BI measures

Business intelligence measures

Operating mode

Cloud Suite




Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 22.04.2020
Machine translated
Updated: 03.10.2023 | Screenshots updated with new BI module icon.

The different types of values that are available in the business intelligence module are called BI measures:

The measures are configured in the folder Settings > Business intelligence > BI measures. Each measure has the following properties:

The designation is shown in the BI and should therefore be as clear and meaningful as possible, so that it is clear what is being shown:

This is an MLString field.


Only active measures are pre-calculated, so if you never need a standard measure, you can deactivate it.

If, on the other hand, you want to calculate a measure but not display it (for example, because you only need it for a calculation – see Calculated measure below – but not for display), uncheck the Visible checkbox below.

Internal name

The internal name must be unique, as the measure is identified by the generator by this name.

Calculated measure
If a measure is marked as a calculated measure, it is calculated using other measures instead of the generator. In this case, instead of showing the Generator field, a field for calculation is shown:

Here the calculation is defined by the internal name of the corresponding measures. In the example an hourly rate chargeable (Honorar extern / Minuten intern).

The dimensions result from the underlying measures and cannot be defined separately here.

Up to date only divisions are supported.


The measures are pre-calculated using generators, unless it is a calculated measure (see attribute Berechnete Kennzahl).

The following units are available:
  • Amount: numerical values, displayed according to country settings
  • Hours: Minute values, displayed according to system settings Anzeige Minuten
  • Percent: Percentages, represented by %. The values are interpreted as 1 based quotients, so a value of 1 is represented as 100%.
  • Quantity: Quantity, with two decimal places
  • Hourly rate, displayed according to country settings

Controls whether a measure can be shown in the BI. This is especially useful if you need a measure to calculate another measure (see Calculated measure above) but do not want to show it yourself.

You can also deactivate standard measures that you do not need at all (see checkbox Active above).

Record date value

Each measure has a temporal characteristic: it refers either to the selected period or is a reference date value. These are always valid at the end of the month.

Due date values cannot be summed, therefore measures marked as due date values are only displayed in the following BI views:

  • Evaluation for 1 month (date range in BI)
  • Display as a time series (grouped by month in the BI view)
Classes 1 – 5,

Specifies on which classes (dimensions) the measures are available. These must be calculated in the specified generator.

In addition, a role label can be specified for each dimension. The role label can be used to specify the context of the measure for that dimension.

When calculating the incoming order, for example, the project leader of the project is also returned. Now, if we simply see the “incoming order” on a list of users, the context is not clear: is it the sales person, is it their own services? Here, for example, the role can be specified:

The role is then shown with the measure in the BI view:

Help text

Here a help text can be entered, for example to explain to the user how the measure is calculated.

If a measure has a help text, a small i symbol appears in the view. If you place the mouse pointer on it, the help text appears as a tooltip:

The text is truncated after 19 characters. When entering, take care that the text fits.

This is an MLString field.

Standard BI measures

Vertec provides the following measures as standard (the code parts are equivalent):

Designation / Int. Name Significance Available on (Dimension)
Work started


Fee externally for the services of productive projects, which are not on an invoice at the end of the month or whose invoice was charged only afterwards.
if not leistsum.rechnung or leistsum.rechnung.valutadatum > enddate:
    leistsum.wertExtOffen + leistsum.wertExtVerrechnet
  • project
Working hours


Working hours

->getArbeitszeit(Startdatum, Enddatum)
  • user
external hours


external hours

leistsum.minutenExtOffen + leistsum.minutenExtVerrechnet
  • project
  • user
  • phase
  • service type
internal hours


internal hours

leistsum.minutenIntOffen + leistsum.minutenIntVerrechnet
  • project
  • user
  • phase
  • service type
Outstanding downpayments


Net amount of all downpayments – Downpayments made on invoices settled up to the end of the month (value date).

advances += advance.nettobetrag
if invoice.verrechnet and invoice.valutadatum <= enddate:
    advances -= invoice.vorschussEffektiv
  • project
Gross margin (DB)


Fee charged externally – Costs charged

leistsum.wertExtVerrechnet - leistsum.wertKostenVerrechnet
  • project
  • user
  • phase
  • service type
vacation balance


Vacation balance at the end of the month

  • user
Vacation balance accrued


Deferred vacation balance at the end of the month

  • user
External fee


External fee

leistsum.wertExtOffen + leistsum.wertExtVerrechnet
  • project
  • Project user (as project leader)
  • user
  • phase
  • service type
Fees written off externally


Fee charged internally – Fee charged externally

leistsum.wertIntVerrechnet - leistsum.wertExtVerrechnet
  • project
  • Project user (as project leader)
  • user
  • phase
  • service type
Fee externally open


Fee externally open

  • project
  • Project user (as project leader)
  • user
  • phase
  • service type
Fee charged externally


Fee charged externally

  • project
  • Project user (as project leader)
  • user
  • phase
  • service type
Internal fee


Internal fee

leistsum.wertIntOffen + leistsum.wertIntVerrechnet
  • project
  • Project user (as project leader)
  • user
  • phase
  • service type



leistsum.wertKostenOffen + leistsum.wertKostenVerrechnet
  • project
  • Project user (as project leader)
  • user
  • phase
  • service type
standard hours


standard hours

->getSollzeit(Startdatum, Enddatum)
  • user
Hourly rate chargeable


External fee / internal hours

(Calculation see under the measures of this name)

  • user
Overtime balance


Overtime balance at end of month

  • user
Turnover Outlays


Outlays charged (value date of invoice)

  • project
  • user

Only available if module is purchased externally.

Turnover Services


Total charged after discount (invoice value date)

  • project
  • user
Turnover Expenses


Expenses charged (value date of invoice)

  • project
  • user
Full-time positions


employment level

  • user

Additional (inactive) measures for the module Budget & Phases

In addition, the following measures are supplied as inactive by default. To be able to use the Budget & Phases module, precise budget planning is a prerequisite.

Designation / Int. Name


Available on
Order backlog Fee


Budget Fees – cumulative fee externally. Only accepted and not yet completed phases.

bdgvalue('planWertExt', Enddatum, -1) -
leistSum.wertExtOffen + leistSum.wertExtVerrechnet
  • project
  • user
  • phase
Order intake Fee


Budget Fees of the newly issued phases or changes to this budget value during that month.

bdgvalue('planWertExt', Enddatum, -1) -
bdgvalue('planWertExt', (Startdatum-1 Tag), -1)
  • project
  • user
  • phase
Hours Budget Rest


Hours Budget Total – Hours Actual

(Calculation see under the measures of this name)

  • project
  • user
  • phase
Hours Budget Total


Budgeted hours of granted and not yet completed phases.

bdgvalue('planMinutenInt', Enddatum, -1)
  • project
  • user
  • phase
Hours Actual


Cumulative internal hours of granted and not yet completed phases.

leistSum.minutenIntOffen + leistSum.minutenIntVerrechnet
  • project
  • user
  • phase
Degree of completion


Hours Actual / hours Budget Total

(Calculation see under the measures of this name)

  • project
  • user
  • phase