Payment plans

Additional feature for managing scheduled payments

Operating mode

Cloud Suite




Services & CRM

Budget & Phases


Resource Planning

Business Intelligence

Created: 03.02.2022
Machine translated
Updated: 16.08.2024 | Screenshots updated and section “Create final invoice” expanded.

With this Additional Feature, payment plans can be created and charged on projects.

This means that different payments (instalments) to be charged in the future can be entered in advance and charged at the time until the total amount is reached.

The download of the config set can be found here.


Enter a scheduled payment

Open the project on which you want to enter scheduled payments. Via right-click or the menu Neu> Geplante Zahlung you can enter a new scheduled payment. It looks like this:

A designation, a date and an amount can be entered here. All amounts entered are treated as net amounts. The project on which the scheduled payment was entered is automatically assigned to the scheduled payment as a subfolder.

The root folder invoicing contains the subfolders Scheduled payments and annual overview of scheduled payments:

  • The folder Geplante Zahlungen directly shows the scheduled payments. It can be filtered by date, by payments still open and or already charged.
    Note: “Open” is a payment even if it is already on an invoice but it has not yet been charged.
  • The folder Jahresübersicht geplante Zahlungen shows all projects with scheduled payments. It shows all projects for which there is or has been at least one scheduled payment.

Invoicing payments

A payment can be invoiced using the registered script. Open the payment you want to invoice. In the Actions menu, the option Rechnung für geplante Zahlung erstellen shall be elected:

An invoice is created with a downpayment equal to the scheduled payment. No other values are charged to this invoice. If the invoice is deleted, the automatically created downpayment is also deleted.

The invoice is automatically linked to the downpayment, which in turn is linked to the payment. On the invoice, a folder Scheduled payment appears analogously:

And in the Scheduled payments folder (on the project or also in the root folder invoicing) it is accordingly visible for which payment an invoice has already been created:

Create final invoice

Once all planned payments have been invoiced and charged, a final invoice must be created in order to reconcile the downpayments and to be able to evaluate any hours incurred.

To do this, create on the project via Neu > Rechnung a new invoice. The services entered in the project and the downpayments of the planned payments are automatically assigned to the invoice or the downpayments are automatically deducted.

The invoice amount can now be fixed to the value of the sum of all downpayments, as in the example here to 15,000:

Now the invoice can be charged and set to pro Proforma so that it cannot be posted.

You can see that all planned payments have been reconciled by the fact that the Geleisteten Vorschüssen the open amount anywhere at 0.00 is:

In the Scheduled payments folder, the invoice is assigned and the checkbox Verrechnet activated:

Alternative options

Alternatively, there are the following other options:

  1. The total of the downpayments is less than the services charged or a fixed amount is entered which is higher than the total of the downpayments:
    The balance (Total nach Vorschuss) may be invoiced to the customer.
  2. The total of the downpayments is higher than the services charged or a fixed amount is entered which is lower than the total of the downpayments:
    • The downpayments will be taken into account up to the invoice amount 0.00 and the remaining advance (see below) will be deducted from the next invoice.
    • However, if the customer is to receive this remaining advance back, the advance Reconciling can be set to the checkbox Settlement. This makes the total negative and the negative invoice can be sent to the customer.  

Now the invoice can be charged. Among the Geleisteten Vorschüssen any remaining advances shall be listed:

Requirements and download

  • The additional class12 may not yet be in use.

Important information before importing can be found in the article Interesting facts about the additional features. Please note that config sets change data in Vertec, which may result in existing data being overwritten.

The exact import process can be found in the Articles about the config sets.

Download the additional feature with the following link:

Version Requirement Download Configset_payment plans.xml

The following objects are created by importing the config set:


Folder Scheduled payments and annual overview of scheduled payments in the root folder invoicing.

User groups
  • User group Scheduled payments: has full access to scheduled payments, but does not have any other rights. Therefore, to create scheduled payments, the Project Manager right is also required.
  • User group Folder access Invoicing

The editors must be User group assigned to the appropriate user group.

Reports & Scripts
  • Event: Delete invoice with planned payment
  • Script: Create invoice for planned payment
  • Script: module_planned_payments
Link types
  • Planned payment – downpayment
  • Planned payments – project
Class Settings

Class settings and page customizations for the supplementary class12.

Custom fields

A total of 3 custom Custom Fields will be created.


A total of 5 Translations are being created.