AbaConnect XML receivable interface

Description of the AbaConnect XML receivable interface

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Created: 10.01.2017
Machine translated
Updated: 04.04.2023 | Starting with version all rows are considered for the evaluation of house number and PO box.

The AbaConnect XML file extension is a file interface. When an accounting command is executed in Vertec, either the corresponding data is written to a file or data is read from a file of Abacus. The customer is responsible for importing/exporting the said files. For Abacus licensing of the AbaConnect extensions, please contact your Abacus advisor.

Installing the extension

In Vertec, open the extensions in the settings folder. Open the AbaConnect XML receivables interface and press Installieren.

System settings in vertec

Some system settings are installed for all accounts receivable interfaces. These are listed in the article System settings > Accounting.

Further system settings for the AbaConnect XML receivable interface are:

Abacus address number Unique: If this option is set, the number of a personal account (PK) must be the same as the number of its address, which is a separate object in Abacus. This setting is available in Abacus and Vertec. It must be set the same in both systems.

PropertyName: AbacusAdressnummerUnique. BooleanProperty.

Abacus path for XML files: All files that are written or read by the extension are located in the file directory, which can be stored here.

PropertyName: AbacusProjektnummerExpression. StringProperty.

Since the data goes from Vertec to Abacus, Vertec needs to know the next address, account receivable, and receivable document numbers to use. These must be stored in the following system settings and must match the settings in Abacus:

  • Abaco’s nearest address number. PropertyName: AbacusNextAdressNumber. IntegerProperty.
  • Abaco’s next debit posting number. PropertyName: AbacusNextBelegNumber. IntegerProperty.
  • Abaco’s next customer number. PropertyName: AbacusNextKundenNumber. IntegerProperty.

The numbers are automatically incremented. However, if a value is changed in Abacus, e.g. a new address is created, the value must be adjusted manually in Vertec.

Abacus Credit Cost Center2 Expression: Here you can specify an OCL expression. This refers to the project of the posted invoice, the result is then passed as credit KST2 for each posting line. Since credit KST2 is an account, the result must be an integer. The expression is interpreted directly as OCL and therefore does not have to be enclosed in % symbols.

PropertyName: AbacusProjektnummerExpression. StringProperty.

Receivable postings Cancellation method: Sets whether Vertec should use the cancellation or internal credit option when cancelling receivables. This setting can be changed during operation.

PropertyName: Stornierungsmethode. SelectProperty.

FAR Client: Business areas in Abacus only concern transaction data (postings), not root data (personal account). In Vertec, business areas are implemented in such a way that they are a property of the personal account. This means that a personal account knows which business area it should post to and always posts to the same business area. Cross-department posting is not currently supported. The business area must be entered following the client’s code with a hyphen. Therefore, if a personal account is to be posted in business area 10 of the client 7777, the entry must read 7777-10.

PropertyName: DatenbankFibu. StringProperty.

At the project type and project level, this setting can be overridden if necessary under Accounting > FAR connection.

Use invoice number as Abacus document number: If this property is set to Ja, the invoice number is used as the posting number. The number ranges in Abacus for invoice numbers and posting numbers must be identical in this case. If QR from Vertec is used, this setting must be set to Yes. The invoice number is passed in the reference number. In order for Abacus to assign invoices when reading payments from post/bank, the document number in Abacus must be the invoice number in Vertec.

PropertyName: AbacusUseRechnungBelegnummer. BooleanProperty.

Files from vertec

Vertec writes its accounting data into running work files, which are stored in the Abacus XML file path mentioned above. Work files are always client specific and are called for example: DEBI_7777.xml. This is a file with debtor data for the client 7777. These files may not be modified by the user.

Before you can read the data into Abacus, the posting file must be completed. To do this, click on Menu Actions > Abacus receivables Complete posting file. This command converts the data from the working file into import files with the preceding timestamp. These files are no longer modified by Vertec and can be read into Abacus. When subsequent posting commands are repeated in Vertec, Vertec automatically creates new working files.

Importing data into abacus

In Abacus, the data is read in the program 625. The import files contain the client information. If an attempt is made to read data from outside the client into a client, Abacus reports an error. Abacus generates an error log during the import. If errors are reported, the corresponding data in Vertec and / or Abacus must be corrected by the customer and the failed accounting command must be entered again.

Vertec delivers the EZ procedure from version onwards (PaymentOrderProcedure) based on the Vertec payment type used. The allocation is based on:

  • In Abacus, a suitable EC procedure must be defined, whose deposit account is linked to the payment account (IBAN) must correspond.
  • The Code of the payment type in Vertec must correspond to the number of the TR procedure in Abacus. If the code is not numeric, no TR procedure will be passed.
  • Vertec determines the payment type based on the payment account. If an IBAN is defined, we search for the payment type based on this IBAN. If a payment type is found, the EZ procedure is set in Abacus.

Street and house number

Since version 2021, Abacus has introduced a separation of street and house number in the addresses. Therefore, since Vertec version, the addresses of contacts in Vertec with separate street and house number are exported to Abacus. The following examples are supported:

  • Musterstrasse 123: Musterstrasse and 123
  • Musterstrasse 123a: Musterstrasse and 123a
  • Musterstrasse 123.1: Musterstrasse and 123.1
  • Musterstrasse 123abc.1: Musterstrasse and 123abc.1
  • Muster Hausen-Strasse 123: Muster Hausen-Strasse and 123
  • Pattern Hausen-Strasse: Pattern Hausen-Strasse and NULL
  • 1st pattern Hausen-Strasse: 1st pattern Hausen-Strasse and NULL

The first two rows and from version all rows for the street and PO box address are taken into account.

Mailbox addresses are sensibly divided into mailbox text and mailbox number. The following keywords are supported:

  • P.O. Box
  • Apartado postal
  • Post office box
  • Case postale
  • Casella postale
  • Box
  • Postbus
  • P.O. Box

Country Code Used

The Abacus interfaces have a built-in mapping table to determine the country code to be used for posting. This table allows plain text country names in Vertec address entries to be converted to the country abbreviations used by Abacus (e.g. Switzerland = CH). Currently, the mapping table contains entries for Switzerland, Germany, Italy and France.

If a country is not in this table, the extension from Vertec uses the country on the address directly as the country code for the extension. It is therefore necessary to ensure that the country is a valid Abacus country code. If the country is empty, CH is used.

Example default country code:

  • empty: CH is passed (default value)
  • DE or DEU: DE is passed (in mapping table)
  • AT: not in Vertec mapping table, but in Abacus
  • OE: gives Abacus error because not known in Abacus

Possible error in the abacus error log

If the invoice number has already been imported, the following message appears in the Abacus Logfile:

      Beleg-Mutationen noch nicht freigegeben

This can be the case for cancellation and subsequent correction. The correct procedure is: cancel the posting, reverse Vertec invoice charge and make sure that the invoice receives the next correct invoice number. This is done either by deleting and creating the invoice again or, if you want to continue using the existing invoice, by manually setting the next invoice number (in this case, the Next invoice number must be set accordingly in the system settings invoice). Charge and post this invoice.

Files from abacus

To be able to select person accounts, accounts and cost centers from Abacus in Vertec, they must be exported to Abacus and the files with the correct name must be stored in the Abacus XML file path mentioned above.

Person Accounts

  • Filename: customers.xml
  • Export: Program 625, version 2012


  • File name: accounts.txt
  • Export: Program 425, press the cursor in the field number F4, a list of accounts appears. At the bottom of the window the data can be exported to a file. The columns must correspond to the default setting of Abacus.

Cost Units

  • Filename: costcenters.txt
  • Export: Program 426, press the cursor in the field number F4, a list of cost units appears. At the bottom of the window the data can be exported to a file. The columns must correspond to the default setting of Abacus.

Importing data into vertec

If these files are in the directory, the values in Vertec can be selected in the corresponding fields:

The data is client-specific. Vertec does not take the client into account when reading this data. Please make sure that the files used refer to the correct client before using them.

Payment Import

To perform a payment reconciliation, the payments must be exported to Abacus and the file with the correct name must be stored in the Abacus XML file path mentioned above.

  • Filename: payments.xml
  • Export: Program 625, version 2012

The data is client-specific. In Vertec, the client is taken into account when reading this data, if it is provided. In order to provide the client, the checkbox Export client number can be selected in the program 625, under Export > Settings. Vertec recommends doing this.

The payment reconciliation can then be imported into Vertec as described in the article Payment reconciliation with Vertec.