOLEDB
Data Source = MYSERVER
Initial Catalog = vertec
User ID = Vertecuser
Password = UDQsK8owKnIwIF+Z
Then you can select whether only the database schema is to be created or whether the data should also be copied:
With one click on Start
starts the database Konvert. The progress is shown in a status bar.
After the conversion is complete, enter the data of the copied database in the Vertec.ini – file and restart Vertec.
Converts from Firebird to SQL server may result in error messages of the type value out of bounds
or Invalid character value for cast specification
This may be due to invalid date values in the source database. Firebird and MS-SQL Server accept different ranges of date values: Firebird can handle date values from 01.01.0001 to 31.12.9999, MS-SQL Server accepts values from 01.01.1753 to 31.12.9999.
Therefore, if a date of the form 12.01.1000 is accidentally saved in a Firebird database, this leads to an error message during data conversion to MS-SQL Server.