BMD accounts payable extension

Working with the BMD accounts payable interface

Operating mode

Cloud Suite




Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 12.04.2022
Machine translated
Updated: 05.10.2022 | Corrected property name “Next creditor number”.

The BMD accounts payable interface is a file interface that creates CSV files.

Up to date, accounts payable can be posted and cancelled in BMD.

The extension is cloud-ready and implements list-based posting. Since a file is created directly for each posting process, postings can be performed directly on entire lists instead of for all objects individually.

Installing the extension

To install the interface, open the BMD accounts payable interface in the Settings > Extensions folder and click on Installieren.

The extension creates the following system settings Accounting:

Accounting files Save path: A file path can be defined here, where the generated accounting files are to be saved.

  • Desktop and cloud app: Here a file path can be defined where the generated accounting files are to be saved (they are saved but not opened). If this field is empty, the save dialog appears.
  • Web App: The zip files are saved in the browser via download. The selected invoices are posted in any case, even if the download is cancelled.

PropertyName: AccountingFilePath. StringProperty.

Collective account payable: The collective account of the accounts payable. Default value: 50,000

Next Payable Accounts Receipt Number: Default value: 1
The next number that will be used to post a new payable invoice.

PropertyName: AccountingNextDocumentnumber. IntegerProperty.

Next creditor number: Default value: 300001
The next personal account number that will be used to create a new address in the.

PropertyName: Creditor number. IntegerProperty.

Post / cancel invoices

Posting / cancelling invoices is done either on a single invoice on the Accounting page, or on a list of invoices by right-clicking > Buchen or Stornieren. An invoice can be posted, cancelled and posted again.


  • The key Key Currency in Vertec must correspond to the key currency of BMD and therefore must be EUR as BMD only allows EUR.
  • The addresses in Vertec must have a country set. If no value is set, the BMD extension uses AT as the default value.
  • The supplier (company address) can have a receivable and/or a creditor PK number. The personal account number is assigned when writing the address and always written to the file with the up-to-date data.

For each posting/cancellation process, a ZIP file is created with one accounting file and one master data file per client.

  • Desktop App: The ZIP file is stored in the path specified under Posting files storage path. It contains all data relevant for the import.
  • Cloud App: The ZIP file is stored in the path specified under Posting files save path (versions before ZIP file is saved in Temp directory). It contains all data relevant for the import.
  • Web App: After each posting, an archive is offered for download. It contains all data relevant for the import.
    ATTENTION: If the download is aborted, all data will be lost. We recommend turning on the automatic download in the browser. Then the file will be saved securely on the client.