Cloud Abo
Leistung & CRM
Budget & Teilprojekt
Business Intelligence
A set of features that can be enabled and provide access to different aspects of Vertec
Name | Type | Description |
AdditionalFields | Enum | AdditionalFields description |
AddressPair | Enum | Create pairs |
Approvals | Enum | Approvals description |
Benchmarking | Enum | Benchmarking description |
BenchmarkingReports | Enum | BenchmarkingReports description |
BudgetChanges | Enum | BudgetChanges description |
ClassSettingsExtensions | Enum | ClassSettingsExtensions description |
CommunicationMeans | Enum | Define new means of communication |
Constraints | Enum | Constraints description |
Currency | Enum | Currency description |
CustomLinks | Enum | CustomLinks description |
FolderIx | Enum | FolderIx description |
Generators | Enum | Generators description |
InvoiceManipulation | Enum | InvoiceManipulation description |
LanguageNew | Enum | LanguageNew description |
LinkTypes | Enum | LinkTypes description |
Phases | Enum | Phases description |
PhasesStatus | Enum | PhasesStatus description |
ProcessorBudget | Enum | ProcessorBudget description |
ProcessorDebtor | Enum | ProcessorDebtor description |
ProjectBudget | Enum | ProjectBudget description |
ProjectType | Enum | ProjectType description |
ProjectTypeProduct | Enum | ProjectTypeProduct description |
PurchasePositions | Enum | PurchasePositions description |
Purchases | Enum | Purchases description |
Resources | Enum | Resources description |
RightsExpressions | Enum | RightsExpressions description |
Salary | Enum | Salary description |
ScriptEntry | Enum | ScriptEntry description |
ServiceTypePhaseLink | Enum | ServiceTypePhaseLink description |
SubfolderCompare | Enum | SubfolderCompare description |
Subphases | Enum | Subphases description |
TeamleaderSubstitute | Enum | TeamleaderSubstitute description |
UnitService | Enum | UnitService description |