Complete history of all activities related to projects or cases
Several people often work on customer projects or cases. And different people are also in contact with suppliers over the years. A complete activity history with entries of all contact persons is essential for successful CRM. Not only does this increase the quality of communication. Other Advantages include:
Activities are entered on (sub-)projects or cases and are used to manage events, tasks, follow-ups and documents. Contact with customers, clients or suppliers is also entered as an activity. This creates a complete history of all events. Outlook Integration Embedding emails into this history is particularly easy.
Activity types are used to categorize activities and can be customized individually. By default, activity types such as support, sales, customer enquiries and others are offered. Activities can then be filtered using the activity types. Very useful to view, for example, the latest support cases or customer enquiries.
In addition to the history, i.e. the look into the past, open/pending activities are of interest. This means that every employee in the company can see his/her up to date open activities with a single click. Filter by “To date” is just as possible as filtering by activity types.
Module “Services & CRM”
Contacts and companies, Outlook Integration
You can document your appointments in Vertec. To do this, create activities and assign them to a project, a company or a contact. If necessary, you can create tasks with a due date and a responsible user.
Yes, with the Vertec Outlook App, you can assign mails directly to projects or contacts. These are linked in Vertec and automatically saved in the document storage.
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